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Of goats, monuments and men: George Jeffery and the early management of Waqf-owned medieval monuments in British Cyprus (2024)
Book Chapter
Basri, P. (in press). Of goats, monuments and men: George Jeffery and the early management of Waqf-owned medieval monuments in British Cyprus. In L. Crewe, A. Reeve, & T. Kiely (Eds.), Empire and excavation. Critical perspectives on archaeology in British-period Cyprus, 1878–1960 (183-199). Sidestone Press Academics.

Despite spending his early life as a domestic and ecclesiastical architect, George Jeffery (1855–1935) is most famous for his impressively long tenure as the first Curator of Ancient Monuments in Cyprus. Chiefly interested in medieval architecture, f... Read More about Of goats, monuments and men: George Jeffery and the early management of Waqf-owned medieval monuments in British Cyprus.

Research Methods for Law and Gender (2024)
Book Chapter
Milne, E., & Bows, H. (2024). Research Methods for Law and Gender. In M. McConville, & W. H. Chui (Eds.), Research Methods for Law. (3rd ed.). Edinburgh University Press

This chapter will provide an introduction to some of the research methods and approaches used in the study of law and gender, in its widest sense. Although ‘traditional’ legal research methods including doctrinal analysis, case law report analysis ar... Read More about Research Methods for Law and Gender.

Foreword (2024)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (in press). Foreword. In Arctic State Identity: Geography, History, and Geopolitical Relations, by Ingrid A. Medby. Manchester University Press

This book sets out to answer what it means to hold a formal title as one of the eight 'Arctic states'; is there such a thing as an Arctic state identity, and if so, what does this mean for state personnel? It charts the thoughtful reflections and sto... Read More about Foreword.

Foreword (2024)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (in press). Foreword. In Marine Geography: Ocean Space and Sense of Place. Elsevier

Finite fracture mechanics fracture criterion for free edge delamination (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Burhan, M., Scalici, T., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalonotti, G. (2024, July). Finite fracture mechanics fracture criterion for free edge delamination. Presented at 21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21), Nantes, France

Overlapping improved element-free Galerkin and finite element methods for the solution of non-linear transient heat conduction problems with concentrated moving heat sources (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alvarez-Hostos, J. C., & Ullah, Z. (2024, April). Overlapping improved element-free Galerkin and finite element methods for the solution of non-linear transient heat conduction problems with concentrated moving heat sources. Presented at UK Association for Computational Mechanics Conference (UKACM2024), Durham, UK

International Business and SDG 8 - Exploring the Relationship between IB and Society (2024)
Sinkovics, N., Sinkovics, R. R., Boussebaa, M., & Fletcher, M. (Eds.). (2024). International Business and SDG 8 - Exploring the Relationship between IB and Society. Palgrave Macmillan.

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 aims to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. The twelve associated targets call for action in a number of interconnected domains... Read More about International Business and SDG 8 - Exploring the Relationship between IB and Society.

Nachwort (2024)
Book Chapter
Bohlander, M. (2024). Nachwort. In Die kosmische Krise - Warum Außeriridische uns nicht retten werden by Daniel Gerritzen (303-306). Matthes & Seitz

A Comparative Approach to the Study of Cumulative Cultural Evolution: Where Are We Now, and Where Do We Go? (2024)
Journal Article
Vale, G. L., & Rawlings, B. S. (2024). A Comparative Approach to the Study of Cumulative Cultural Evolution: Where Are We Now, and Where Do We Go?. Comparative cognition & behavior reviews, 19, 97-103.

Evidence for cumulative cultural evolution (CCE) in nonhumans remains rare. Here, we suggest that this results partly from methodological challenges involved in comparative CCE. We discuss two core challenges researchers in the field face: our sample... Read More about A Comparative Approach to the Study of Cumulative Cultural Evolution: Where Are We Now, and Where Do We Go?.

SYCL compute kernels for ExaHyPE (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Loi, C. M., Bockhorst, H., & Weinzierl, T. (2024, March). SYCL compute kernels for ExaHyPE. Presented at 2024 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP), Baltimore, MD

We discuss three SYCL realisations of a simple Finite Volume scheme over multiple Cartesian patches. The realisation flavours differ in the way how they map the compute steps onto loops and tasks: We compare an implementation that is exclusively usin... Read More about SYCL compute kernels for ExaHyPE.

Byblos During the Chalcolithic Period (2024)
Book Chapter
Badreshany, K. (2024). Byblos During the Chalcolithic Period. In National Museum of Antiquities (the Netherlands), & Ministry of Culture/Directorate General of Antiquities (Lebanon) (Eds.), Byblos: A Legacy Unearthed (53-58). Sidestone Press.

Evidence for domestic settlement during the Chalcolithic is scant at Byblos, in contrast to the remarkable number of richly adorned jar burials attributed to the period (Artin, this volume). The Chalcolithic as defined by Levantine archaeologists is... Read More about Byblos During the Chalcolithic Period.