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An empirical analysis of participation in international environmental agreements (2023)
Journal Article
Bellelli, F. S., Scarpa, R., & Aftab, A. (2023). An empirical analysis of participation in international environmental agreements. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 118, Article 102783.

This study investigates the determinants of participation in environmental agreements, with a special focus on lobbying and regional agreements. To this end, we collated the largest ratification dataset in the literature and identified all countries... Read More about An empirical analysis of participation in international environmental agreements.

Between-group variation in production of pant-grunt vocalizations by wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) (2023)
Journal Article
Schamberg, I., Clay, Z., Townsend, S. W., & Surbeck, M. (2023). Between-group variation in production of pant-grunt vocalizations by wild bonobos (Pan paniscus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77(1), Article 14.

The potential for aggression is inherent in social interaction, and strategies to reduce the costs of aggression are ubiquitous among group-living animals. One strategy employed by lower-ranking individuals in a variety of species is the production o... Read More about Between-group variation in production of pant-grunt vocalizations by wild bonobos (Pan paniscus).

Global patterns of climate change impacts on desert bird communities (2023)
Journal Article
Ma, L., Conradie, S. R., Crawford, C. L., Gardner, A. S., Kearney, M. R., Maclean, I. M. D., …Wilcove, D. S. (2023). Global patterns of climate change impacts on desert bird communities. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 211.

The world’s warm deserts are predicted to experience disproportionately large temperature increases due to climate change, yet the impacts on global desert biodiversity remain poorly understood. Because species in warm deserts live close to their phy... Read More about Global patterns of climate change impacts on desert bird communities.

Recognition theory: a new lens for investigating language differences in multilingual organisations (2023)
Book Chapter
Johansson, M., & Śliwa, M. (2023). Recognition theory: a new lens for investigating language differences in multilingual organisations. In P. Lecomte, M. Vigier, C. Gaibrois, & B. Beeler (Eds.), Understanding the Dynamics of Language and Multilingualism in Professional Contexts (13-29). Edward Elgar Publishing.

This chapter introduces a new theoretical perspective to language-sensitive IB research. We draw on recognition theory to critically examine languages and multilingualism in relation to power, status, privilege and marginalisation in organisations. W... Read More about Recognition theory: a new lens for investigating language differences in multilingual organisations.

Concentration-Dependent Domain Evolution in Reaction–Diffusion Systems (2023)
Journal Article
Krause, A. L., Gaffney, E. A., & Walker, B. J. (2023). Concentration-Dependent Domain Evolution in Reaction–Diffusion Systems. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85(14),

Pattern formation has been extensively studied in the context of evolving (time-dependent) domains in recent years, with domain growth implicated in ameliorating problems of pattern robustness and selection, in addition to more realistic modelling in... Read More about Concentration-Dependent Domain Evolution in Reaction–Diffusion Systems.

Detection of acetone vapours using solution-processed tin oxide thin-film transistors (2023)
Journal Article
Miller, L. R., Borthwick, R. J., dos Santos, P. L., & Chaudhry, M. U. (2023). Detection of acetone vapours using solution-processed tin oxide thin-film transistors. MRS Advances, 8, 440–445.

Abnormal concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in human breathe can be used as disease-specific biomarkers for the non-invasive diagnosis of medical conditions, such as acetone for diabetes. Solution-processed bottom gate top contact me... Read More about Detection of acetone vapours using solution-processed tin oxide thin-film transistors.

μSR investigation of magnetism in κ−(ET)2X : Antiferromagnetism (2023)
Journal Article
Huddart, B., Lancaster, T., Blundell, S., Guguchia, Z., Taniguchi, H., Clark, S., & Pratt, F. (2023). μSR investigation of magnetism in κ−(ET)2X : Antiferromagnetism. Physical Review Research, 5(1), Article 013015.

We study magnetism in the κ-(ET)2X family of charge-transfer salts using implanted muon spectroscopy in conjunction with detailed ab initio electronic structure calculations using density functional theory (DFT). ET stands for the electron donor mole... Read More about μSR investigation of magnetism in κ−(ET)2X : Antiferromagnetism.

Persistent topology of the reionization bubble network – II. Evolution and classification (2023)
Journal Article
Elbers, W., & van de Weygaert, R. (2023). Persistent topology of the reionization bubble network – II. Evolution and classification. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(2), 2709-2726.

We study the topology of the network of ionized and neutral regions that characterized the intergalactic medium during the Epoch of Reionization. Our analysis uses the formalism of persistent homology, which offers a highly intuitive and comprehensiv... Read More about Persistent topology of the reionization bubble network – II. Evolution and classification.

Muon Imaging of Volcanic Conduit Explains Link Between Eruption Frequency and Ground Deformation (2023)
Journal Article
Oláh, L., Gallo, G., Hamar, G., Kamoshida, O., Leone, G., Llewellin, E. W., Lo Presti, D., Nyitrai, G., Ohminato, T., Ohno, S., Tanaka, H. K., & Varga, D. (2023). Muon Imaging of Volcanic Conduit Explains Link Between Eruption Frequency and Ground Deformation. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(2), Article e2022GL101170.

Understanding the physical mechanism of ground deformation at a volcano supports the use of deformation data as a monitoring tool. An inverse correlation was observed between eruption frequency and ground deformation of Sakurajima volcano from Novemb... Read More about Muon Imaging of Volcanic Conduit Explains Link Between Eruption Frequency and Ground Deformation.

Planes of Satellites around Simulated Disk Galaxies. II. Time-persistent Planes of Kinematically Coherent Satellites in ΛCDM (2023)
Journal Article
Santos-Santos, I., Gámez-Marín, M., Domínguez-Tenreiro, R., Tissera, P. B., Bignone, L., Pedrosa, S. E., Artal, H., Gómez-Flechoso, M. Á., Rufo-Pastor, V., Martínez-Serrano, F., & Serna, A. (2023). Planes of Satellites around Simulated Disk Galaxies. II. Time-persistent Planes of Kinematically Coherent Satellites in ΛCDM. Astrophysical Journal, 942(2), Article 78.

We use two zoom-in ΛCDM hydrodynamical simulations of massive disk galaxies to study the possible existence of fixed satellite groups showing a kinematically coherent behavior across evolution (angular momentum conservation and clustering). We identi... Read More about Planes of Satellites around Simulated Disk Galaxies. II. Time-persistent Planes of Kinematically Coherent Satellites in ΛCDM.

Care for Transactions (2023)
Journal Article
Bailey, A. J., Breines, M., Emmerson, P., Esson, J., Halvorsen, S., Hope, J. C., Joronen, M., Koh, S. Y., Krishnan, S., Lai, K., McFarlane, C., McLean, J., Reid, L., & Sparke, M. (2023). Care for Transactions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48(1), 2-8.

In this editorial we ask key questions about what it means to publish ‘a journal’ in a world of publishing which is driven by individual article metrics and online access. Seeing the value of journals as venues for intellectual debate, we therefore s... Read More about Care for Transactions.

Hensley Henson and the appointment of bishops: state, church and nation in England, 1917–1920 and Beyond (2023)
Journal Article
Williamson, P. (2023). Hensley Henson and the appointment of bishops: state, church and nation in England, 1917–1920 and Beyond. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 74(2), 325-348.

The nomination of Hensley Henson as bishop of Hereford in 1917 provoked a famous ecclesiastical controversy, the ‘Hereford scandal’, which threatened a split within the Church of England and a crisis between the Church and the State. The point of con... Read More about Hensley Henson and the appointment of bishops: state, church and nation in England, 1917–1920 and Beyond.

How quickly do we learn new faces in everyday life? Neurophysiological evidence for face identity learning after a brief real-life encounter (2023)
Journal Article
Popova, T., & Wiese, H. (2023). How quickly do we learn new faces in everyday life? Neurophysiological evidence for face identity learning after a brief real-life encounter. Cortex, 159, 205-216.

Faces learnt in a single experimental session elicit a familiarity effect in event-related brain potentials (ERPs), with more negative amplitudes for newly learnt relative to unfamiliar faces in the N250 component. However, no ERP study has examined... Read More about How quickly do we learn new faces in everyday life? Neurophysiological evidence for face identity learning after a brief real-life encounter.

Self-assembled nanoparticles based on cationic mono-/AIE tetra-nuclear Ir(III) complexes: long wavelength absorption/near-infrared emission photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy (2023)
Journal Article
Wang, Z., Li, L., Wang, W., Wang, R., Li, G., Bian, H., Zhu, D., & Bryce, M. R. (2023). Self-assembled nanoparticles based on cationic mono-/AIE tetra-nuclear Ir(III) complexes: long wavelength absorption/near-infrared emission photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy. Dalton Transactions, 52(6), 1595-1601.

Cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes as photosensitizers (PSs) have attracted widespread attention because of their good photostability and efficient 1O2 production ability. However, their strong absorption in the UV-vis region severely limits their appl... Read More about Self-assembled nanoparticles based on cationic mono-/AIE tetra-nuclear Ir(III) complexes: long wavelength absorption/near-infrared emission photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy.

Graphitization by Metal Particles (2023)
Journal Article
Goldie, S. J., & Coleman, K. S. (2023). Graphitization by Metal Particles. ACS Omega, 8(3), 3278-3285.

Graphitization of carbon offers a promising route to upcycle waste biomass and plastics into functional carbon nanomaterials for a range of applications including energy storage devices. One challenge to the more widespread utilization of this techno... Read More about Graphitization by Metal Particles.

GhWRKY41 forms a positive feedback regulation loop and increases cotton defence response against Verticillium dahliae by regulating phenylpropanoid metabolism (2023)
Journal Article
Xiao, S., Hu, Q., Ye, Z., Si, H., Liu, S., Zhang, X., Wang, W., Yu, Y., Kong, J., Klosterman, S., Lindsey, K., Aierxi, A., & Zhu, L. (2023). GhWRKY41 forms a positive feedback regulation loop and increases cotton defence response against Verticillium dahliae by regulating phenylpropanoid metabolism. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 21(5), 961-978.

Despite the established significance of WRKY proteins and phenylpropanoid metabolism in plant immunity, how WRKY proteins modulate aspects of the phenylpropanoid pathway remains undetermined. To understand better the role of WRKY proteins in plant de... Read More about GhWRKY41 forms a positive feedback regulation loop and increases cotton defence response against Verticillium dahliae by regulating phenylpropanoid metabolism.

Knowing and learning: from Hirst to Ofsted (2023)
Journal Article
Davis, A. J. (2023). Knowing and learning: from Hirst to Ofsted. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 57(1), 214-226.

Hirst always highlighted knowledge when reflecting on the school curriculum. He replaced his early focus on liberal education, the development of mind and theoretical knowledge by emphasizing the practical and practices as a curriculum starting point... Read More about Knowing and learning: from Hirst to Ofsted.

The radio detection and accretion properties of the peculiar nuclear transient AT 2019avd (2023)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Baldi, R. D., del Palacio, S., Guolo, M., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., …Dai, L. (2023). The radio detection and accretion properties of the peculiar nuclear transient AT 2019avd. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(2), 2417–2435.

AT 2019avd is a nuclear transient detected from infrared to soft X-rays, though its nature is yet unclear. The source has shown two consecutive flaring episodes in the optical and the infrared bands, and its second flare was covered by X-ray monitori... Read More about The radio detection and accretion properties of the peculiar nuclear transient AT 2019avd.