The Knowledge-based Economy, Public Policy and Regional Development: Lessons from the North East of England.
Book Chapter
Hudson, R. (2008). The Knowledge-based Economy, Public Policy and Regional Development: Lessons from the North East of England. In Geophilia o sentir os sentidos da Geografia: Homenagem a Jorge Gaspar (475-488). CEG
All Outputs (2374)
Geographic overviews, Asia (South): Asia, South: Northwest Frontier and Kashmir region (MS 218). (2008)
Book Chapter
Coningham, R., & Manuel, M. (2008). Geographic overviews, Asia (South): Asia, South: Northwest Frontier and Kashmir region (MS 218). In D. Pearsall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology (733-745). Elsevier
Commentary on Chapter 10. (2008)
Book Chapter
Tymms, P. (2008). Commentary on Chapter 10. In P. Newton, J. Baird, H. Goldstein, H. Patrick, & P. (. Tymms (Eds.), Techniques for monitoring the comparability of examination standards (434-438). QCA
The Art and Heart of a Skilled Teacher: A Personal Reflection. (2008)
Book Chapter
Elliott, J. (2008). The Art and Heart of a Skilled Teacher: A Personal Reflection. In F. Pajares, & T. Urdan (Eds.), The Ones We Remember. Scholars Reflect on Teachers who made a Difference. Information Age Publishing
Researching residence and study abroad. (2008)
Book Chapter
Byram, M. (2008). Researching residence and study abroad. In S. Ehrenreich, G. Woodman, & M. Perrefort (Eds.), Auslandsaufenthalte in Schule und Studium. Bestanbdsaufnahme aus Forschung und Praxis (19-28). Waxman
Policing and Forensic Science (2008)
Book Chapter
Williams, R. (2008). Policing and Forensic Science. In T. Newburn (Ed.), Handbook of Policing (760-793). (2nd). Willan Publishing
Patents for Biotechnology and the Data Protection of Biological Samples and Shared Data. (2008)
Book Chapter
Beyleveld, D., & Taylor, M. J. (2008). Patents for Biotechnology and the Data Protection of Biological Samples and Shared Data. In J. Herveg (Ed.), The Protection of Medical Data: Challenges of the 21st Century (131-152). Anthemis: Louvain-la-Neuve
The European Community Directives on Data Protection and Clinical Trials. (2008)
Book Chapter
Beyleveld, D., & Sethe, S. (2008). The European Community Directives on Data Protection and Clinical Trials. In E. J. Emanuel, & et al. (Eds.), The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics (180-186). Oxford University Press, New York
Systematising the care of long-term conditions: the Year of Care model (2008)
Book Chapter
Degeling, P., Close, H., & Degeling, D. (2008). Systematising the care of long-term conditions: the Year of Care model. In A. Gray, P. Degeling, & H. Colebatch (Eds.), Changing clinical care: experiences and lessons of systemisation (113-132). Radcliffe Publishing
'Philip Larkin: A Late Modern Poet'. (2008)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2008). 'Philip Larkin: A Late Modern Poet'. In N. Corcoran (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century English Poetry (147-158). Cambridge University Press
Fieldwork as research process and community engagement (2008)
Book Chapter
Panter-Brick, C., & Eggerman, M. (2010). Fieldwork as research process and community engagement. In J. MacClancy, & A. Fuentes (Eds.), Centralizing fieldwork : critical perspectives from primatology, biological and social anthropology. Berghahn Journals
What can ethnography tell us about human social evolution? (2008)
Book Chapter
Layton, R. (2008). What can ethnography tell us about human social evolution?. In N. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar, & W. James (Eds.), Early human kinship: from sex to social reproduction (113-127). (1). Blackwell. reviews methods for reconstructing past behaviour from ethnography, compares chimpanzee and hunter-gatherer social behaviour, and rejects some hypotheses proposed by other authors in the same volume.
Early life effects on reproductive function. (2008)
Book Chapter
Núñez-de la Mora, A., & Bentley, G. (2008). Early life effects on reproductive function. In W. Trevathan, E. Smith, & J. McKenna (Eds.), Evolutionary Medicine and Health: New Perspectives (149-168). Oxford University Press
Discussion (2008)
Book Chapter
Mann, J., & Graves, C. (2008). Discussion. In J. Mann (Ed.), Finds from the Well at St Paul-in-the-Bail, Lincoln (79-92). Lincoln Archaeological Studies, Oxbow Books
On Interpreting the Mind of God: The Theological Significance of the Flood Narrative (Genesis 6-9). (2008)
Book Chapter
Moberly, R. (2008). On Interpreting the Mind of God: The Theological Significance of the Flood Narrative (Genesis 6-9). In J. Wagner, C. Rowe, & A. Grieb (Eds.), The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honor of Richard B. Hays (44-66). Eerdmans
Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: the Politics of Culture in Contemporary Nepal. (2008)
Book Chapter
Russell, A. (2008). Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: the Politics of Culture in Contemporary Nepal. In D. Gellner, J. Pfaff-Czarnecka, & J. Whelpton (Eds.), Nationalism and Ethnicity in Nepal. (New ed.). Vajra Books
Building Biographies: Graffiti, Architecture and People at the Hospitaller Preceptory at Ambel (Zaragoza), Spain (2008)
Book Chapter
Gerrard, C., & Dauber, R. (2008). Building Biographies: Graffiti, Architecture and People at the Hospitaller Preceptory at Ambel (Zaragoza), Spain. In J. Upton-Ward (Ed.), The Military Orders. Volume 4. On Land and by Sea (235-250). Ashgate Publishing
Feeling at home : children of lesbian-headed families telling their family stories in primary school settings (2008)
Book Chapter
Donovan, C. (2008). Feeling at home : children of lesbian-headed families telling their family stories in primary school settings. In E. Atkinson, & R. Palmer (Eds.), Invisible Boundaries. Trentham
Isaiah and Jesus: How Might the Old Testament Inform Contemporary Christology? (2008)
Book Chapter
Moberly, R. (2008). Isaiah and Jesus: How Might the Old Testament Inform Contemporary Christology?. In R. Hays, & B. Gaventa (Eds.), Seeking the Identity of Jesus: A Pilgrimage (232-248). Eerdmans
Doreen Massey 'For Space' (2005). (2008)
Book Chapter
Anderson, B. (2008). Doreen Massey 'For Space' (2005). In P. Hubbard, G. Valentine, & R. Kitchin (Eds.), Key Texts in Human Geography. SAGE Publications