PREMA: Evidence from Six Countries.
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Ridgway, J., & McCusker, S. (2008). PREMA: Evidence from Six Countries. In M. Chionidou-Moskofglou, A. Blunk, R. Siemprinska, Y. Solomon, & R. Tanzberger (Eds.), Promoting Equity in Maths Achievement - the current discussion (23-32). University of Barcelona
All Outputs (2374)
Interessi territoriali e prestigio dinastico. La Casa Savoia e la Corte di Roma durante il pontificato di Paolo V Borghese (2008)
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Osborne, T. (2008). Interessi territoriali e prestigio dinastico. La Casa Savoia e la Corte di Roma durante il pontificato di Paolo V Borghese. In A. Koller (Ed.), Die Außenbeziehungen der römischen Kurie unter Paul V. Borghese (1605-1621) (285-299). Niemeyer
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Waugh, P. (2008). Revising the Good: Iris Murdoch and the Two Cultures Debate.
Changes in risk factors for breast cancer in migrant women: An inter-generational comparison among Bangladeshis in the UK. (2008)
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Núñez-de la Mora, A., & Bentley, G. (2008). Changes in risk factors for breast cancer in migrant women: An inter-generational comparison among Bangladeshis in the UK. In C. Panter-Brick, & A. Fuentes (Eds.), Health, Risk and Adversity (129-149). Berghahn Press
Lookism', Common Schools, Respect and Democracy. (2008)
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Davis, A. (2008). Lookism', Common Schools, Respect and Democracy. In M. Halstead, & G. (. Haydon (Eds.), The Common School and the Comprehensive Ideal (306-321). Wiley
Domestic Geographies of Affect. (2008)
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Anderson, B. (2008). Domestic Geographies of Affect. In M. Greco, & P. Stenner (Eds.), Emotions. A Social Science Reader (201-205). Routledge
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Poulton, E., & Roderick, M. (2008). Introducing Sport in Films. In E. Poulton, & M. Roderick (Eds.), Sport in Films (xviii-xxvii). Routledge
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Schröder, M. (2008). Unfolded protein response. In J. Weil, D. Blumel, S. Malmoli, & J. Netting (Eds.), Yearbook of Science and Technology (356-360). McGraw-Hill
'ICT and the Gulf Arab States: A Force for Democracy?'. (2008)
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Murphy, E. (2008). 'ICT and the Gulf Arab States: A Force for Democracy?'. In A. Ehteshami, & S. Wright (Eds.), Reform in the Middle East Oil Monarchies (181-216). Ithaca
Brain Modules: Mosaic Evolution. (2008)
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Barton, R. (2008). Brain Modules: Mosaic Evolution. In L. Squire (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (389-394). Academic PressThe only plausible scientific explanation for the existence of what Charles Darwin termed ‘‘organs of extreme perfection and complication,’’ such as the brain, is that they evolved over millennia by natural selection. The human brain contains million... Read More about Brain Modules: Mosaic Evolution..
Northern North York Moors vegetation history to the middle Bronze Age. (2008)
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Innes, J. (2008). Northern North York Moors vegetation history to the middle Bronze Age. In B. Smith, & A. Walker (Eds.), Rock Art and Ritual. Interpreting the Prehistoric Landscapes of the North York Moors (147-150). Tempus
Le Spectateur au Palais-Royale et à l'Hôtel Guénégaud. (2008)
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Clarke, J. (2008). Le Spectateur au Palais-Royale et à l'Hôtel Guénégaud. In B. Louvat-Molozay, & F. Salaün (Eds.), Le Spectateur de théâtre à l'âge classique (66-77). L'Entretemps
Geography, Culture and Global Change. (2008)
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McEwan, C. (2008). Geography, Culture and Global Change. In P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw, & J. Sidaway (Eds.), Human Geography, Issues for the 21st Century (273-289). (3). Pearson
Representing complex data using localized principal components with application to astronomical data. (2008)
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Einbeck, J., Evers, L., & Bailer-Jones, C. (2008). Representing complex data using localized principal components with application to astronomical data. In A. Gorban, B. Kegl, D. Wunsch, & A. Zinovyev (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (180-204). Springer Verlag. the relation between the variables constituting a multivariate data space might be characterized by one or more of the terms: ``nonlinear'', ``branched'', ``disconnected'', ``bended'', ``curved'', ``heterogeneous'', or, more general, ``complex'... Read More about Representing complex data using localized principal components with application to astronomical data..
Trading Relations with the Eastern Mediterranean (2008)
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Wilson, P., & Gilbert, G. (2008). Trading Relations with the Eastern Mediterranean. In P. Kousoulis, & K. Magliveras (Eds.), Moving Across the Boders: Foreign Relations, Religion and Cultural Interactions in the Ancient Mediterranean (249-265). (New ed.). Peeters PublishersArchaeological evidence from Sais as evidence of trading in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 7th-6th century and the consumer market in Egypt.
Urbanization and epidemic disease (2008)
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Jakob, T. (2008). Urbanization and epidemic disease. In J. Byrne (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Plagues, Pestilence and Pandemics (737-742). Greenwood
Empowering nursing and patient centred healthcare through the systematisation of clinical work (2008)
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Close, H., & Scott, E. (2008). Empowering nursing and patient centred healthcare through the systematisation of clinical work. In A. Gray, P. Degeling, & H. Colebatch (Eds.), Changing clinical care : experiences and lessons of systemisation (42-54). Radcliffe Publishing
Sasanian Coins from ‘Uman and Bahrayn. (2008)
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Kennet, D. (2008). Sasanian Coins from ‘Uman and Bahrayn. In D. Kennet, & P. Luft (Eds.), Current Research in Sasanian Archaeology, Art & History. BAR International Series 1810: (55-64.)
The Fruits of Exile: Anglican Scholars and their French Books. (2008)
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Commentary on Chapter 8. (2008)
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