Three dimensional modeling of flow over a natural dune field in a large river with time evolving topography
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hardy, R., Parsons, D., Lane, S., Best, J., Orfeo, O., Kostaschuk, R., & Garlan, T. (2008, April). Three dimensional modeling of flow over a natural dune field in a large river with time evolving topography. Presented at Marine and River Dune Dynamics III, MARID2008 ; International Workshop,, Leeds, United Kingdom
All Outputs (2374)
Computing sharp 2-factors in claw-free graphs (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Broersma, H. J., & Paulusma, D. (2008, December). Computing sharp 2-factors in claw-free graphs. Presented at 33th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Toru´n, PolandIn a recently submitted paper we obtained an upper bound for the minimum number of components of a 2-factor in a claw-free graph. This bound is sharp in the sense that there exist infinitely many claw-free graphs for which the bound is tight. In this... Read More about Computing sharp 2-factors in claw-free graphs.
An optimal algorithm for the k-fixed-endpoint path cover on proper interval graphs (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mertzios, G., & Unger, W. (2008, May). An optimal algorithm for the k-fixed-endpoint path cover on proper interval graphs. Presented at 19th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA), Nagoya, Japan
The friendship problem on graphs (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mertzios, G., & Unger, W. (2008, May). The friendship problem on graphs. Presented at 1st International Conference on Relations, Orders and Graphs : Interaction with Computer Science (ROGICS), Mahdia, Tunisia
Threshold Concepts within the Disciplines (2008)
Land, R., Meyer, J., & Smith, J. (Eds.). (2008). Threshold Concepts within the Disciplines. Sense Publishers
Prehistoric Stamps: Theory and Experiments (2008)
Skeates, R., & Gheorghiu, D. (Eds.). (2008). Prehistoric Stamps: Theory and Experiments. Editura Universităţii din BucureştiThe wide-ranging and thought-provoking contributions to this volume raise a series of questions regarding archaeological studies of early stamps and, more generally, of ancient artefacts. My aim here is to highlight these questions, using a critical... Read More about Prehistoric Stamps: Theory and Experiments.
Health, Risk, and Adversity (2008)
Panter-Brick, C., & Fuentes, A. (Eds.). (2008). Health, Risk, and Adversity. Berghahn JournalsResearch on health involves evaluating the disparities that are systematically associated with the experience of risk, including genetic and physiological variation, environmental exposure to poor nutrition and disease, and social marginalization. Th... Read More about Health, Risk, and Adversity.
Judaistik und neutestamentliche Wissenschaft: Standorte – Grenzen – Beziehungen (2008)
Doering, L., Waubke, H.-G., & Wilk, F. (Eds.). (2008). Judaistik und neutestamentliche Wissenschaft: Standorte – Grenzen – Beziehungen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Music, Words, and Voice: a reader (2008)
Clayton, M. (Ed.). (2008). Music, Words, and Voice: a reader. Manchester University Press
Healthcare in the UK: Understanding continuity and Change (2008)
Greener, I. (2008). Healthcare in the UK: Understanding continuity and Change. Policy Press
Cosmos and Image in the Renaissance: French Love Lyric and Natural-Philosophical Poetry (2008)
Banks, K. (2008). Cosmos and Image in the Renaissance: French Love Lyric and Natural-Philosophical Poetry. LegendaRenaissance images could be real as well as linguistic. Human beings were often believed to be an image of the cosmos, and the sun an image of God. With Cosmos and Image in the Renaissance, Kathryn Banks explores the implications of this for poetic l... Read More about Cosmos and Image in the Renaissance: French Love Lyric and Natural-Philosophical Poetry.
Anti-Racist Social Work (2008)
Dominelli, L. (2008). Anti-Racist Social Work. (3rd ed.). Palgrave Macmillan
Urdu Translation of International Classification of Diseases (ICD10): Research Diagnostic Criteria for Psychistric Disorders (RDC) (2008)
Naeem, F., Saeed, A., Zaidi, Q., & Ayub, M. (2008). Urdu Translation of International Classification of Diseases (ICD10): Research Diagnostic Criteria for Psychistric Disorders (RDC). (10). Lahore Institute of Research and Development
Convergence in Shareholder Law (2008)
Siems, M. (2008). Convergence in Shareholder Law. Cambridge University Press