Bayes linear adjustment for variance matrices.
Book Chapter
Goldstein, M., & Wilkinson, D. (1992). Bayes linear adjustment for variance matrices. In J. Bernardo, J. Berger, A. Dawid, & A. Smith (Eds.), Bayesian statistics 4. Proceedings of the Fourth Valencia International Meeting: Dedicated to the memory of Morris H. DeGroot, 1931-1989: April 15-20, 1991 (791-799). Oxford University Press
All Outputs (288)
Aristotelian Natures and the Modern Experimental Method (1992)
Book Chapter
Cartwright, N. (1992). Aristotelian Natures and the Modern Experimental Method. In J. Earman (Ed.), Inference, Explanation and Other Philosophical Frustrations. University of California Press
The Canon (1992)
Book Chapter
Waugh, P. (1992). The Canon. In D. E. Cooper (Ed.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Blackwell
Inventions of Intellectual History: Herman Rapaport's Heidegger and Derrida (1992)
Book Chapter
Clark, T. (1992). Inventions of Intellectual History: Herman Rapaport's Heidegger and Derrida. In Deconstruction in Finland and Afterwords (125-133)
Modernism, Postmodernism, Feminism : Gender and Autonomy Theory (1992)
Book Chapter
Waugh, P. (1992). Modernism, Postmodernism, Feminism : Gender and Autonomy Theory. In Postmodernism : A Reader. Edward Arnold
Social welfare as a dimension of regional development. (1992)
Book Chapter
Curtis, S. (1992). Social welfare as a dimension of regional development. In P. Townroe, & R. Martin (Eds.), Regional Development in the 1990s: The British Isles in Transition (251-256). Regional Science Association
The concept of sanctity in Dunstan’s England (1992)
Book Chapter
Rollason, D. (1992). The concept of sanctity in Dunstan’s England. In N. Ramsay, M. Sparks, & T. Tatton-Brown (Eds.), in St Dunstan his Life, Times and Cult (261-72). Boydell & Brewer
US Banking in the Free Banking Period (1992)
Book Chapter
Dowd, K. (1992). US Banking in the Free Banking Period. In K. Dowd (Ed.), The Experience of Free Banking (206-240). Routledge
Exit policy: problems and options. (1992)
Book Chapter
Saha, B. (1992). Exit policy: problems and options. In Indian Merchants' Chamber and Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (91-108)
’Byron’, ‘Scott’, and L’Étendard Culturel: Le Romantisme’ (1992)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1992). ’Byron’, ‘Scott’, and L’Étendard Culturel: Le Romantisme’. In A. Benoit-Dusausoy, & G. Fontaine (Eds.), La Première Moitié du XIXe Siècle, Lettres Europeénes: Histoire de la Littérature Europeén (554-563, 598-602). Hachette
The X ray variability of AGN and the anomalous behavior of NGC6814 (1992)
Done, C., Madejski, G., Mushotzky, R., Turner, T., Koyama, K., & Kunieda, H. (1992). The X ray variability of AGN and the anomalous behavior of NGC6814. [No known commissioning body]
The broad-band X ray spectral variability of MKN 841 (1992)
George, I., Nandra, K., Fabian, A., Turner, T., Done, C., & Day, C. (1992). The broad-band X ray spectral variability of MKN 841. [No known commissioning body]
Monte Carlo simulations of field and carrier density-dependent hole transport in an InGaAs/GaAs strained layer quantum well. (1992)
Journal Article
Kelsall, R., & Abram, R. (1992). Monte Carlo simulations of field and carrier density-dependent hole transport in an InGaAs/GaAs strained layer quantum well. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 7, 312-B315
An ionized accretion disk in Cygnus X-1 (1992)
Journal Article
Done, C., Mulchaey, J., Mushotzky, R., & Arnaud, K. (1992). An ionized accretion disk in Cygnus X-1. Astrophysical Journal, 395, 275-288.
Imaging polarimetry of the galaxy NGC 4151 - Further constraints on the geometry of the narrow emission line region (1992)
Journal Article
Draper, P., Gledhill, T., Scarrott, S., & Tadhunter, C. (1992). Imaging polarimetry of the galaxy NGC 4151 - Further constraints on the geometry of the narrow emission line region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 257, 309-316.
Testing National Curriculum Mathematics: Some critical comments on the treatment of 'real' contexts for mathematics (1992)
Journal Article
Cooper, B. (1992). Testing National Curriculum Mathematics: Some critical comments on the treatment of 'real' contexts for mathematics. The Curriculum Journal, 3(3), 231-243.
The spectral signature of the cooling flow in Abell 478 (1992)
Journal Article
Johnstone, R., Fabian, A., Edge, A., & Thomas, P. (1992). The spectral signature of the cooling flow in Abell 478. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 255, 431-440.
Excitation and charge transfer in He⁺-H collisions (1992)
Journal Article
Jackson, D., Slim, H., Bransden, B., & Flower, D. (1992). Excitation and charge transfer in He⁺-H collisions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 25, L127-L130.
Book-Review - Observational Tests of Cosmological Inflation (1992)
Journal Article
Shanks, T., Banday, A., Ellis, R., Frenk, C., & Wolfendale, A. (1992). Book-Review - Observational Tests of Cosmological Inflation
Angle-dispersive powder-diffraction techniques for crystal structure refinement at high pressure (1992)
Journal Article
Nelmes, R., Hatton, P., McMahon, M., Piltz, R., Crain, J., Cernik, R., & Bushnell-Wye, G. (1992). Angle-dispersive powder-diffraction techniques for crystal structure refinement at high pressure. Review of Scientific Instruments, 63, 1039-1042