Disentangling X-ray Reprocessing Sites in EXO 0748-676
Hynes, R., Haswell, C., Robinson, E., Horne, K., O'Brien, K., Charles, P., King, A., Rolfe, D., & Sion, E. (2004). Disentangling X-ray Reprocessing Sites in EXO 0748-676
All Outputs (15)
Rapid Keck Spectroscopy of Cataclysmic Variables (2004)
Skidmore, W., Horne, K., Pearson, K., Gomer, R., O'Brien, K., Oke, B., & Sion, E. (2004). Rapid Keck Spectroscopy of Cataclysmic Variables
High Speed Keck Spectroscopy of Flickering in AM Her (2004)
Skidmore, W., Gomer, R., Horne, K., O'Brien, K., Oke, B., Pearson, K., & Cropper, M. (2004). High Speed Keck Spectroscopy of Flickering in AM Her
Bowen Fluorescence from Companion Stars in X-ray Binaries (2004)
Casares, J., Steeghs, D., Hynes, R., Charles, P., Cornelisse, R., O'Brien, K., & Sion, E. (2004). Bowen Fluorescence from Companion Stars in X-ray Binaries
Problem-based Learning in 'culture, Place and Planning. (2004)
Abram, S., & Booth, P. (2004). Problem-based Learning in 'culture, Place and Planning
'James Joyce'. (2004)
Nash, J. (2004). 'James Joyce'
Decision Making with Imprecise Probabilities: A Short Review (2004)
Troffaes, M. C. (2004). Decision Making with Imprecise Probabilities: A Short Review
'Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood' and 'Samuel Palmer'. (2004)
Wootton, S. (2004). 'Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood' and 'Samuel Palmer'
Diagenesis and geochemistry of Upper Muschelkalk (Triassic) build-ups and associated facies in Catalonia (NE Spain): a paper dedicated to Francesc Calvet. (2004)
Tucker, M., & Marshall, J. (2004). Diagenesis and geochemistry of Upper Muschelkalk (Triassic) build-ups and associated facies in Catalonia (NE Spain): a paper dedicated to Francesc Calvet
Triple bottom line reporting. (2004)
Adams, C. (2004). Triple bottom line reporting
Inside from the Start (on Ken Smith) (2004)
Batchelor, P. (2004). Inside from the Start (on Ken Smith)
Voluntary guidelines: are they enough to sustain the environment? (2004)
Zutshi, A., & Adams, C. (2004). Voluntary guidelines: are they enough to sustain the environment?
'Globalalia' (2004)
Wishart, T. (2004). 'Globalalia'. [DVD/CD]Voices in 26 languages were collected from the airwaves, and cut into over 8300 spoken syllables. These were organized in a database and then used to create a series of 20+ short movements each exploring the possibilities of one (or two) syllabic typ... Read More about 'Globalalia'.
Medieval pottery production in England: a new gazetteer (2004)
Marter, P., & Gerrard, C. (2004). Medieval pottery production in England: a new gazetteer
Wetwang: dietary equalities in an Iron Age population (2004)
Jay, M. (2004). Wetwang: dietary equalities in an Iron Age populationHuman and animal bone samples have been taken from the Iron Age population at Wetwang Slack in East Yorkshire in order to analyse the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen from extracted collagen. The resulting data are interpreted in relation to di... Read More about Wetwang: dietary equalities in an Iron Age population.