Some ideas and reflections on teaching 'ideas' in geography.
Journal Article
Richards, K., Watson, E., Bulkeley, H., & Powell, R. (2002). Some ideas and reflections on teaching 'ideas' in geography. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 26(1), 33-47
All Outputs (1142)
Urban air quality in north-east England: Exploring the influences on local views and perceptions. (2002)
Journal Article
Howel, D., Moffatt, S., Prince, H., Bush, J., & Dunn, C. (2002). Urban air quality in north-east England: Exploring the influences on local views and perceptions. Risk Analysis, 22(1), 121-130
Emotion-specific clues to the neural substrate of empathy. (2002)
Journal Article
Atkinson, A. (2002). Emotion-specific clues to the neural substrate of empathy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25(1), only alluded to by Preston & de Waal (P&deW) indicates the disproportionate involvement of some brain regions in the perception and experience of certain emotions. This suggests that the neural substrate of primitive emotional contagion has... Read More about Emotion-specific clues to the neural substrate of empathy..
Feedback from V1 and inhibition from beyond the classical receptive field modulates the responses of neurons in the primate lateral geniculate nucleus (2002)
Journal Article
Webb, B., Tinsley, C., Barraclough, N., Easton, A., Parker, A., & Derrington, A. (2002). Feedback from V1 and inhibition from beyond the classical receptive field modulates the responses of neurons in the primate lateral geniculate nucleus. Visual Neuroscience, 19, 583-592It is well established that the responses of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) can be modulated by feedback from visual cortex, but it is still unclear how cortico-geniculate afferents regulate the flow of visual information to the cort... Read More about Feedback from V1 and inhibition from beyond the classical receptive field modulates the responses of neurons in the primate lateral geniculate nucleus.
Estimating individual discount rates in Denmark : A field experiment (2002)
Journal Article
Harrison, G., Lau, M., & Williams, M. (2002). Estimating individual discount rates in Denmark : A field experiment. American Economic Review, 92(5), 1606-1617.
Euconodont paleobiogeography and the closure of the Iapetus Ocean (2002)
Journal Article
Armstrong, H. A., & Owen, A. (2002). Euconodont paleobiogeography and the closure of the Iapetus Ocean. Geology, 30(12), 1091-1094. coefficients of similarity between Laurentia and Avalonian euconodont shelf faunas show a progressive decrease in endemism through the Late Ordovician to Early Silurian, consistent with the northward drift of Avalonia toward Laurentia. As Ava... Read More about Euconodont paleobiogeography and the closure of the Iapetus Ocean.
Groundwater vulnerability: interactions of chemical and catchment properties. (2002)
Journal Article
Worrall, F., Besien, T., & Kolpin, D. (2002). Groundwater vulnerability: interactions of chemical and catchment properties. Science of the Total Environment, 299, 131-143no abstract
There is no plume under Iceland. (2002)
Journal Article
Foulger, G. (2002). There is no plume under Iceland. Observatory, 122, 316-320
Seismic evidence for a tilted mantle plume and large-scale, north-south flow beneath Iceland (2002)
Journal Article
Shen, Y., Solomon, S., Bjarnason, I., Nolet, G., Morgan, W., Allen, R., …Foulger, G. (2002). Seismic evidence for a tilted mantle plume and large-scale, north-south flow beneath Iceland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 197, 261-272. abstract
Upper-mantle origin of the Yellowstone hotspot. (2002)
Journal Article
Christiansen, R., Foulger, G., & Evans, J. (2002). Upper-mantle origin of the Yellowstone hotspot. GSA Bulletin, 114, 1245-1256no abstract
Mid-crustal partitioning and attachment during oblique convergence in an arc system, the Palaeoproterozoic Ketilidian orogen, southern Greenland. (2002)
Journal Article
Garde, A., Chadwick, B., Grocott, J., Hamilton, M., McCaffrey, K., & Swager, C. (2002). Mid-crustal partitioning and attachment during oblique convergence in an arc system, the Palaeoproterozoic Ketilidian orogen, southern Greenland. Journal of the Geological Society, 159, 247-261no abstract
Ocean-bottom seismograph tomographic experiments- a consideration of acquisition geometries vs. resources. (2002)
Journal Article
Day, A., & Peirce, C. (2002). Ocean-bottom seismograph tomographic experiments- a consideration of acquisition geometries vs. resources. Geophysical Journal International, 151(2), 543-566.
Ooids from Turkey and Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean and a Love-story of Antony and Cleopatra. (2002)
Journal Article
El-Sammak, A., & Tucker, M. (2002). Ooids from Turkey and Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean and a Love-story of Antony and Cleopatra. Facies, 46, 217-228no abstract
Carbonate platform evolution: from a bioconstructed platform margin to a sand-shoal system (Devonian, Guilin, South China). (2002)
Journal Article
Chen, D., Tucker, M., Zhu, J., & Jiang, M. (2002). Carbonate platform evolution: from a bioconstructed platform margin to a sand-shoal system (Devonian, Guilin, South China). Sedimentology, 49, 737-764no abstract
Non-neural Adult Stem Cells: Tools for Brain Repair? (2002)
Journal Article
Stewart, R., & Przyborski, S. (2002). Non-neural Adult Stem Cells: Tools for Brain Repair?. BioEssays, 24, 708-713.
Ofsted inspection and school improvement: to what edxtent does inspection improve examination performance in the comprehensive school? (2002)
Journal Article
Shaw, I., Newton, D., Darnell, R., & Aitkin, M. (2002). Ofsted inspection and school improvement: to what edxtent does inspection improve examination performance in the comprehensive school?. Studies in teaching and learning, 3, 2-7
‘Virtual Theatres’ (2002)
Journal Article
Ravelhofer, B. (2002). ‘Virtual Theatres’. Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie, 4, 133-50
What Science can do for PSHE. (2002)
Journal Article
Newton, D. (2002). What Science can do for PSHE. Primary maths + science, 47, 44-45
Generic composition (2002)
Journal Article
Chen, Y. (2002). Generic composition. Formal aspects of computing (Internet), 14(2), 108-122. paper presents a technique called {\em generic composition} to provide a uniform basis for modal operators, sequential composition, different kinds of parallel compositions and various healthiness conditions appearing in a variety of semantic th... Read More about Generic composition.
Shifted hysteresis loops from magnetic nanowires (2002)
Journal Article
Allwood, D., Vernier, N., Xiong, G., Cooke, M., Atkinson, D., Faulkner, C., & Cowburn, R. (2002). Shifted hysteresis loops from magnetic nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 81, 4005-4007