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Controlling parameters for rainfall-induced landslides (2002)
Journal Article
Tsaparas, I., Rahardjo, H., Toll, D., & Leong, E. (2002). Controlling parameters for rainfall-induced landslides. Computers and Geotechnics, 29(1), 1-27.

Slope instability due to rainfall is a common geotechnical problem in tropical and subtropical areas. The numerical analysis of this problem requires the definition of various hydrological characteristics of the soil in addition to the climatic infor... Read More about Controlling parameters for rainfall-induced landslides.

A new algorithm for high-quality ionogram generation and analysis (2002)
Journal Article
Arikan, F., Arikan, O., & Salous, S. (2002). A new algorithm for high-quality ionogram generation and analysis. Radio Science, 37(1),

Standard digital ionograms that are generated by fast Fourier transform or autoregressive modeling suffer from high interference levels due to other users of the HF channel which produce artifacts and distortion, hence complicating automatic processi... Read More about A new algorithm for high-quality ionogram generation and analysis.

Reliability of health information on the Internet: An examination of experts’ ratings (2002)
Journal Article
Craigie, M., Loader, B., Burrows, R., & Muncer, S. (2002). Reliability of health information on the Internet: An examination of experts’ ratings. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 4(1),

Background: The use of medical experts in rating the content of health-related sites on the Internet has flourished in recent years. In this research, it has been common practice to use a single medical expert to rate the content of the Web sites. In... Read More about Reliability of health information on the Internet: An examination of experts’ ratings.

Is urban regeneration good for health? Perceptions and theories of the health impacts of urban change (2002)
Journal Article
Curtis, S., Cave, B., & Coutts, A. (2002). Is urban regeneration good for health? Perceptions and theories of the health impacts of urban change. Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, 20(4), 517-534.

An important issue for the geography of health in urban areas concerns how urban change arising from renewal of inner-city areas relates to health of urban populations. In this paper we examine ways in which urban regeneration schemes in Britain are... Read More about Is urban regeneration good for health? Perceptions and theories of the health impacts of urban change.

Dynamic selective harmonic elimination of a three-level inverter used for static VAr compensation (2002)
Journal Article
Ran, L., Holdsworth, L., & Putrus, G. (2002). Dynamic selective harmonic elimination of a three-level inverter used for static VAr compensation. IEE proceedings. Generation, transmission and distribution, 149(1), 83-89.

The paper investigates the harmonic interaction between the AC and DC sides of a 3-level inverter used as a static synchronous VAr compensator (STATCOM). It is illustrated that due to the 3rd harmonic voltage across each DC side capacitor. the conven... Read More about Dynamic selective harmonic elimination of a three-level inverter used for static VAr compensation.

Right atrial stretch induces renal nerve inhibition and c-fos expression in parvocellular neurones of the paraventricular nucleus in rats (2002)
Journal Article
Pyner, S., Deering, J., & Coote, J. (2002). Right atrial stretch induces renal nerve inhibition and c-fos expression in parvocellular neurones of the paraventricular nucleus in rats. Experimental Physiology, 87(1), 25-32.

The paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus plays a pivotol role in the regulation of plasma volume. Part of the response to an increase in volume load is an inhibition of renal sympathetic nerve activity. The present experiments were designed to... Read More about Right atrial stretch induces renal nerve inhibition and c-fos expression in parvocellular neurones of the paraventricular nucleus in rats.

Greek epic: a Near Eastern genre? (2002)
Journal Article
Haubold, J. (2002). Greek epic: a Near Eastern genre?. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, 48, 1-19

An interpolating 4-point C2 ternary stationary subdivision scheme (2002)
Journal Article
Hassan, M., Ivrissimtzis, I., Dodgson, N., & Sabin, M. (2002). An interpolating 4-point C2 ternary stationary subdivision scheme. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 19(1), 1-18.

A novel 4-point ternary interpolatory subdivision scheme with a tension parameter is analyzed. It is shown that for a certain range of the tension parameter the resulting curve is C2. The role of the tension parameter is demonstrated by a few example... Read More about An interpolating 4-point C2 ternary stationary subdivision scheme.

Radio sources in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey - II. Local radio luminosity functions for AGN and star-forming galaxies at 1.4 GHz (2002)
Journal Article
Sadler, E., Jackson, C., Cannon, R., McIntyre, V., Murphy, T., Bland-Hawthorn, J., …Taylor, K. (2002). Radio sources in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey - II. Local radio luminosity functions for AGN and star-forming galaxies at 1.4 GHz. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 329, 227-245.

Real Estate Portfolio Diversification by Sources of Returns. (2002)
Journal Article
National, K., Wee, S., & Ebrahim, M. (2002). Real Estate Portfolio Diversification by Sources of Returns. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 8(1), 1-15.

The basis of the superior performance of the contrarian strategy is a lively debate in the finance literature. In relation to real property, the contrarian strategy implies that properties with high running yield (i.e., value properties) could outper... Read More about Real Estate Portfolio Diversification by Sources of Returns..

On the nature of methane gas-hydrate dissociation during the Toarcian and Aptian oceanic anoxic events (2002)
Journal Article
Beerling, D., Lomas, M., & Gröcke, D. (2002). On the nature of methane gas-hydrate dissociation during the Toarcian and Aptian oceanic anoxic events. American journal of science (1880), 302(1), 28-49.

The magnitude and timing of a major rapid negative carbon-isotope excursion recorded in marine and terrestrial matter through the Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) and Early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) have been proposed to b... Read More about On the nature of methane gas-hydrate dissociation during the Toarcian and Aptian oceanic anoxic events.

Effect of EGR on Autoignition, Combustion, Regulated Emissions, and Aldehydes in DI Diesel Engines (2002)
Journal Article
Nitu, B., Singh, I., Badreshany, K., Zhong, L., Henein, N., & Bryzik, W. (2002). Effect of EGR on Autoignition, Combustion, Regulated Emissions, and Aldehydes in DI Diesel Engines. SAE Technical Papers,

In view of the new regulations for diesel engine emissions, EGR is used to reduce the NOx emissions. Diluting the charge with EGR affects the autoignition, combustion as well as the regulated and unregulated emissions of diesel engines, under differe... Read More about Effect of EGR on Autoignition, Combustion, Regulated Emissions, and Aldehydes in DI Diesel Engines.