Theory of multiparticle production in the soft region
Journal Article
Khoze, V. A., & Ochs, W. (2002). Theory of multiparticle production in the soft region. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 28, 895-905.
All Outputs (1142)
Measurement Of The Elastic Constants Of Nanometer-thick Films (2002)
Journal Article
Beghi, M., Bottani, C., Bassi, A., Ossi, P., Tanner, B., Ferrari, A., & Robertson, J. (2002). Measurement Of The Elastic Constants Of Nanometer-thick Films. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 19, 201-204
Westernizing the Third World: The Eurocentricity of Economic Development Theories. (2002)
Journal Article
Asutay, M. (2002). Westernizing the Third World: The Eurocentricity of Economic Development Theories. Muslim world book review, 22(4), 26-30
The Anglo-Australian Observatory 2dF facility (2002)
Journal Article
Lewis, I., Cannon, R., Taylor, K., Glazebrook, K., Bailey, J., Baldry, I., …Willis, K. (2002). The Anglo-Australian Observatory 2dF facility. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 333, 279-299
International Criminal Law, Ilias Bantekas/Susan Nash and Mark Mackarel, 2001 (2002)
Journal Article
Bohlander, M. (2002). International Criminal Law, Ilias Bantekas/Susan Nash and Mark Mackarel, 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 410-411
International Criminal Law, A Collection of International and European Instruments, Christine van den Wyngaert (ed.), 2nd ed., 2000, (2002)
Journal Article
Bohlander, M. (2002). International Criminal Law, A Collection of International and European Instruments,
Christine van den Wyngaert (ed.), 2nd ed., 2000,. International Criminal Law Review,
Der Allgemeine Teil des Völkerstrafrechts, Ansätze einer Dogmatisierung,Kai Ambos, 2002, (2002)
Journal Article
Bohlander, M. (2002). Der Allgemeine Teil des Völkerstrafrechts, Ansätze einer Dogmatisierung,Kai Ambos, 2002,. International Criminal Law Review, 417-418
ICTY Judicial Reports/TPIR Recueils Judiciaires 1996, vols. I and II, 2002 (2002)
Journal Article
Bohlander, M. (2002). ICTY Judicial Reports/TPIR Recueils Judiciaires 1996, vols. I and II, 2002. International Criminal Law Review,
Review of Wu Hung, Exhibiting Experimental Art in China (2002)
Journal Article
Schaefer, W. (2002). Review of Wu Hung, Exhibiting Experimental Art in China. The Journal of Asian Studies, 61(1), 234-237
International and National Prosecutions of Crimes Under International Law, Current Developments, Horst Fischer, Claus Kreß and Sascha Rolf Lüder (eds.), 2001 (2002)
Journal Article
Current Developments, Horst Fischer, Claus Kreß and Sascha Rolf Lüder (eds.), 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 412-414
European Criminal Law, Geert Corstens and Jean Pradel, 2002 (2002)
Journal Article
Bohlander, M. (2002). European Criminal Law, Geert Corstens and Jean Pradel, 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 416-417
International Criminal Law, Kriangsak Kittichaisaree, 2001 (2002)
Journal Article
Bohlander, M. (2002). International Criminal Law, Kriangsak Kittichaisaree, 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 418-419
Bonding and mechanical properties of ultrathin diamond-like carbon films (2002)
Journal Article
Beghi, M., Ferrari, A., Teo, K., Robertson, J., Bottani, C., Libassi, A., & Tanner, B. (2002). Bonding and mechanical properties of ultrathin diamond-like carbon films. Applied Physics Letters, 81, 3804-3806
Near IR spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei (2002)
Journal Article
Boisson, C., Coupé, S., Cuby, J., Joly, M., & Ward, M. (2002). Near IR spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 396, 489-501
Investigating the central engine of ultraluminous infrared galaxies: near-infrared imaging (2002)
Journal Article
Davies, R., Burston, A., & Ward, M. (2002). Investigating the central engine of ultraluminous infrared galaxies: near-infrared imaging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 329, 367-376
The Snowmass Points and Slopes: benchmarks for SUSY searches (2002)
Journal Article
Allanach, B., Battaglia, M., Blair, G., Carena, M., De Roeck, A., Dedes, A., …Zerwas, P. (2002). The Snowmass Points and Slopes: benchmarks for SUSY searches. The European Physical Journal C, 25, 113-123
Integral field spectroscopy with the GEMINI multiobject spectrographs (2002)
Journal Article
Allington-Smith, J., Murray, G., Content, R., Dodsworth, G., Miller, B. W., Turner, J., …Hook, I. (2002). Integral field spectroscopy with the GEMINI multiobject spectrographs. Experimental Astronomy, 13, 1-37
'Missing, Biased and Unrepresentative: The quantitative analysis of multisource biographical data' (2002)
Journal Article
Cohen, G. (2002). 'Missing, Biased and Unrepresentative: The quantitative analysis of multisource biographical data'. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 35(4), 166-176With the growth in interest in collective biography as a historical technique, many predominantly qualitative historians find themselves faced with large amounts of information. These data, collected from a variety of sources, are often highly irregu... Read More about 'Missing, Biased and Unrepresentative: The quantitative analysis of multisource biographical data'.
High-resolution X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of the core of NGC 4945 with XMM-Newton and Chandra (2002)
Journal Article
Schurch, N., Roberts, T., & Warwick, R. (2002). High-resolution X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of the core of NGC 4945 with XMM-Newton and Chandra. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 335, 241-246
Accretion flows in X-ray binaries (2002)
Journal Article
Done, C. (2002). Accretion flows in X-ray binaries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 360, 1967-