English Castles in the Reign of Edward II.
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Prestwich, M. (1982). English Castles in the Reign of Edward II. Journal of Medieval History, 8, 159-178
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Roberts, B., Unsworth, A., & Mian, N. (1982). MODES OF LUBRICATION IN HUMAN HIP JOINTS. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 41(3), 217-224
Discrimination: the Commission for Racial Equality. (1982)
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Leigh, I. (1982). Discrimination: the Commission for Racial Equality. New Law Journal, 132, 24-26
The Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. (1982)
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Prestwich, M. (1982). The Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. Parliamentary History, 1(1), 221-5. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1750-0206.1982.tb00645.x
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Adams, D., Davey, L., Hatton, P., & Shaw, A. (1982). NEW HIGH-PRESSURE PHASE-TRANSITIONS IN INORGANIC CARBONYLS AND CYANIDES. Journal of Molecular Structure, 79(1-4), 415-418
Estimates of Rates of Return on Capital Employed for UK Regions, 1968-1978. (1982)
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Harris, R. (1982). Estimates of Rates of Return on Capital Employed for UK Regions, 1968-1978. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 29(3), 298-309. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9485.1982.tb00456.x
Effects of leadership labels and prototypes on perceptions of political leaders. (1982)
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Foti, R., Fraser, S., & Lord, R. (1982). Effects of leadership labels and prototypes on perceptions of political leaders. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67(3), 326-333. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.67.3.326
Personal constructs of anxiety under the 1,5-benzodiazepine derivative clobazam related to trait-anxiety levels of the personality. (1982)
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Parrott, A., & Kentridge, R. (1982). Personal constructs of anxiety under the 1,5-benzodiazepine derivative clobazam related to trait-anxiety levels of the personality. Psychopharmacology, 78, 353-357
A control systems conceptualization of the goal-setting and changing process. (1982)
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Campion, M., & Lord, R. (1982). A control systems conceptualization of the goal-setting and changing process. Organizational behavior and human performance, 30(2), 265-287. https://doi.org/10.1016/0030-5073%2882%2990221-5
Schematic information processing and perceptions of leadership in problem-solving groups. (1982)
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Phillips, J., & Lord, R. (1982). Schematic information processing and perceptions of leadership in problem-solving groups. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67(4), 486-492. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.67.4.486
Foundationalism and epistemic rationality (1982)
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An ellipticity-age relation for globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. - I. Measurements. (1982)
Journal Article
Frenk, C., & Fall, S. (1982). An ellipticity-age relation for globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. - I. Measurements. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 199(2), 565-580. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/199.3.565We have estimated the ellipticities of 52 globular clusters in the LMC and 93 in the Galaxy by the eye-measurement of their images on Sky Survey enlargements. These were checked against star counts in 12 clusters of the LMC sample, using a procedure... Read More about An ellipticity-age relation for globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. - I. Measurements..
Heteropolymer Filaments of Vimentin and Desmin in Vascular Smooth Muscle Tissue and Cultured Baby Hamster Kidney Cells Demonstrated by Chemical Crosslinking. (1982)
Journal Article
Quinlan, R., & Franke, W. (1982). Heteropolymer Filaments of Vimentin and Desmin in Vascular Smooth Muscle Tissue and Cultured Baby Hamster Kidney Cells Demonstrated by Chemical Crosslinking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 79(11), 3452-3456. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.79.11.3452Certain smooth muscle cells of blood vessel walls as well as cultured baby hamster kidney cells contain simultaneously two different intermediate-sized filament (IF) proteins, desmin and vimentin. We have examined the question of the occurrence of bo... Read More about Heteropolymer Filaments of Vimentin and Desmin in Vascular Smooth Muscle Tissue and Cultured Baby Hamster Kidney Cells Demonstrated by Chemical Crosslinking..
'Safety First': Baldwin, the Conservative party, and the 1929 general election (1982)
Journal Article
Williamson, P. (1982). 'Safety First': Baldwin, the Conservative party, and the 1929 general election. Historical Journal, 25(2), 385-409. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0018246x00011614The Conservative party's preparations for the 1929 general election have been harshly treated by historians. Because the election was lost, they have understandably concentrated on explaining the defeat and so looked for weaknesses in Conservative le... Read More about 'Safety First': Baldwin, the Conservative party, and the 1929 general election.