Parlez-vous mathematics?
Book Chapter
Higgins, S. (2003). Parlez-vous mathematics?. In I. Thompson (Ed.), Enhancing Primary Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Open University Press
All Outputs (1689)
The Defence (2003)
Book Chapter
Bohlander, M. (2003). The Defence. In G. Boas, & W. Schabas (Eds.), International Criminal Law Developments in the Case Law of the ICTY (35 - 74). Martinus Nijhoff
‘Chaoyue guojia di xuni minzu,’ (Beyond Nation-state: Virtual Nation) (2003)
Book Chapter
Cheung, G. C., & Feyun, L. (2003). ‘Chaoyue guojia di xuni minzu,’ (Beyond Nation-state: Virtual Nation). In H. S. Lim, & M. Nyaw (Eds.), Dongmeng riben yu zhongguoren (ASEAN, Japan and Chinese) (593-616.). World Scientific Publishing
Bloomsbury (2003)
Book Chapter
Harding, J. (2003). Bloomsbury. In P. Poplawski (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Literary Modernism (25-26). Greenwood Press
Fjord. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Fjord. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopeida of Geomorphology (374-376). Routeldge
Behaviour and Reproduction. (2003)
Book Chapter
Dixson, A., Harvey, N., Patton, M., & Setchell, J. (2003). Behaviour and Reproduction. In W. Holt, A. Pickard, J. Rodger, & D. Wildt (Eds.), Reproductive Science and Integrated Conservation. Cambridge University Press
L’isola che non c’è. Madonna e la World Music (2003)
Book Chapter
Leante, L. (2003). L’isola che non c’è. Madonna e la World Music. In C. Fiore (Ed.), Madonna (65-84). L’Epos
Megalithic chronologies (2003)
Book Chapter
Arias, P., Burenhult, G., Fano, M. A., Oosterbeek, L., Scarre, C., Schulting, R., …Whittle, A. (2003). Megalithic chronologies. In G. Burenhult (Ed.), Stones and Bones. Formal disposal of the dead in Atlantic Europe during the Mesolithic-Neolithic interface 6000-3000 BC (65-111). Archaeopress
Sasanian and Islamic pottery. (2003)
Book Chapter
Fredslund Andersen, S., & Kennet, D. (2003). Sasanian and Islamic pottery. In H. Hellmuth Andersen, & F. Højland (Eds.), The Barbar Temples. Volume 1 (307-310)
No fixed abode? Nomadism in the Northwest European Neolithic. (2003)
Book Chapter
Rowley-Conwy, P. (2003). No fixed abode? Nomadism in the Northwest European Neolithic. In G. Burenhult, & S. Westergaard (Eds.), Stones and Bones. Formal disposal of the dead in Atlantic Europe during the Mesolithic-Neolithic interface 6000-3000 BC. Archaeological Conference in Honour of the Late Professor Michael J. O'Kelly (115-144). British Archaeological Reports
The Spanish jar (2003)
Book Chapter
Gutiérrez, A. (2003). The Spanish jar. In A. Hardy, A. Dodd, & G. Keevil (Eds.), Aelfric’s abbey. Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire 1989–92 (199-201). Thames Valley Landscapes Volume
Gendered Embodiments: Mapping the body-politic of the raped woman and the nation in Bangladesh. (2003)
Book Chapter
Mookherjee, N. (2003). Gendered Embodiments: Mapping the body-politic of the raped woman and the nation in Bangladesh. In N. Puwar, & P. Raghuram (Eds.), Critical Reflections on Gender and the South Asian Diaspora (157-177). Berg
The reaction of Great Britain's legal order to September 11 2001. (2003)
Book Chapter
Fenwick, H. (2003). The reaction of Great Britain's legal order to September 11 2001. In Terrorismus und Recht – Der wehrhafte Rechtsstaat. Hanns Seidel Foundation
Modelling: A central process in language pedagogy (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nathan, P. (2003, December). Modelling: A central process in language pedagogy. Paper presented at Postgraduate Conference in Applied Linguistics, Leicester University
English Media versus Turkey at Football, Fans, Media Representation and Disorder: Towards Euro 2000 - Perspective and Solutions from the UK and Turkey. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Poulton, E. (2003, December). English Media versus Turkey at Football, Fans, Media Representation and Disorder: Towards Euro 2000 - Perspective and Solutions from the UK and Turkey
Dynamic Assessment with Diagnostic Programs. (2003)
Book Chapter
Guthke, J., & Beckmann, J. (2003). Dynamic Assessment with Diagnostic Programs. In R. Sternberg, J. Lautrey, & T. Lubart (Eds.), Models of Intelligence. International Perspectives (227-242). Washington, DC: APA
Lerntests [Learning tests]. (2003)
Book Chapter
Beckmann, J. (2003). Lerntests [Learning tests]. In K. Kubinger, & R. Jager (Eds.), Stichwörter der Psychologischen Diagnostik. Weinheim: PVU
Paying Living Organ Providers (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pattinson, S. D. (2003, December). Paying Living Organ Providers. Paper presented at Invited paper, University of Helsinki, Finland
The Donor as Vendor (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pattinson, S. D. (2003, December). The Donor as Vendor. Paper presented at Lent Lecture Series, Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King's College, University of London
Identity, leadership categorization, and leadership schema. (2003)
Book Chapter
Lord, R., & Hall, R. (2003). Identity, leadership categorization, and leadership schema. In D. van Knippenberg, & M. Hogg (Eds.), Leadership and Power: Identity Processes in Groups and Organizations (48-64). SAGE Publications