'The Bush Doctrine'.
Book Chapter
Dumbrell, J. (2003). 'The Bush Doctrine'. In G. C. Edwards, & P. Davies (Eds.), New challenges for the American presidency (229-245). Pearson Longman
All Outputs (1688)
Socrates and Plato on virtue and the good : an analytical approach (2003)
Book Chapter
Rowe, C. (2003). Socrates and Plato on virtue and the good : an analytical approach. In S. Scolnicov, & G. Reale (Eds.), New Images of Plato (253-264). Academia Verlag
Plato on knowing and merely believing (2003)
Book Chapter
Rowe, C. (2003). Plato on knowing and merely believing. In W. Detel, A. Becker, & P. Scholz (Eds.), Ideal and Culture of Knowledge in Plato (57-68)
'All our desires are for the good' : reflections on some key Platonic dialogues (2003)
Book Chapter
Rowe, C. (2003). 'All our desires are for the good' : reflections on some key Platonic dialogues. In M. Migliori, & L. Napolitano Valditara (Eds.), Plato Ethicus : Philosophy is Life (256-272). Academia Verlag
Pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms of the twice punctured torus (2003)
Book Chapter
Menzel, C., & Parker, J. R. (2003). Pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms of the twice punctured torus. In J. R. Cho, & J. Mennicke (Eds.), Recent Advances in Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology (141-154). (Research and Exposition in Mathematics). Heldermann Verlag
'Frankenstein, Matilda, and the legacies of Godwin and Wollstonecraft' (2003)
Book Chapter
Clemit, P. (2003). 'Frankenstein, Matilda, and the legacies of Godwin and Wollstonecraft'. In E. Schor (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Mary Shelley (26-44). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.2277/0521809843
‘Pound’s Fragmentation of Sappho.’ (2003)
Book Chapter
Collecott, D. (2003). ‘Pound’s Fragmentation of Sappho.’. In Y. Wada (Ed.), Peregrinator : essays on literature in English to celebrate the 70th birthday of Professor Akira Yasukawa (28-42). Shohakusha
'Catullus: Life and Works'. (2003)
Book Chapter
Green, M. (2003). 'Catullus: Life and Works'. In The Literary Encyclopedia. Literary Dictionary Company
Encounters with Völur (2003)
Book Chapter
McKinnell, J. (2003). Encounters with Völur. In M. C. Ross (Ed.), Old Norse myths, literature and society (110-131). University Press of Southern Denmark
Current Legislation in Europe (2003)
Book Chapter
Pattinson, S. D. (2003). Current Legislation in Europe. In J. Gunning, & H. Szoke (Eds.), The Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technology (7-19). Ashgate Publishing
Seismic imaging of lower crustal heterogeneity (2003)
Book Chapter
Hobbs, R. (2003). Seismic imaging of lower crustal heterogeneity. In J. A. Goff, & K. Holliger (Eds.), Heterogeneity in the crust and upper mantle : nature, scaling, and seismic properties (237-255). Kluwer / Plenumno abstract
'Women in Tunisia: Between State Feminism and Economic Reform'. (2003)
Book Chapter
Murphy, E. (2003). 'Women in Tunisia: Between State Feminism and Economic Reform'. In E. A. Doumato, & M. P. Posusney (Eds.), Women and Globalisation in the Arab Middle East (169-194). Lynne Rienner
The Medium of Plagiarism: Rogue Choreographers in Early Modern London (2003)
Book Chapter
Ravelhofer, B. (2003). The Medium of Plagiarism: Rogue Choreographers in Early Modern London. In P. Kewes (Ed.), Plagiarism in early modern England (134-148). Palgrave MacmillanWhat Is plagiarism? How was it understood and judged in early modern England? This interdisciplinary study sets out at once to theorize and historicise plagiarism. The first part launches a vigorous debate about the ethical, philosophical, artistic,... Read More about The Medium of Plagiarism: Rogue Choreographers in Early Modern London.
The early Neolithic and the Manx environment. (2003)
Book Chapter
Davey, P., & Innes, J. (2003). The early Neolithic and the Manx environment. In I. Armit, E. Murphy, E. Nelis, & D. Simpson (Eds.), Neolithic Settlement in Ireland and Western Britain (120-127). University of Belfast, Oxbow Books
‘Donne and Sir Edward Hoby: Evidence for an Unrecorded Collaboration' (2003)
Book Chapter
Shell, A. (2003). ‘Donne and Sir Edward Hoby: Evidence for an Unrecorded Collaboration'. In D. Colclough (Ed.), John Donne's professional lives (121-132). Boydell & Brewer
Praktisk arbeid og naturvitenskapelig allmenndannelse = Practical work for scientific literacy (2003)
Book Chapter
Kind, P. (2003). Praktisk arbeid og naturvitenskapelig allmenndannelse = Practical work for scientific literacy. In D. Jorde, & B. Bungum (Eds.), Naturfagdidaktikk : perspektiver, forskning, utvikling (226-244). Gyldendal Akademisk
Reprint of Zum Einsatz von Videotechnologie bei der Vernehmung kindlicher Zeugen, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 107 (1995) (2003)
Book Chapter
Bohlander, M. (2003). Reprint of Zum Einsatz von Videotechnologie bei der Vernehmung kindlicher Zeugen, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 107 (1995). In O. Lagodny (Ed.), Der Strafprozeß vor neuen Herausforderungen. Nomos
Democratic control of Intelligence and Security Services: A Legal Framework. (2003)
Book Chapter
Leigh, I. (2003). Democratic control of Intelligence and Security Services: A Legal Framework. In A. Bryden, & P. Fluri (Eds.), Security Sector Reform: Institutions, Society and Good Governance (113-127). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2003
Bedrock geology and physiography of the Western Highland Boundary. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Bedrock geology and physiography of the Western Highland Boundary. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (2-4). Quaternary Research Association
Geographers and the Regional Problem. (2003)
Book Chapter
Hudson, R. (2003). Geographers and the Regional Problem. In R. Johnston, & M. Williams (Eds.), A Century of British Geography, British Association for the Advancement of Science (583-602)