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Optical properties of asymmetric InGaAs/InP coupled quantum wells (2000)
Journal Article
Ryan, D., Abram, R., & Robbins, D. (2000). Optical properties of asymmetric InGaAs/InP coupled quantum wells. IEE proceedings. Optoelectronics, 147(2), 83-88.

Asymmetric double quantum well structures with applied transverse electric field are of interest in optical modulator applications. A theoretical model of their optical properties is described. The bandstructure of the heterostructure is calculated u... Read More about Optical properties of asymmetric InGaAs/InP coupled quantum wells.

Topographic fingerprints of bedrock landslides (2000)
Journal Article
Densmore, A., & Hovius, N. (2000). Topographic fingerprints of bedrock landslides. Geology, 28(4), 371-374.

Bedrock landslides in mountainous regions may be triggered by either storms or earthquakes; the dominant mechanism in a region affects both landscape evolution and landslide hazard. We describe a simple observational test to distinguish between storm... Read More about Topographic fingerprints of bedrock landslides.

Calculating the infra-red limit of quantum field theory using analyticity of correlation functions. (2000)
Journal Article
Kjærgaard, L., & Mansfield, P. (2000). Calculating the infra-red limit of quantum field theory using analyticity of correlation functions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2000(03), Article 008.

We describe a general method for calculating the infra-red limit of physical quantities in unitary quantum field theories. Using analyticity of Green functions in a complex scale parameter, the infra-red limit is expressed as a contour integral entir... Read More about Calculating the infra-red limit of quantum field theory using analyticity of correlation functions..

A new family of adenylyl cyclase genes in the male germline of Drosophila melanogaster. (2000)
Journal Article
Cann, M., Chung, E., & Levin, L. (2000). A new family of adenylyl cyclase genes in the male germline of Drosophila melanogaster. Development Genes and Evolution, 210(4), 200-206.

We describe the cloning and characterization of a new gene family of adenylyl cyclase related genes in Drosophila. The five adenylyl cyclase-like genes that define this family are clearly distinct from previously known adenylyl cyclases. One member f... Read More about A new family of adenylyl cyclase genes in the male germline of Drosophila melanogaster..

Aging and rheology in soft materials (2000)
Journal Article
Fielding, S., Sollich, P., & Cates, M. (2000). Aging and rheology in soft materials. Journal of Rheology, 44(2), 323-369

The political economy of public research investment and commodity policies in agriculture: an empirical study. (2000)
Journal Article
Swinnen, J., de Gorter, H., Rausser, G., & Banerjee, A. (2000). The political economy of public research investment and commodity policies in agriculture: an empirical study. Agricultural Economics, 22(2), 111-122.

The paper tests a political economy theory of simultaneous government decision-making on income redistribution through commodity policies and on public research investment in agriculture. We use data from 37 countries on agricultural protection and p... Read More about The political economy of public research investment and commodity policies in agriculture: an empirical study..

On the sensitivity of the usual t- and F-tests to covariance misspecification. (2000)
Journal Article
Banerjee, A., & Magnus, J. (2000). On the sensitivity of the usual t- and F-tests to covariance misspecification. Journal of Econometrics, 95(1), 157-176.

We consider the standard linear regression model with all standard assumptions, except that the disturbances are not white noise, but distributed Full-size image (<1 K) where Full-size image (<1 K). Our interest lies in testing linear restrictions us...

The Right to Property in Commonwealth Constitutions. (2000)
Allen, T. (2000). The Right to Property in Commonwealth Constitutions. Cambridge University Press.

The right to property is an important part of most Commonwealth constitutions. This book examines the evolution of right to property and the changing trends in their interpretation by the courts. A number of specific issues are examined closely: • Wh... Read More about The Right to Property in Commonwealth Constitutions..