Why Recital 26 of the EC Directive on the Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions Should Be Implemented in National Law.
Journal Article
Beyleveld, D. (online). Why Recital 26 of the EC Directive on the Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions Should Be Implemented in National Law. Intellectual Property Quarterly, 1-26
All Outputs (81561)
1D lanthanide halide crystals inserted into single-walled carbon nanotubes
Journal Article
Xu, C., Sloan, J., Brown, G., Bailey, S., Williams, V., Friedrichs, S., Coleman, K., Flahaut, E., Hutchison, J., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Green, M. (online). 1D lanthanide halide crystals inserted into single-walled carbon nanotubes. Chemical Communications, 2427-24281D crystals of lanthanide halides of the form LnCl(3) (Ln = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb or Yb) have been inserted into single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) using the molten salt capillary filling method; ca. 20-40% of all the observed SWNTs were filled... Read More about 1D lanthanide halide crystals inserted into single-walled carbon nanotubes.
Emerging Web Graphics Standards and Technologies
Journal Article
Lau, R., Li, F., Kunii, T., Guo, B., Zhang, B., Magnenat-Thalmann, N., Kshirsagar, S., Thalmann, D., & Gutierrez, M. (online). Emerging Web Graphics Standards and Technologies
Electron beam induced in situ clusterisation of 1D ZrCl4 chains within single-walled carbon nanotubes
Journal Article
Brown, G., Bailey, S., Sloan, J., Xu, C., Friedrichs, S., Flahaut, E., Coleman, K., Hutchison, J., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Green, M. (online). Electron beam induced in situ clusterisation of 1D ZrCl4 chains within single-walled carbon nanotubes. Chemical Communications, 845-846Cluster formation can be induced in situ in SWNTs filled with ZrCl4 by electron beam irradiation of SWNT/ZrCl4 composites within a field emission gun transmission electron microscope (FEGTEM); the process represents a possible route to the synthesis... Read More about Electron beam induced in situ clusterisation of 1D ZrCl4 chains within single-walled carbon nanotubes.
Silver(I) complex of a new imino-N-heterocyclic carbene and ligand transfer to palladium(II) and rhodium(I)
Journal Article
Coleman, K., Chamberlayne, H., Turberville, S., Green, M., & Cowley, A. (online). Silver(I) complex of a new imino-N-heterocyclic carbene and ligand transfer to palladium(II) and rhodium(I). Dalton Transactions, 2917-2922A new imino-N-heterocyclic carbene ligand precursor [1-(2,4,6-Me3C6H2) imidazolium-3-{CH2C(t-Bu)=N(i-Pr)}] bromide has been synthesised and structurally characterised. The silver(I) complex [Ag(C(boolean AND)imine)(2)] AgBr2, where (C(boolean AND)imi... Read More about Silver(I) complex of a new imino-N-heterocyclic carbene and ligand transfer to palladium(II) and rhodium(I).
'Editorial Audit', The University in Ruins
Journal Article
Clark, T., & Royle, N. (online). 'Editorial Audit', The University in Ruins. Oxford Literary Review, 3-13
'Babel, Babble and Beginning Place': Renga, as Experiment in Multi-Lingual Poetry.
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). 'Babel, Babble and Beginning Place': Renga, as Experiment in Multi-Lingual Poetry. English Studies in Africa, 77-88
By Heart: A Reading of Derrida's 'Che cos'è la poesia?' through Keats and Celan.
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). By Heart: A Reading of Derrida's 'Che cos'è la poesia?' through Keats and Celan. Oxford Literary Review, 43-78
'Differends' of Romantic Criticism, Review article on Symposium of Romanticism
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). 'Differends' of Romantic Criticism, Review article on Symposium of Romanticism
Heidegger and Derrida on the Greek Nature of Philosophy
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). Heidegger and Derrida on the Greek Nature of Philosophy. Philosophy and Literature, 76-91
Heidegger and Derrida on the Ontology of Literary Language
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). Heidegger and Derrida on the Ontology of Literary Language. Modern Language Notes, 1003-1021
‘Post-colonial cinema and the reconfiguration of Moçambicanidade’.
Journal Article
Power, M. (online). ‘Post-colonial cinema and the reconfiguration of Moçambicanidade’
"Stormy Visions:" Shelley's Re-invention of Myth, Memory and Identity in Adonais
Journal Article
Sandy, M. (online). "Stormy Visions:" Shelley's Re-invention of Myth, Memory and Identity in Adonais. The Keats-Shelley Review, 84-94
William Maw Egley's 'The Lady of Shalott'
Journal Article
Wootton, S. (online). William Maw Egley's 'The Lady of Shalott'
The Impossible Lightness of Reading: Blanchot and the Communicational Model of Subjectivity
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). The Impossible Lightness of Reading: Blanchot and the Communicational Model of Subjectivity
Modern Transformations of German Romanticism: Blanchot and Derrida on the Fragment, the Aphorism and the Architectural.
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). Modern Transformations of German Romanticism: Blanchot and Derrida on the Fragment, the Aphorism and the Architectural. Paragraph, 232-247
The Turing Test as a Novel Form of Hermeneutics
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). The Turing Test as a Novel Form of Hermeneutics
Time after Time: Temporality Temporalization
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). Time after Time: Temporality Temporalization. Oxford Literary Review, 119-326
Hegel in Suspense: Derrida, Hegel and the Question of Prefaces
Journal Article
Clark, T. (online). Hegel in Suspense: Derrida, Hegel and the Question of Prefaces
An e-Commerce Fair Exchange Protocol that Enforces the Customer to be Honest
Journal Article
Alaraj, A., & Munro, M. (online). An e-Commerce Fair Exchange Protocol that Enforces the Customer to be Honest. International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management,