Radical Movements - review of "Across Oceans of Law: The Komagata Maru and Jurisdiction in the Time of Empire," by Renisa Mawani
Journal Article
Szabla, C. (online). Radical Movements - review of "Across Oceans of Law: The Komagata Maru and Jurisdiction in the Time of Empire," by Renisa Mawani
All Outputs (81541)
Theory, Method and Practice in Media Discourse: A Corpus-based Study of Low-Carbon in Chinese, UK and US Media
Journal Article
Sio, K. I. Theory, Method and Practice in Media Discourse: A Corpus-based Study of Low-Carbon in Chinese, UK and US Media. Journal of China in global and comparative perspectives, 7, 102-105. https://doi.org/10.24103/jcgcp.en.2021
Filosofia dell’automatismo: Verso un’etica della corporeità. Orthotes: 2018
Journal Article
Pavanini, M. (online). Filosofia dell’automatismo: Verso un’etica della corporeità. Orthotes: 2018. Philosophy kitchen,
The Brill Companions to the Reception of Aeschylus and Sophocles
Journal Article
Jackson, L. C. (online). The Brill Companions to the Reception of Aeschylus and Sophocles
Journal Article
Book Review: Material Politics: Disputes Along The Pipeline
Journal Article
Liao, Y.-K. (online). Book Review: Material Politics: Disputes Along The Pipeline. 地理學報 Journal of Geographical Science, 81-86. https://doi.org/10.6161/jgs.2016.80.04
R. Cole Heinowitz, Spanish America and British Romanticism 1777–1826
Journal Article
Valladares, S. (online). R. Cole Heinowitz, Spanish America and British Romanticism 1777–1826
Review of Balus, Wojciech, Krakau zwischen Traditionen und Wegen in die Moderne: Zur Geschichte der Architektur und der Öffentlichen Grünanlagen im 19. Jahrhundert
Journal Article
Prokopovych, M. (online). Review of Balus, Wojciech, Krakau zwischen Traditionen und Wegen in die Moderne: Zur Geschichte der Architektur und der Öffentlichen Grünanlagen im 19. Jahrhundert
An Anthropologist in Psychedelia: Interview with Nicolas Langlitz
Journal Article
Noorani, T., & Langlitz, N. (online). An Anthropologist in Psychedelia: Interview with Nicolas Langlitz
The Ancient Dancer in the Modern World
Journal Article
Jackson, L. C. (online). The Ancient Dancer in the Modern World. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 296-7
Los exiliados: La lucha por los derechos humanos durante la dictadura.
Journal Article
García Monreal, E. (online). Los exiliados: La lucha por los derechos humanos durante la dictadura
Territories of History: Humanism, Rhetoric, and the Historical Imagination in Early Chronicles of Spanish America by Sara Beckjord
Journal Article
Leon Llerena, L. Territories of History: Humanism, Rhetoric, and the Historical Imagination in Early Chronicles of Spanish America by Sara Beckjord. Revista Iberoamericana, LXXV(226), 276-280
The Cambridge World Prehistory
Journal Article
O'Meara, D. (online). The Cambridge World Prehistory. Archaeological review from Cambridge, 199-206
X-ray Scattering For Semiconductor Characterisation
Journal Article
Tanner, B. (online). X-ray Scattering For Semiconductor Characterisation
X-ray Scattering Studies Of Charge Stripes In Manganites And Nickelates
Journal Article
Su, Y., Du, C., Tanner, B., Hatton, P., Collins, S., Brown, S., Paul, D., & Cheong, S. (online). X-ray Scattering Studies Of Charge Stripes In Manganites And Nickelates
Review of Andreas N. Michalopulos, Οβίδιος, Ηρωίδες 20-21: Ακόντιος και Κυδίππη. Εισαγωγή, Κείμενο, Μετάφραση, Σχόλια. Athens: Εκδόσεις Δημ. Ν. Παπαδήμα, 2014. Pp. 389. ISBN 9789602065969
Journal Article
Ziogas, I. (online). Review of Andreas N. Michalopulos, Οβίδιος, Ηρωίδες 20-21: Ακόντιος και Κυδίππη. Εισαγωγή, Κείμενο, Μετάφραση, Σχόλια. Athens: Εκδόσεις Δημ. Ν. Παπαδήμα, 2014. Pp. 389. ISBN 9789602065969. Bryn Mawr Classical Review,
Dislocation Contrast In X-ray Section And Projection Topographs Of Elastically Deformed-crystals
Journal Article
Yang, P., Green, G., & Tanner, B. (online). Dislocation Contrast In X-ray Section And Projection Topographs Of Elastically Deformed-crystals. Institute of physics conference series, 467-471
Book Review: 'The Dying Keats: A Case for Euthanasia?' by Brian Livesley
Journal Article
Jaggs-Fowler, R. (online). Book Review: 'The Dying Keats: A Case for Euthanasia?' by Brian Livesley. Pulse,
Synthesis And Characterisation Of Three Group 10 Metal Dithiadiazolyl Complexes
Journal Article
Banister, A., Gorrell, I., Howard, J., Lawrence, S., Lehman, C., May, I., Rawson, J., Tanner, B., Gregory, C., Blake, A., & Fricker, S. (online). Synthesis And Characterisation Of Three Group 10 Metal Dithiadiazolyl Complexes. Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton transactions, 377-384
History of a suicide: My sister’s unfinished life
Journal Article
Widger, T. (online). History of a suicide: My sister’s unfinished life