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Mitä musiikki kouluille antaa? Musiikinopettajien näkemyksiä opetuksensa tavoitteista ja sisällöistä sekä oppiaineensa erityisyydestä. (What is music in schools for? How music teachers see the objectives, contents and speciality of their subject.)
Journal Article
Eerola, P.-S. (online). Mitä musiikki kouluille antaa? Musiikinopettajien näkemyksiä opetuksensa tavoitteista ja sisällöistä sekä oppiaineensa erityisyydestä. (What is music in schools for? How music teachers see the objectives, contents and speciality of their subject.)

A novel hypothesis for the original functionality of the VisualWord Form Area: Processing shape sequences
Journal Article
Whitney, C., Ross, P., Zhou, Z., & Strother, L. (2019). A novel hypothesis for the original functionality of the VisualWord Form Area: Processing shape sequences. PsyArXiv (Preprint Server for Psychology),

There is ongoing debate about what characteristics of left ventral occipitotemporal cortex drive development of the Visual Word Form Area (VWFA). We offer a new hypothesis. A summary of occipitotemporal organization indicates that the VWFA falls in a... Read More about A novel hypothesis for the original functionality of the VisualWord Form Area: Processing shape sequences.