Den romerska curian. Singulär, oförstörd och evig?
Journal Article
Hellstrom, M. (online). Den romerska curian. Singulär, oförstörd och evig?. Romhorisont,
All Outputs (57978)
Musiikin opiskelun siirtovaikutuksia - katsaus empiirisiin tutkimuksiin. (The transfer effects of music education: A review of empirical evidence.)
Journal Article
Eerola, P.-S. (online). Musiikin opiskelun siirtovaikutuksia - katsaus empiirisiin tutkimuksiin. (The transfer effects of music education: A review of empirical evidence.)
Yet Another Introduction to Dark Matter
Journal Article
Bauer, M., & Plehn, T. (online). Yet Another Introduction to Dark Matter
Mitä musiikki kouluille antaa? Musiikinopettajien näkemyksiä opetuksensa tavoitteista ja sisällöistä sekä oppiaineensa erityisyydestä. (What is music in schools for? How music teachers see the objectives, contents and speciality of their subject.)
Journal Article
Eerola, P.-S. (online). Mitä musiikki kouluille antaa? Musiikinopettajien näkemyksiä opetuksensa tavoitteista ja sisällöistä sekä oppiaineensa erityisyydestä. (What is music in schools for? How music teachers see the objectives, contents and speciality of their subject.)
Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: beyond the Standard Model phenomena
Journal Article
Golling, T., & Bauer, M. (online). Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: beyond the Standard Model phenomena.
The Wonderful Visit and the Wilde Trial
Journal Article
Choi, Y. (online). The Wonderful Visit and the Wilde Trial
Teaching Common Exception Words at KS2
Journal Article
Gill, A., & Waugh, D. (online). Teaching Common Exception Words at KS2. Teach primary!,
Imagining India: Mughal Art and the Creation of Modern British Zoology
Journal Article
Lowther, D. (online). Imagining India: Mughal Art and the Creation of Modern British Zoology
Was there more to life in Ancient Egypt than the preparation for death? Looking at most Egyptology shows, you wouldn’t think so
Journal Article
Tully, G. (online). Was there more to life in Ancient Egypt than the preparation for death? Looking at most Egyptology shows, you wouldn’t think so. Museums journal,
The impossibility of the ‘true self’ of authentic leadership: a critique through object relations theory.
Journal Article
Ford, J., & Harding, N. (online). The impossibility of the ‘true self’ of authentic leadership: a critique through object relations theory. Leadership,
Math Gone Mad: Regulatory Risk Modeling by the Federal Reserve.
Journal Article
Dowd, K. (online). Math Gone Mad: Regulatory Risk Modeling by the Federal Reserve
Journal Article
Barriers to making referrals of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) victim/survivors to the MARAC and recommendations for improvement
Journal Article
Donovan, C., & Rowlands, J. (online). Barriers to making referrals of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) victim/survivors to the MARAC and recommendations for improvement
People of Diverse Genders and/or Sexualities and their Animal Companions: Experiences of Family Violence in a Bi-National Sample
Journal Article
Riggs, D., Fraser, H., Taylor, N., Signal, T., & Donovan, C. (online). People of Diverse Genders and/or Sexualities and their Animal Companions: Experiences of Family Violence in a Bi-National Sample. Journal of Family Issues,
Charity, Intellect, and Contemplation in St Thomas Aquinas: Contemporary Relevance
Journal Article
Van Nieuwenhove, R. (online). Charity, Intellect, and Contemplation in St Thomas Aquinas: Contemporary Relevance
The interplay between social cynicism beliefs and person-organization fit on work-related attitudes among Chinese employees.
Journal Article
Deng, H., Guan, Y., Bond, M., Zhang, Z., & Hu, T. (online). The interplay between social cynicism beliefs and person-organization fit on work-related attitudes among Chinese employees. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 160-178
Precision measurements for the Higgsploding Standard Model
Journal Article
Khoze, V. V., Reiness, J., Spannowsky, M., & Waite, P. (online). Precision measurements for the Higgsploding Standard Model
Probing Theresa May's Response to the Recent Terror Attacks
Journal Article
Fenwick, H. (online). Probing Theresa May's Response to the Recent Terror Attacks. European Human Rights Law Review, 341-350
A novel hypothesis for the original functionality of the VisualWord Form Area: Processing shape sequences
Journal Article
Whitney, C., Ross, P., Zhou, Z., & Strother, L. (2019). A novel hypothesis for the original functionality of the VisualWord Form Area: Processing shape sequences. PsyArXiv (Preprint Server for Psychology), is ongoing debate about what characteristics of left ventral occipitotemporal cortex drive development of the Visual Word Form Area (VWFA). We offer a new hypothesis. A summary of occipitotemporal organization indicates that the VWFA falls in a... Read More about A novel hypothesis for the original functionality of the VisualWord Form Area: Processing shape sequences.
Juxtaposing the Philosophical Projects of Schmitt and Marcuse, Joseph Diaz’s “Schmitt and Marcuse: Friends, Force, and Quality” from Telos 165 (Winter 2013)
Journal Article
Robert Edmunds-Coopey, J. Juxtaposing the Philosophical Projects of Schmitt and Marcuse, Joseph Diaz’s “Schmitt and Marcuse: Friends, Force, and Quality” from Telos 165 (Winter 2013)