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To the Limit: The Meaning of Endurance from Mexico to the Himalayas (2024)
Crawley, M. (2024). To the Limit: The Meaning of Endurance from Mexico to the Himalayas. Bloomsbury

So many of us are embracing endurance sports – whether it is running an ultra-marathon, taking on long-distance cycling events or even climbing Mount Everest. But what is it that makes us voluntarily do exhausting things? When we lace up our running... Read More about To the Limit: The Meaning of Endurance from Mexico to the Himalayas.

Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies (2024)
Bratton, F., Girdwood, M., & Riddell, F. (Eds.). (2024). Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies. Palgrave Macmillan.

This collection of essays explores the life and works of the British poet and author of short stories Charlotte Mew (1869-1928). It represents the first volume dedicated solely to critical engagement with the full range of Mew’s poetry, fiction and e... Read More about Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies.

Étudier les primates: Comment concevoir, mener et présenter des recherches en primatologie (2024)
Setchell, J. (2024). Étudier les primates: Comment concevoir, mener et présenter des recherches en primatologie. NoLedge

La primatologie s’appuie sur des théories et des méthodes issues de divers domaines, tels que l’anatomie, l’anthropologie, la biologie, l’écologie, la médecine, la psychologie, les sciences vétérinaires et la zoologie. Il y a plus de cinq cents espèc... Read More about Étudier les primates: Comment concevoir, mener et présenter des recherches en primatologie.

New Anthropologies of Italy: Politics, History and Culture (2024)
Heywood, P. (Ed.). (2024). New Anthropologies of Italy: Politics, History and Culture. Berghahn Books.

Anthropologists working in Italy are at the forefront of scholarship on several topics including migration, far-right populism, organised crime and heritage. This book heralds an exciting new frontier by bringing together some of the leading ethnogra... Read More about New Anthropologies of Italy: Politics, History and Culture.

Teleology (2024)
Tugby, M. (2024). Teleology. Cambridge University Press.

Teleology is about functions, ends, and goals in nature. This Element offers a philosophical examination of these phenomena and aims to reinstate teleology as a core part of the metaphysics of science. It starts with a critical analysis of three theo... Read More about Teleology.

Holding Government to Account: Democracy and the National Audit Office (2024)
Midgley, H. C., Ferry, L., & Murphie, A. D. (in press). Holding Government to Account: Democracy and the National Audit Office. Routledge

The National Audit Office has played an important role in the checks and balances of the UK Parliamentary and political system over the last 40 years. This new book, more than just a history of the UK’s supreme audit institution, examines the very de... Read More about Holding Government to Account: Democracy and the National Audit Office.

Grundlagen des parallelen wissenschaftlichen Rechnens: Ein erster Leitfaden zu numerischen Konzepten und Programmiermethoden (2024)
Weinzierl, T. (2024). Grundlagen des parallelen wissenschaftlichen Rechnens: Ein erster Leitfaden zu numerischen Konzepten und Programmiermethoden. Springer.

Neue Erkenntnisse in vielen wissenschaftlichen und technischen Bereichen sind ohne den Einsatz numerischer Simulationen, die auf modernen Computern effizient ablaufen, nicht denkbar. Je schneller wir neue Ergebnisse erhalten, desto größer und genauer... Read More about Grundlagen des parallelen wissenschaftlichen Rechnens: Ein erster Leitfaden zu numerischen Konzepten und Programmiermethoden.

The Poesy of Scientia in Early Modern England (2024)
Mukherji, S., & Swann, E. L. (Eds.). (2024). The Poesy of Scientia in Early Modern England. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book explores interconnections between the modes of knowing that we now associate with the rubrics ‘literature’ and ‘science’ at a formative point in their early development. Rather than simply tracing lines of influence, it focuses on how both... Read More about The Poesy of Scientia in Early Modern England.

Peace and the Politics of Memory (2024)
Mannergren, J., Björkdahl, A., Buckley-Zistel, S., Kappler, S., & Williams, T. (2024). Peace and the Politics of Memory. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

This book explores memory politics and its impact on the quality of peace in societies transitioning from a violent past. Situating the book in the literature of critical Peace Research and Memory Studies, the authors introduce the idea that the qual... Read More about Peace and the Politics of Memory.