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All Outputs (96)

The Departing Body: Creation of the Neutral in-between Sensual Bodies (2011)
Journal Article
Innami, F. (2011). The Departing Body: Creation of the Neutral in-between Sensual Bodies. Azijske študije, XV(3), 111-130.

This paper investigates the Japanese concept of ma/aida, the space in-between, discussed by French author Roland Barthes as the Neutral, not signifying the medium of the opposite poles but the bare existence. It first analyzes how the discourse of co... Read More about The Departing Body: Creation of the Neutral in-between Sensual Bodies.

Tenían veinte años y estaban locos (2011)
Fernández Recasens, C., Acerete, A., Alcaraz, C., Butragueño, B., Casielles, L., Castro, E., García, D. L., García Faet, B., Gato, J., Guijarro, A., Guirao, A., L'Autremonde, O., Llana, R., M. Bautista, M., Molina, E., Narbón, R. E., R. Gallardo, S., Ramón-Borja, M., Reiro, E., del Río, J., …Velasco, U. (2011). M. Luna (Ed.), Tenían veinte años y estaban locos. La Bella Varsovia

Marcabru in Motion: “Dire vos vuoill ses duptanssa” in Chansonniers A and C, and in Matfre Ermengaud's Breviari d’amor (2011)
Journal Article
Sunderland, L. (2011). Marcabru in Motion: “Dire vos vuoill ses duptanssa” in Chansonniers A and C, and in Matfre Ermengaud's Breviari d’amor. Glossator, 4, 115-130

The poems by Marcabru (fl. 1130-50) and Matfre Ermengaud (d. 1322) illustrate the intertextual nature of the Occitan tradition. This paper compares three versions of Marcabru's text (chansonnier A, longer version in C, and Matrfré's citation). If the... Read More about Marcabru in Motion: “Dire vos vuoill ses duptanssa” in Chansonniers A and C, and in Matfre Ermengaud's Breviari d’amor.

Voltaire, Marie-Antoinette and the politics of galanterie (2011)
Journal Article
Wynn, T. (2011). Voltaire, Marie-Antoinette and the politics of galanterie. French Studies, 65(1), 17-29.

In its glorification of the established order, galanterie is an aesthetic and practice that lends itself to expressions of fealty. Following Alain Viala’s recent research on the subject, this article reconsiders Voltaire’s final commission for the Fr... Read More about Voltaire, Marie-Antoinette and the politics of galanterie.

Nieve natal : The poetic language of Eugenio Montejo (2011)
Book Chapter
Roberts, N. (2011). Nieve natal : The poetic language of Eugenio Montejo. In A. Rodríguez Silva (Ed.), Orfeo revisitado : viaje a la poesía de Eugenio Montejo (129-160). Dirección General de Cultura y Extensión de la Universidad de Los Andes / Laboratorio Arte y Poética del Núcleo Universitario “Rafael Rangel”

Definitions of cosmography and geography in the wake of Ptolemy's Geography (2011)
Book Chapter
Tessicini, D. (2011). Definitions of cosmography and geography in the wake of Ptolemy's Geography. In Z. Shalev, & C. Burnett (Eds.), Ptolemy's geography in the Renaissance (51-69). Warburg Institute

The aim of this paper is to examine the ways in which the terminological and disciplinary distinction between cosmography and geography was understood by Renaissance and early modern editors, translators, and commentators of Ptolemy’s Geography. Thro... Read More about Definitions of cosmography and geography in the wake of Ptolemy's Geography.

Royal Authority and Commonplace Similitudes in French Natural-Philosophical Poetry: Duchesne's Grand Miroir du monde and Du Bartas's Sepmaine (2011)
Book Chapter
Banks, K. (2011). Royal Authority and Commonplace Similitudes in French Natural-Philosophical Poetry: Duchesne's Grand Miroir du monde and Du Bartas's Sepmaine. In M. Bruun, & D. Cowling (Eds.), Commonplace culture in Western Europe in the Early Modern Period I : Reformation, counter-reformation and revolt (129-149). Peeters Publishers

Cornelius Gemma and the new star of 1572 (2011)
Book Chapter
Tessicini, D. (2011). Cornelius Gemma and the new star of 1572. In P. Boner (Ed.), Change and Continuity in Early Modern Cosmology (51-65). Springer Verlag.

The appearance of a new star in the constellation of Cassiopeia between November 1572 and March 1574 provoked wide discussion which spread across the entire continent of Europe and lasted right until the end of the following century, finally culminat... Read More about Cornelius Gemma and the new star of 1572.

Commonplaces and Everyday Wisdom in Henri Estienne (2011)
Book Chapter
Cowling, D. (2011). Commonplaces and Everyday Wisdom in Henri Estienne. In D. Cowling, & M. B. Bruun (Eds.), Commonplace culture in Western Europe in the early modern period I : reformation, counter-reformation and revolt (113-127). Peeters Publishers

The vernacular works of the celebrated Hellenist, humanist, and printer Henri Estienne (1531-1598) provide a good case-study for the use of commonplace material in polemical contexts in the later sixteenth century. In what follows, I will understand... Read More about Commonplaces and Everyday Wisdom in Henri Estienne.