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All Outputs (96)

La tierra enferma: representaciones tempranas del Caribe y el discurso patológico. (2011)
Journal Article
Pérez Marín, Y. (2011). La tierra enferma: representaciones tempranas del Caribe y el discurso patológico. Estudios - Universidad Simón Bolívar, 17(34), 261-285

This essay traces the literary representation and discursive uses of disease as a trope in the historiographic materials surrounding Columbus’ second voyage to the Indies. Juxtaposing documents penned by Columbus himself with the accounts of other fi... Read More about La tierra enferma: representaciones tempranas del Caribe y el discurso patológico..

Political Violence and the Construction of National Identity in Latin America. Ed. by Will Fowler and Peter Lambert. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2006. 244 pp. £55. ISBN 978-1-4039-7388-7. (2011)
Journal Article
Roberts, N. (2011). Political Violence and the Construction of National Identity in Latin America. Ed. by Will Fowler and Peter Lambert. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2006. 244 pp. £55. ISBN 978-1-4039-7388-7. Modern Language Review, 106(3), 892-894.

Delisle de Sales, Théâtre d’amour & Baculard d’Arnaud, L’Art de foutre, ou Paris foutant (2011)
Wynn, T. (Ed.). (2011). Delisle de Sales, Théâtre d’amour & Baculard d’Arnaud, L’Art de foutre, ou Paris foutant. Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA)

Cette édition donnera au lecteur l’occasion de découvrir le théâtre érotique du XVIIIe siècle, facette méconnue de la théâtromanie de l’époque. Les textes, extrêmement rares, réunis dans ce volume paraissent ici pour la première fois depuis plus de 2... Read More about Delisle de Sales, Théâtre d’amour & Baculard d’Arnaud, L’Art de foutre, ou Paris foutant.

Understanding and reformulating metaphors: An empirical study on English-Chinese sight translation (2011)
Journal Article
Xiang, X., & Zheng, B. (2011). Understanding and reformulating metaphors: An empirical study on English-Chinese sight translation. Waiyu jiaoxue yu yanjiu, 43(3), 422-436

In this study, 30 Intermediate Interpreting Course students are chosen as subjects and two experiments are conducted on them. The first experiment (within-subjects) involves two texts, one containing several metaphors, the other none; the second expe... Read More about Understanding and reformulating metaphors: An empirical study on English-Chinese sight translation.

Queer in Spain: Identity Without Limits (2011)
Book Chapter
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2011). Queer in Spain: Identity Without Limits. In L. Downing, & R. Gillet (Eds.), Queer in Europe (189-202). Ashgate Publishing

Michele Savonarola e le bizzarrie di corte (2011)
Book Chapter
Cracolici, S. (2011). Michele Savonarola e le bizzarrie di corte. In C. Crisciani, & G. Zuccolin (Eds.), Michele Savonarola: Medicina e Cultura di Corte (23-58). SISMEL - EDIZIONI DEL GALLUZZO

Abjection and the Fear of Alterity: Matricide and the Element of the Maternal in the Works of Carlo Emilio Gadda and Samuel Beckett (2011)
Journal Article
Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2011). Abjection and the Fear of Alterity: Matricide and the Element of the Maternal in the Works of Carlo Emilio Gadda and Samuel Beckett. Italian Studies, 66(1), 76-92.

The article offers an analysis of the intrinsically ambiguous representation of the maternal figure in Carlo Emilio Gadda's and Samuel Beckett's writings (with a particular focus on La cognizione del dolore and Beckett's prose Trilogy), which is char... Read More about Abjection and the Fear of Alterity: Matricide and the Element of the Maternal in the Works of Carlo Emilio Gadda and Samuel Beckett.

Corporeality and Emotion in Goethe's 'Wahlverwandtschaften' (2011)
Journal Article
Nitschke, C. (2011). Corporeality and Emotion in Goethe's 'Wahlverwandtschaften'. Publications of the English Goethe Society, 80(1), 38-52.

This article explores the connection between corporeality and emotion in Goethe's Die Wahlverwandtschaften, with special emphasis on tableaux vivants. It focuses on the dilemma of a newly emerging concept of love based on physical attraction, which p... Read More about Corporeality and Emotion in Goethe's 'Wahlverwandtschaften'.

Libertinage (2011)
Book Chapter
Wynn, T. (2011). Libertinage. In W. Burgwinkle, N. Hammond, & E. Wilson (Eds.), The Cambridge history of French literature (412-419). Cambridge University Press

Psychoanalysis since 1966. (2011)
Book Chapter
Moore, G. (2011). Psychoanalysis since 1966. In R. Eaglestone (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory: Literary Theory from 1966 to the Present (790-797). Blackwell

This is the first comprehensive multi-volume encyclopedia of literary and cultural theory. Arranged in three volumes covering Literary Theory from 1900 to 1966, Literary Theory from 1966 to the present, and Cultural Theory, this encyclopedia provides... Read More about Psychoanalysis since 1966..

Commonplace Culture in Western Europe in the Early Modern Period II: Consolidation of God-Given Power (2011)
Banks, K., & Bossier, P. (Eds.). (2011). Commonplace Culture in Western Europe in the Early Modern Period II: Consolidation of God-Given Power. Peeters Publishers

This is the second of three volumes from the project 'Authority and Persuasion: the Role of Commonplaces in Western Europe (c.1450-c.1800)'. The project was launched by the universities of Copenhagen, Durham and Groningen and involved scholars from a... Read More about Commonplace Culture in Western Europe in the Early Modern Period II: Consolidation of God-Given Power.

Gay Science and (No) Laughing Matter: The Eternal Returns of Michel Houellebecq. (2011)
Journal Article
Moore, G. (2011). Gay Science and (No) Laughing Matter: The Eternal Returns of Michel Houellebecq. French Studies, 65(1), 45-60.

Michel Houellebecq has repeatedly presented his literary work as something of a return to Schopenhauer. Yet this interpretation risks understating the complexity of Houellebecq's negotiations with Nietzsche — the self-proclaimed enemy of Schopenhauer... Read More about Gay Science and (No) Laughing Matter: The Eternal Returns of Michel Houellebecq..