Translation as a Factor of Social Telenomy
Journal Article
Tyulenev, S. (2011). Translation as a Factor of Social Telenomy
All Outputs (96)
Men, Monkeys, Monsters and Evolution in Fiction from the Fin-de-siècle to the Present. (2011)
Book Chapter
Lloyd, C. (2011). Men, Monkeys, Monsters and Evolution in Fiction from the Fin-de-siècle to the Present. In N. Saul, & S. James (Eds.), The Evolution of Literature: Legacies of Darwin in European Cultures (185-200). RodopiDaniel Dennett famously claimed for Darwinian theory the status of universal solvent: the totalising theory of theories, even of theories of literature. Yet only a few writers and critics have followed his view. This volume asks why. It examines both... Read More about Men, Monkeys, Monsters and Evolution in Fiction from the Fin-de-siècle to the Present..
Yo gusto: Expanding choice or syntactic attrition? (2011)
Book Chapter
Cazzoli-Goeta, M., & Young-Scholten, M. (2011). Yo gusto: Expanding choice or syntactic attrition?. In K. Potowski, & J. Rothman (Eds.), Bilingual youth: Spanish in English-speaking societies. John Benjamins Publishing
La Verité se rencontre-t-elle au train de la contingence? (2011)
Book Chapter
O'Brien, J. (2011). La Verité se rencontre-t-elle au train de la contingence?. In P. Desan (Ed.), Les chapitres oubliés des "Essais" de Montaigne : actes des journées d'étude à la mémoire de Michel Simonin (93-106). Honoré Champion
Defilement, War and the Corpse: On Abjection in Gadda and Céline (2011)
Journal Article
Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2011). Defilement, War and the Corpse: On Abjection in Gadda and Céline. Edinburgh journal of Gadda studies, 7,
From Virgin Martyr to Holy Harlot: Female Saints in the Middle Ages and the Problem of Classification (2011)
Book Chapter
Beresford, A. M. (2011). From Virgin Martyr to Holy Harlot: Female Saints in the Middle Ages and the Problem of Classification. In X. D. Ros, & G. Coates (Eds.), A Companion to Spanish Women's Studies (77-93). Woodbridge: Tamesis
Representation and Rupture in the Age of Globalization: Narrative Strategies in Manlio Argueta's Cuzcatlán donde bate la mar del sur and the Debate on Subalternity. (2011)
Journal Article
Oloff, K. (2011). Representation and Rupture in the Age of Globalization: Narrative Strategies in Manlio Argueta's Cuzcatlán donde bate la mar del sur and the Debate on Subalternity. Revista Hispánica Moderna, 64(2), 149-165.
Devenir-autre: Female Corporeality and Nomadic Transformation in Ananda Devi's Writing (2011)
Book Chapter
Damlé, A. (2011). Devenir-autre: Female Corporeality and Nomadic Transformation in Ananda Devi's Writing. In V. Bragard, & S. Ravi (Eds.), Écritures mauriciennes au féminin: Penser l'altérité (155-177). L'Harmattan
L'Espace urbain dans la scénographie du dix-septième siècle. (2011)
Book Chapter
Clarke, J. (2011). L'Espace urbain dans la scénographie du dix-septième siècle. In J. Clarke, P. Pasquier, & H. Phillips (Eds.), La Ville en scène en France et en Europe (1552-1709) (119-138). Peter Lang
Introduction: The Evolution of Literature. (2011)
Book Chapter
Saul, N., & James, S. J. (2011). Introduction: The Evolution of Literature. In N. Saul, & S. J. James (Eds.), The Evolution of Literature: Legacies of Darwin in European Cultures (9-18). Rodopi
Queer in Italy: Italian Televisibility and the ‘Queerable’ Audience (2011)
Book Chapter
Malici, L. (2011). Queer in Italy: Italian Televisibility and the ‘Queerable’ Audience. In L. Downing, & R. Gillett (Eds.), Queer in Europe: Contemporary Case Studies (113-128). Ashgate Publishing
Ektoplasma, Kunst und Begehren. Der spiritistische Roman, der Körper und die moderne Befindlichkeit bei Carl du Prel, Wilhelm Bölsche und Artur Dinter (2011)
Book Chapter
Saul, N. (2011). Ektoplasma, Kunst und Begehren. Der spiritistische Roman, der Körper und die moderne Befindlichkeit bei Carl du Prel, Wilhelm Bölsche und Artur Dinter. In C. Arndt, & S. Brodersen (Eds.), Organismus und Gesellschaft. Der Körper in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Realismus und Naturalismus (1830-1930) (179-210). transcript
Enfance, errance et subversion fin-de-siècle dans La Marquise de Sade (1887) de Rachilde. (2011)
Book Chapter
Dousteyssier-Khoze, C. (2011). Enfance, errance et subversion fin-de-siècle dans La Marquise de Sade (1887) de Rachilde. In I. Hervouet-Farrar (Ed.), Enfance et errance dans la littérature européenne du XIXe siècle (245-256). Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, collection 'Littératures'
Lecturas en celuloide: el personaje indígena latinoamericano en el 'cine de época'. (2011)
Book Chapter
Pérez Marín, Y. (2011). Lecturas en celuloide: el personaje indígena latinoamericano en el 'cine de época'. In S. Kirk (Ed.), Estudios coloniales latinoamericanos en el siglo XXI : nuevos itinerarios (183-210). Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana
La Ville en scène en France et en Europe (1552-1709). (2011)
Clarke, J., Pasquier, P., & Phillips, H. (Eds.). (2011). La Ville en scène en France et en Europe (1552-1709). Peter Lang
L'Esprit Créateur (Special issue; 51(1)). Watch This Space: Women's Conceptualisations of Space in Contemporary French Film and Visual Art. (2011)
Barnet, M.-C., & Jordan, S. (Eds.). (2011). L'Esprit Créateur (Special issue; 51(1)). Watch This Space: Women's Conceptualisations of Space in Contemporary French Film and Visual Art. Johns Hopkins University Press
Punture dal sottobosco: i piccoli dolori della bizzarria (2011)
Book Chapter
Cracolici, S. (2011). Punture dal sottobosco: i piccoli dolori della bizzarria. In G. Galloni, & M. Rotili (Eds.), Il Dolore/The Pain. Milano: Mimesis (Sensibilia 4)
Sixteenth-Century Prose Narrative (2011)
Book Chapter
O'Brien, J. (2011). Sixteenth-Century Prose Narrative. In E. Wilson, W. Burgwinkle, & N. Hammond (Eds.), The Cambridge History of French Literature (220-228). Cambridge University PressFrom Occitan poetry to Francophone writing produced in the Caribbean and North Africa, from intellectual history to current films, and from medieval manuscripts to bandes dessinées, this History covers French literature from its beginnings to the pre... Read More about Sixteenth-Century Prose Narrative.
A Woman Proposes: Embattled Masculinity and Female Desire in Der Schwierige (2011)
Book Chapter
Ní Dhúill, C. (2011). A Woman Proposes: Embattled Masculinity and Female Desire in Der Schwierige. In M. Liebscher, C. Fricker, & R. Dassanowsky (Eds.), The Nameable and the Unnameable. Hofmannsthal’s Der Schwierige in context (94-106). Iudicium/IGRS
The Discourse of Disease: Laforgue's Reception of Schopenhauer. Society of Dix-Neuviémistes 9th Annual Conference at Birmingham University (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bootle, S. (2011, December). The Discourse of Disease: Laforgue's Reception of Schopenhauer. Society of Dix-Neuviémistes 9th Annual Conference at Birmingham University. Presented at Society of Dix-Neuviémistes 9th Annual Conference, Birmingham, England