The Pre-Markan Tradition in Recent Research (1980-1990).
Book Chapter
Telford, W. (1992). The Pre-Markan Tradition in Recent Research (1980-1990). In F. Van Segbroeck, C. Tuckett, G. Van Belle, & J. Verheyden (Eds.), The Four Gospels: 1992. Festschrift Frans Neirynck (693-723). Peeters and Leuven University Press
All Outputs (9)
The Miracle Stories in seventh-century Irish Saints' Lives (1992)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stancliffe, C. (1992, December). The Miracle Stories in seventh-century Irish Saints' Lives. Presented at Le septieme siecle: changements et continuites / The Seventh Century: Change and Continuity, Warburg Institute, London
"Making a Better World: Revisiting David Hume with Ian Markham" (1992)
Journal Article
Loughlin, G. (1992). "Making a Better World: Revisiting David Hume with Ian Markham". Modern Theology, 8, 297-303
"Over the Ashes" (1992)
Journal Article
Loughlin, G. (1992). "Over the Ashes". New Blackfriars, 73, 605-613
"Christianity at the End of the Story or the Return of the Master Narrative" (1992)
Journal Article
Loughlin, G. (1992). "Christianity at the End of the Story or the Return of the Master Narrative". Modern Theology, 8, 365-384
From Eden to Golgotha: Essays in Biblical Theology (1992)
Moberly, R. (1992). From Eden to Golgotha: Essays in Biblical Theology. Scholars Press
The Old Testament of the Old Testament: Patriarchal Narratives and Mosaic Yahwism. (1992)
Moberly, R. (1992). The Old Testament of the Old Testament: Patriarchal Narratives and Mosaic Yahwism. Fortress Press
Genesis 12-50. (1992)
Moberly, R. (1992). Genesis 12-50. JSOT Press
The Spirituality of the Gospels. (1992)
Barton, S. (1992). The Spirituality of the Gospels. SPCK and HendricksonThe book analyses the distinctive spiritualities of the four canonical gospels.