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All Outputs (766)

Overlooked by the Spirit-filled: Womanist Pentecostalism and the case of the Hellenistic widows (2024)
Journal Article
Stone, S. (2024). Overlooked by the Spirit-filled: Womanist Pentecostalism and the case of the Hellenistic widows. Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, 44(1), 26-38.

From its inception until now, Pentecostalism has thrived among Black communities, women and those experiencing socio-economic deprivation. Pentecostal theological ethicists have dealt in some ways with the themes of race, class and gender but often a... Read More about Overlooked by the Spirit-filled: Womanist Pentecostalism and the case of the Hellenistic widows.

Goethe’s Platonic Natural Philosophy: How Goethean Science Provides an Alternative Conception of the Cosmos (2024)
Journal Article
Hart, S. P. (2024). Goethe’s Platonic Natural Philosophy: How Goethean Science Provides an Alternative Conception of the Cosmos. Religions, 15(3), Article 355.

While popularly known for his works of literature and poetry, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe viewed his lesser-known scientific pieces as his most enduring achievement. I will argue that Goethe’s unique scientific methodology is informed by a metaphysica... Read More about Goethe’s Platonic Natural Philosophy: How Goethean Science Provides an Alternative Conception of the Cosmos.

Philosophy’s Resurrection: Richard Fishacre on Theology, Light, and the Stars (2024)
Journal Article
Crozier, W. (2024). Philosophy’s Resurrection: Richard Fishacre on Theology, Light, and the Stars. New Blackfriars, 105(4), 384-400.

This article explores Richard Fishacre’s (1200–1248) thinking on the relationship between theology and philosophy. It shows how, despite constructing what, on the surface at least, appears to be a traditional understanding of theology’s relationship... Read More about Philosophy’s Resurrection: Richard Fishacre on Theology, Light, and the Stars.

Supersessionism and the Cult Attitude of Stephen and Hebrews (2024)
Journal Article
Moore, N. J. (2024). Supersessionism and the Cult Attitude of Stephen and Hebrews. Irish Theological Quarterly, 89(2), 133-150.

In the face of continued debates about Christian supersessionism with regard to Judaism, this article revisits two texts which have been thought to display the harshest anti-temple attitudes in the New Testament: Stephen’s speech in Acts 7, and the L... Read More about Supersessionism and the Cult Attitude of Stephen and Hebrews.

Catholic Social Teaching Reframed: One Fruit of a Culture of Encounter (2024)
Journal Article
Rowe, G. L. M. (2024). Catholic Social Teaching Reframed: One Fruit of a Culture of Encounter. New Blackfriars, 105(1), 77-91.

Catholic social thought and teaching is sometimes conceptualised using an historical or principles-based approach. This paper proposes an alternative framing, construing Catholic social teaching (CST) as a multi-layered phenomenon that can be grouped... Read More about Catholic Social Teaching Reframed: One Fruit of a Culture of Encounter.

Critical Reflections on the Role of the Canon in New Testament Scholarship (2024)
Journal Article
Watson, F. (2024). Critical Reflections on the Role of the Canon in New Testament Scholarship. New Testament Studies, 70(1), 111-124.

The modern discipline of New Testament Studies has subjected the various components of the New Testament to close scrutiny, yet it persistently fails to ask critical questions about the New Testament considered as a whole. In its familiar twenty-seve... Read More about Critical Reflections on the Role of the Canon in New Testament Scholarship.

’Ενευλογηθήσονται as a Speech Action Middle in Genesis 12:3b LXX (2024)
Journal Article
York, D. (2024). ’Ενευλογηθήσονται as a Speech Action Middle in Genesis 12:3b LXX. Harvard Theological Review, 117(1), 21-42.

Interpreters unanimously read ἐνευλογηθήσονται in Gen 12:3b LXX as a passive. Good evidence, however, exists to challenge and problematize this conclusion. Recent linguistic studies on the ancient Greek middle voice reveal that aorist and future -θη-... Read More about ’Ενευλογηθήσονται as a Speech Action Middle in Genesis 12:3b LXX.

What we talk about when we talk about class: discourse about the working class in the Church of England General Synod 2018–2022 (2024)
Journal Article
Tyndall, R. (2024). What we talk about when we talk about class: discourse about the working class in the Church of England General Synod 2018–2022. Practical Theology, 17(1), 40-55.

The Church of England struggles to talk clearly about class. This article examines discourse in the Church of England General Synod to consider both the language and themes which appear when middle-class Anglicans discuss class. It is an attempt to ‘... Read More about What we talk about when we talk about class: discourse about the working class in the Church of England General Synod 2018–2022.

Hope and Truth-telling: A Response to Aristotle Papanikolaou (2023)
Journal Article
Ryan, G. A. (2023). Hope and Truth-telling: A Response to Aristotle Papanikolaou. AUC Theologica, 13(2), 21-28.

This article is a revised version of the paper given at the Anthropology of Hope conference in Prague, May 2023, in response to Professor Aristotle Papanikolaou’s presentation on ‘Hope and Truth-telling’. The first part responds briefly to the affect... Read More about Hope and Truth-telling: A Response to Aristotle Papanikolaou.

Decolonizing science‐engaged theology (2023)
Journal Article
Kamwendo, Z. T. (2024). Decolonizing science‐engaged theology. Teaching Theology & Religion, 27(1-2), 24-29.

This piece is about the value of decolonization for teaching and doing science‐engaged theology. I argue that decolonization should be seen as a useful tool that helps students, teachers, and scholars to re‐imagine the modern distinction between scie... Read More about Decolonizing science‐engaged theology.

The Ethics of Perfection: Exploring the Ethical Implications of Wesley's Doctrine of Perfection (2023)
Journal Article
Simants, M. D. (2024). The Ethics of Perfection: Exploring the Ethical Implications of Wesley's Doctrine of Perfection. Studies in Christian Ethics, 37(1), 111-121.

If one were to prioritise the most important contributions of John Wesley, within that list would be the contribution of his Doctrine of Christian Perfection. The development of this doctrine was a life-long project for Wesley, who always held the co... Read More about The Ethics of Perfection: Exploring the Ethical Implications of Wesley's Doctrine of Perfection.

Decolonial Homophobia: Is Decolonisation Incompatible with LGBT+ Affirmation in Christian Ethics? (2023)
Journal Article
Day, C. M. (2024). Decolonial Homophobia: Is Decolonisation Incompatible with LGBT+ Affirmation in Christian Ethics?. Studies in Christian Ethics, 37(1), 71-92.

I evaluate the argument advanced in politics and Christian ethics that I term ‘decolonial homophobia’: that decolonisation and LGBT+ affirmation are contradictory because LGBT+ rights are a global Northern phenomenon that is imperialistically imposed... Read More about Decolonial Homophobia: Is Decolonisation Incompatible with LGBT+ Affirmation in Christian Ethics?.

Can Christian Ethics be Saved? Colonialism, Racial Justice and the Task of Decolonising Christian Theology (2023)
Journal Article
Stone, S. (2024). Can Christian Ethics be Saved? Colonialism, Racial Justice and the Task of Decolonising Christian Theology. Studies in Christian Ethics, 37(1), 3-18.

Christian ethical practice has historically fallen short, when we consider the histories of European colonial violence from the sixteenth century and the transatlantic slave trade in Africans. Today, Christian ethics can fail to uphold a standard of... Read More about Can Christian Ethics be Saved? Colonialism, Racial Justice and the Task of Decolonising Christian Theology.

Is orthodoxy radical? Revisiting G. K. Chesterton and John Robinson (2023)
Journal Article
Loughlin, G. (2023). Is orthodoxy radical? Revisiting G. K. Chesterton and John Robinson. Theology, 126(6), 407-414.

That orthodoxy can be radical might be thought a rallying cry from the 1990s. But in fact it was already being made in the 1960s by John Robinson, and before him by G. K. Chesterton, at the start of the twentieth century. This tradition of radical or... Read More about Is orthodoxy radical? Revisiting G. K. Chesterton and John Robinson.