Targum a Misnomer for Midrash? Towards a Typology for the Targum Sheni of Esther.
Journal Article
Hayward, R. (2011). Targum a Misnomer for Midrash? Towards a Typology for the Targum Sheni of Esther. Aramaic Studies, 9(1), 47-63. https://doi.org/10.1163/147783511x594843
All Outputs (766)
Kant's Transcendental Idealism, Freedom and the Divine Mind. (2011)
Journal Article
Insole, C. (2011). Kant's Transcendental Idealism, Freedom and the Divine Mind. Modern Theology, 27(4), 608-638. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0025.2011.01705.x
Promoting Positive Attitudes towards Science and Religion among Sixth Form Pupils: Dealing with Scientism and Creationism (2011)
Journal Article
Astley, J., & Francis, L. J. (2011). Promoting Positive Attitudes towards Science and Religion among Sixth Form Pupils: Dealing with Scientism and Creationism. British Journal of Religious Education, 6(2), 189-200
Forgiveness: A Re-appraisal. (2011)
Journal Article
Bash, A. (2011). Forgiveness: A Re-appraisal. Studies in Christian Ethics, 24(2), 133-146
Ordinary Theology as Narratives: An Empirical Study of Young People's Charismatic Worship in Scotland (2011)
Journal Article
Ward, P., & Campbell, H. (2011). Ordinary Theology as Narratives: An Empirical Study of Young People's Charismatic Worship in Scotland. Practical Theology, 15(2), 226-242
Responding to Montemaggi’s Dream of Spiritual Capital (2011)
Journal Article
Baker, C., & Miles-Watson, J. (2011). Responding to Montemaggi’s Dream of Spiritual Capital. Implicit Religion, 14(1), 87-92
'To the lost of Israel': an (hypothetical) ancient letter with commentary (2011)
Journal Article
Freyhauf, M. S., Levand, M., Ludwa, B., & Witker, K. (2011). 'To the lost of Israel': an (hypothetical) ancient letter with commentary. Conversations with the Biblical world, 31, 217-235
Practical Theology and the Ordinary: Visual Research among Migrant Polish Catholic Young People (2011)
Journal Article
Ward, P., & Dunlop, S. (2011). Practical Theology and the Ordinary: Visual Research among Migrant Polish Catholic Young People. International Journal of Practical Theology, 4(3), 295-313
Michael Davitt: From the Gaelic American by John Devoy, Carla King, W. J. McCormack; Parnell to Pearse: Some Recollections and Reflections by John Joseph Horgan, John Horgan; Words of the Dead Chief: Being Extracts from the Public Speeches and other Pronouncements of Charles Stewart Parnell from the Beginning to the Close of his Memorable Life by Donal McCartney, Pauric Travers, Jennie Wyse-Power (2011)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (2011). Michael Davitt: From the Gaelic American by John Devoy, Carla King, W. J. McCormack; Parnell to Pearse: Some Recollections and Reflections by John Joseph Horgan, John Horgan; Words of the Dead Chief: Being Extracts from the Public Speeches and other Pronouncements of Charles Stewart Parnell from the Beginning to the Close of his Memorable Life by Donal McCartney, Pauric Travers, Jennie Wyse-Power. Irish Economic and Social History, 38, 152-154
‘Expanding Catholicity through Ecumenicity in the Work of Yves Congar: Ressourcement, Receptive Ecumenism, and Catholic Reform’ (2011)
Journal Article
Murray, P. D. (2011). ‘Expanding Catholicity through Ecumenicity in the Work of Yves Congar: Ressourcement, Receptive Ecumenism, and Catholic Reform’. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 13(3), 272-302. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2400.2011.00580.x
Conflicts and Connections in the Landscape of the Manimahesh Pilgrimage. (2011)
Journal Article
Miles-Watson, J., & Miles-Watson, S. B. (2011). Conflicts and Connections in the Landscape of the Manimahesh Pilgrimage. Tourism (Zagreb), 59(3), 319-333There is a significant, established, record of academic discussion of Himalayan pilgrimages, which when taken together, direct understandings of pilgrimage in this region in a way that draws attention to some aspects of the landscape of Himalayan pil... Read More about Conflicts and Connections in the Landscape of the Manimahesh Pilgrimage..
The Ivy Leaf: The Parnells Remembered. Commemorative Essays (2011)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (2011). The Ivy Leaf: The Parnells Remembered. Commemorative Essays. Irish Economic and Social History, 38, 157-159Discussing the Parnell family and their place in Irish history, this collection of essays are meant for students of nineteenth-century Ireland, the Parnell family, and the debate on 'commemoration history'. It uses the theme of commemoration to prese... Read More about The Ivy Leaf: The Parnells Remembered. Commemorative Essays.
Michael Davitt: From the Gaelic American (2011)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (2011). Michael Davitt: From the Gaelic American. Irish Economic and Social History, 38, 138-140
Clinical Governance (2011)
Journal Article
Jaggs-Fowler, R. (2011). Clinical Governance. InnovAiT: Education and inspiration for general practice, 4(10), 592-595. https://doi.org/10.1093/innovait/inr069Clinical governance is central to the modern day practice of medicine. However, despite its importance, it remains a concept that is commonly cited but rarely explained. This article looks at the origins of the term ‘clinical governance’, attempts to... Read More about Clinical Governance.
Lacking the common touch (2011)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (2011). Lacking the common touch. Irish Literary Supplement,
Intellectualism, Relational Properties and the Divine Mind in Kant's Pre-Critical Philosophy (2011)
Journal Article
Insole, C. (2011). Intellectualism, Relational Properties and the Divine Mind in Kant's Pre-Critical Philosophy. Kantian Review, 16(3), 399-427. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1369415411000203I demonstrate that the pre-Critical Kant is essentialist and intellectualist about the relational properties of substances. That is to say, God can choose whether or not to create a substance, and whether or not to connect this substance with other s... Read More about Intellectualism, Relational Properties and the Divine Mind in Kant's Pre-Critical Philosophy.
Praying with a patient constitutes a breach of professional boundaries in psychiatric practice (2011)
Journal Article
Pool, R., & Cook, C. (2011). Praying with a patient constitutes a breach of professional boundaries in psychiatric practice. British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(2), 94-98. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.111.096529The extent to which religion and spirituality are integrated into routine psychiatric practice has been a source of increasing controversy over recent years. While taking a patient’s spiritual needs into account when planning their care may be less c... Read More about Praying with a patient constitutes a breach of professional boundaries in psychiatric practice.
Kant's Transcendental Idealism and Newton's Divine Sensorium (2011)
Journal Article
Insole, C. (2011). Kant's Transcendental Idealism and Newton's Divine Sensorium. Journal of the History of Ideas, 72(3), 413-436. https://doi.org/10.1353/jhi.2011.0025
"The Wonder of Newman's Education" (2011)
Journal Article
Loughlin, G. (2011). "The Wonder of Newman's Education". New Blackfriars, 92(1038), 224-242. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-2005.2010.01412.xThis article examines the place of wonder in Newman's account of university education. It pays particular attention to Newman's ‘Rise and Progress of Universities’ (1872) rather than to his better known The Idea of a University (1873). The article fi... Read More about "The Wonder of Newman's Education".
Spirituality and Secularity: Professional Boundaries in Psychiatry (2011)
Journal Article
Cook, C., Powell, A., Sims, A., & Eagger, S. (2011). Spirituality and Secularity: Professional Boundaries in Psychiatry. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 14(1), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2010.484935Spirituality is assuming increasing importance in clinical practice and in research in psychiatry. This increasing salience of spirituality raises important questions about the boundaries of good professional practice. Answers to these questions requ... Read More about Spirituality and Secularity: Professional Boundaries in Psychiatry.