Kant and the Creation of Freedom: a Response to Terry Godlove
Journal Article
Insole, C. J. (2014). Kant and the Creation of Freedom: a Response to Terry Godlove. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 72(3), 111-128. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11153-014-9455-4
All Outputs (766)
Jesus as ‘The One who Entered his Rest’: The Christological Reading of Hebrews 4.10 (2014)
Journal Article
Moore, N. J. (2014). Jesus as ‘The One who Entered his Rest’: The Christological Reading of Hebrews 4.10. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 36(4), 383-400. https://doi.org/10.1177/0142064x14528442
Suicide and Religion (2014)
Journal Article
Cook, C. C. (2014). Suicide and Religion. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204(4), 254-255. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.113.136069Much of the evidence that religion provides a protective factor against completed suicide comes from cross-sectional studies. This issue of the Journal includes a report of a new prospective study. An understanding of the relationship between spiritu... Read More about Suicide and Religion.
Pure Grace? Paul's Distinctive Jewish Theology of Gift (2014)
Journal Article
Barclay, J. (2014). Pure Grace? Paul's Distinctive Jewish Theology of Gift. Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, 68(1), 4-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/0039338x.2014.906064Paul's theology of grace has been “perfected” (drawn to an end-of-the-line extreme) in many different ways during its history of reception, as super-abundant gift, prior gift, gift to the unworthy, gift without return, etc., often with the consequenc... Read More about Pure Grace? Paul's Distinctive Jewish Theology of Gift.
"The Early Aquinas on the Question of Universal Salvation, or How a Knight May Choose Not to Ride His Horse" (2014)
Journal Article
Harkins, F. T. (2014). "The Early Aquinas on the Question of Universal Salvation, or How a Knight May Choose Not to Ride His Horse". New Blackfriars, 95(1056), 208-217. https://doi.org/10.1111/nbfr.12064This article considers how the young Thomas Aquinas treats the question of universal salvation by examining his reading of 1 Timothy 2.4, God wills that all humans should be saved, in two of his early works, the Scriptum on the Sentences of Peter Lom... Read More about "The Early Aquinas on the Question of Universal Salvation, or How a Knight May Choose Not to Ride His Horse".
The Perfect Tense-Form and the Son of Man in John 3.13: Developments in Greek Grammar as a Viable Solution to the Timing of the Ascent and Descent (2014)
Journal Article
Pierce, M. N., & Reynolds, B. E. (2014). The Perfect Tense-Form and the Son of Man in John 3.13: Developments in Greek Grammar as a Viable Solution to the Timing of the Ascent and Descent. New Testament Studies, 60(1), 149-155. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0028688513000301The perfect tense-form verb ἀναβέβηκεν in John 3.13 is usually interpreted in light of traditional verb theory, as a ‘past action with present results’. This interpretation introduces an apparent problematic chronology in that the Son of Man ascends... Read More about The Perfect Tense-Form and the Son of Man in John 3.13: Developments in Greek Grammar as a Viable Solution to the Timing of the Ascent and Descent.
Narrated Photography: Visual Representations of the Sacred Among young Polish migrants in England (2014)
Journal Article
Dunlop, S., & Ward, P. (2014). Narrated Photography: Visual Representations of the Sacred Among young Polish migrants in England. Fieldwork in Religion, 9(1), 30-52. https://doi.org/10.1558/fiel.v9i1.30This article describes how a recently refined visual ethnographic research method, “narrated photography,” contributes to the study of religion. We argue that this qualitative research method is particularly useful for studies of lived religion and d... Read More about Narrated Photography: Visual Representations of the Sacred Among young Polish migrants in England.
Reconstructing The Nature of Doctrine (2014)
Journal Article
Higton, M. (2014). Reconstructing The Nature of Doctrine. Modern Theology, 30(1), 1-31. https://doi.org/10.1111/moth.12050It is now thirty years since George Lindbeck provided, in The Nature of Doctrine, an epitome of his approach to ecumenical dialogue, and an affirmation of related ways of studying religion and practicing theology.1 The approach that he set out was on... Read More about Reconstructing The Nature of Doctrine.
Questions of War and Peace in the theology of Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov (1896-1993) (2014)
Journal Article
Banev, K. (2014). Questions of War and Peace in the theology of Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov (1896-1993). The journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 66(3-4), 91-123. https://doi.org/10.2143/jecs.66.3.3064559The aim of this paper is to give an overview of ‘war’ as the human sin ‘par excellence’ and argue that its overcoming is a key motive in the theology of Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov, twentieth-century Russian Orthodox theologian and ascetic. Seldo... Read More about Questions of War and Peace in the theology of Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov (1896-1993).
Selected list of writings on Irish social and economic history published in 2012 (2013)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (2013). Selected list of writings on Irish social and economic history published in 2012. Irish Economic and Social History, 40(1), 98-113. https://doi.org/10.7227/iesh.40.1.7
Is Enoch Also among the Prophets? The Impact of Jude's Citation of 1 Enoch on the Reception of Both Texts in the Early Church (2013)
Journal Article
Moore, N. J. (2013). Is Enoch Also among the Prophets? The Impact of Jude's Citation of 1 Enoch on the Reception of Both Texts in the Early Church. The Journal of Theological Studies, 64(2), 498-515. https://doi.org/10.1093/jts/flt130
The Sins of Josiah and Hezekiah: A Synchronic Reading of the Final Chapters of Kings (2013)
Journal Article
Janzen, D. (2013). The Sins of Josiah and Hezekiah: A Synchronic Reading of the Final Chapters of Kings. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 37(3), 349-370. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309089213475396
"The Bible as Augmented Reality" (2013)
Journal Article
Phillips, P. (2013). "The Bible as Augmented Reality"
Navigating religion between university and home: Christian students' experiences at English universities (2013)
Journal Article
Sharma, S., & Guest, M. (2013). Navigating religion between university and home: Christian students' experiences at English universities. Social and Cultural Geography, 14(1), 59-79. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649365.2012.735691
The Irrepressibility of Scripture: Psalm 1 Between Jews and Christians (2013)
Journal Article
Higton, M. (2013). The Irrepressibility of Scripture: Psalm 1 Between Jews and Christians. The Journal of scriptural reasoning, 7(1),
Challenging 'Belief' and the Evangelical Bias: Student Christianity in English Universities (2013)
Journal Article
Guest, M., Sharma, S., Aune, K., & Warner, R. (2013). Challenging 'Belief' and the Evangelical Bias: Student Christianity in English Universities. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 28(2), 207-223. https://doi.org/10.1080/13537903.2013.783326
Review, Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: The Fantasy of the Real (2013)
Journal Article
Grey, C. (2013). Review, Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: The Fantasy of the Real. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 13(2), 163-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/1474225x.2013.777888
Families of Receptive Theological Learning: Scriptural Reasoning, Comparative Theology and Receptive Ecumenism (2013)
Journal Article
Murray, P. D. (2013). Families of Receptive Theological Learning: Scriptural Reasoning, Comparative Theology and Receptive Ecumenism. Modern Theology, 29(4), 76-92. https://doi.org/10.1111/moth.12063
Afterword: Some Reflections on Implicit Religion and Ordinary Theology (2013)
Journal Article
Astley, J. (2013). Afterword: Some Reflections on Implicit Religion and Ordinary Theology. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 16(9), 975-978
Did Jesus Discover Forgiveness? (2013)
Journal Article
Bash, A. (2013). Did Jesus Discover Forgiveness?. Journal of Religious Ethics, 41(3), 382-399