Book Review: Mikolaj Olzewski, Quaestiones Disputatae “De productione rerum" “De imagine” et “De anima” e schola bonaventuriana (codex Conv. Soppr. D.4.27 Bibliothecae Nationalis Centralis Florentinae) (Rome: Instituto Storico Dei Cappuccini, 2014)
Journal Article
Crozier, W. (2016). Book Review: Mikolaj Olzewski, Quaestiones Disputatae “De productione rerum" “De imagine” et “De anima” e schola bonaventuriana (codex Conv. Soppr. D.4.27 Bibliothecae Nationalis Centralis Florentinae) (Rome: Instituto Storico Dei Cappuccini, 2014). Franciscan Studies, 74, 389-391.
All Outputs (766)
Wesley's Parish and the Digital Age? (2016)
Journal Article
Phillips, P. (2016). Wesley's Parish and the Digital Age?. Holiness (Cambridge), 2(3), 337-358The following article was delivered as the annual lecture of the Methodist Sacramental Fellowship at the 2016 Methodist Conference in London. Beginning with the original context of John Wesley’s well-known phrase, ‘the world as my parish’, this artic... Read More about Wesley's Parish and the Digital Age?.
'Protestantism' as a historical category (2016)
Journal Article
Ryrie, A. (2016). 'Protestantism' as a historical category. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 26, 59-77. term ‘Protestant’ itself is a historical accident, but the category of western Christians who have separated from Rome since 1517 remains a useful one. The confessionalisation thesis, which has dominated recent Reformation historiography, instead... Read More about 'Protestantism' as a historical category.
Augustine on Creation, Providence and Motion (2016)
Journal Article
Oliver, S. (2016). Augustine on Creation, Providence and Motion. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 18(4), 379-398.'s theology of creation has been criticized for its Platonic tendency to denigrate matter and for a supposedly extrinsic view of divine providence that is reminiscent of design and even deism. This article counters such criticism and argues... Read More about Augustine on Creation, Providence and Motion.
The Dilemmas of Monogamy: Pleasure, Discipline and the Pentecostal Moral Self in the Republic of Benin (2016)
Journal Article
Quiroz, S. (2016). The Dilemmas of Monogamy: Pleasure, Discipline and the Pentecostal Moral Self in the Republic of Benin. Religions, 7(8), Article 102. on ethnographic research in the Republic of Benin, this article explores how Pentecostal teachings on marriage and the management of sexual pleasure contribute to shaping converts’ moral selves. For Pentecostals, fidelity towards God, when sing... Read More about The Dilemmas of Monogamy: Pleasure, Discipline and the Pentecostal Moral Self in the Republic of Benin.
‘It’s Not the Money but the Love of Money That Is the Root of All Evil’: Social Subjection, Machinic Enslavement and the Limits of Anglican Social Theology (2016)
Journal Article
Rose, M. (2016). ‘It’s Not the Money but the Love of Money That Is the Root of All Evil’: Social Subjection, Machinic Enslavement and the Limits of Anglican Social Theology. Religions, 7(8), Article 103. Lazzarato argues that contemporary capitalism functions through two central apparatuses: Social subjection and machinic enslavement. Social subjection equips individuals with a subjectivity, assigning them identities, sexes, bodies, professi... Read More about ‘It’s Not the Money but the Love of Money That Is the Root of All Evil’: Social Subjection, Machinic Enslavement and the Limits of Anglican Social Theology.
Ecclesiology and Ethnography with Humility: Going Through Barth (2016)
Journal Article
Ward, P. (2018). Ecclesiology and Ethnography with Humility: Going Through Barth. Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, 72(1), 51-67. on the notion that future Ecclesiologies would be wise to go through Karl Barth rather than to attempt to go around him. This article proposes a cautious humility for ethnographic approaches to ecclesiology. The article builds on the move tow... Read More about Ecclesiology and Ethnography with Humility: Going Through Barth.
Difficult Texts: Luke 23.34 and Acts 7.60: Forgiving the Unrepentant? (2016)
Journal Article
Bash, A. (2016). Difficult Texts: Luke 23.34 and Acts 7.60: Forgiving the Unrepentant?. Theology, 119(4), 276-278. is widely understood that Jesus forgave those who were crucifying him. His example is held up as one reason to forgive the unrepentant. This article questions these views and suggests that to forgive the unrepentant cannot be supported on biblical... Read More about Difficult Texts: Luke 23.34 and Acts 7.60: Forgiving the Unrepentant?.
Play It Again, but This Time with Ontological Conviction: A Response to Jonathan Marks (2016)
Journal Article
Song, R. (2016). Play It Again, but This Time with Ontological Conviction: A Response to Jonathan Marks. Philosophy, theology and the sciences (Internet), 3(2), 175-182.
Theological Thinking and the Reading of Scripture: An Auseinandersetzung with Susannah Ticciati (2016)
Journal Article
Moberly, R. (2016). Theological Thinking and the Reading of Scripture: An Auseinandersetzung with Susannah Ticciati. Journal of Theological Interpretation, 10(1), 103-116This article considers the relationship between the Bible and theology via the work of Susannah Ticciati, who works with the Bible from the perspective of theology. An exposition of Ticciati’s account of election and divine jealousy in Rom 9–11 and D... Read More about Theological Thinking and the Reading of Scripture: An Auseinandersetzung with Susannah Ticciati.
Newspapers and Newsmakers: The Dublin Nationalist Press in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. By Ann Andrews. Liverpool University Press. 2014. ix + 286pp. £75.00. (2016)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (2016). Newspapers and Newsmakers: The Dublin Nationalist Press in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. By Ann Andrews. Liverpool University Press. 2014. ix + 286pp. £75.00. History, 101(347), 619-621.
"Towards a Redaction-Critical Reading of the Diatessaron Gospel" (2016)
Journal Article
Watson, F. (2016). "Towards a Redaction-Critical Reading of the Diatessaron Gospel". Early Christianity, 7(1), 95-112. redaktionskritischer Zugang zum Diatessaron betrachtet diesen Text als eigenständiges Evangelium und ist bestrebt, redaktionelle Vorgehensweisen bezüglich seiner Quellen aufzuzeigen, die denen vergleichbar sind, die von früheren Evangelisten verw... Read More about "Towards a Redaction-Critical Reading of the Diatessaron Gospel".
Ecclesia et Pontifice: On Delivering on the Ecclesiological Implications of Evangelii Gaudium (2016)
Journal Article
Murray, P. D. (2016). Ecclesia et Pontifice: On Delivering on the Ecclesiological Implications of Evangelii Gaudium. Ecclesiology: The Journal for Ministry, Mission and Unity, 12(1), 13-33. article analyses the ecclesiological implications of Pope Francis’s 2013 Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium from the perspective of critical-constructive systematic ecclesiology. The analysis proceeds in three stages. The first, expository,... Read More about Ecclesia et Pontifice: On Delivering on the Ecclesiological Implications of Evangelii Gaudium.
WPA Position Statement on Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatry (2016)
Journal Article
Moreira-Almeida, A., Sharma, A., van Rensburg, B. J., Verhagen, P. J., & Cook, C. C. (2016). WPA Position Statement on Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatry. World Psychiatry, 15(1), 87-88.
Introducing the Astley-Francis Theology of Religions Index: Construct Validity among 13- to 15-year-old Students (2016)
Journal Article
Astley, J., & Francis, L. J. (2016). Introducing the Astley-Francis Theology of Religions Index: Construct Validity among 13- to 15-year-old Students. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 37(1), 29-39. ‘theology of religions’ is concerned with the interpretation and evaluation of the divergent truth-claims and views of salvation that are asserted or implied by different religious traditions. This study proposes a new multi-choice index that dis... Read More about Introducing the Astley-Francis Theology of Religions Index: Construct Validity among 13- to 15-year-old Students.
A Colonized People: Persian Hegemony, Hybridity, and Community Identity in Ezra-Nehemiah (2016)
Journal Article
Persian Hegemony, Hybridity, and Community Identity in Ezra-Nehemiah. Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches, 24(1), 27-47. article draws on Achaemenid royal inscriptions in a postcolonial investigation of Ezra-Nehemiah’s portrayal of the community of immigrants from Babylon. The book presents the community’s identity as a hybrid of the way imperial hegemony portrays... Read More about A Colonized People: Persian Hegemony, Hybridity, and Community Identity in Ezra-Nehemiah.
Baudrillard, Žižek, and the Seduction of Christ (2016)
Journal Article
Pound, M. (2016). Baudrillard, Žižek, and the Seduction of Christ. International Journal of Zizek Studies, 10(1), 24-43
The Christian Churches and the Great War: England, Scotland and Wales (2016)
Journal Article
Snape, M. (2016). The Christian Churches and the Great War: England, Scotland and Wales. Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France (En ligne), 102(1), 121-138. discussing the historiography of the Great War and the Christian churches in Great Britain (for our purposes, England, Scotland and Wales), the essential point to be made is that the religious impact of the Great War on British society has been gr... Read More about The Christian Churches and the Great War: England, Scotland and Wales.
Who Let the Dogs Out?: An Examination of Outside Cultural Influences in the Book of Tobit (2016)
Journal Article
Freyhauf, M. S. (2016). Who Let the Dogs Out?: An Examination of Outside Cultural Influences in the Book of Tobit. Conversations with the Biblical world, 35, 53-77
Eternal Generation of the Son (2015)
Journal Article
Applegate, K., & Horrell, J. (2015). Eternal Generation of the Son. The Bibliotheca sacra, 172(685), 118-120