The Gift and its Perfections: A Response to Joel Marcus and Margaret Mitchell
Journal Article
Barclay, J. M. (2017). The Gift and its Perfections: A Response to Joel Marcus and Margaret Mitchell. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 39(3), 331-44.
All Outputs (766)
"Recipientes per contemplationem, tradentes per actionem": The Relation between the Active and Contemplative Lives according to Thomas Aquinas (2017)
Journal Article
Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2017). "Recipientes per contemplationem, tradentes per actionem": The Relation between the Active and Contemplative Lives according to Thomas Aquinas. The Thomist, 81(1), 1-30.
Wesleyan Chaplaincy on the Western Front during the First World War (2017)
Journal Article
Pickering, A. (2017). Wesleyan Chaplaincy on the Western Front during the First World War. Wesley and Methodist studies, 9(2), 163-183.
Moral injury and original sin: The applicability of Augustinian moral psychology in light of combat trauma (2017)
Journal Article
Powers, B. S. (2017). Moral injury and original sin: The applicability of Augustinian moral psychology in light of combat trauma. Theology Today, 73(4),
Constructing Political Consciousness in the West of Ireland, 1876–79: The Case of the Ballinasloe Tenant Defence Association (2016)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (2016). Constructing Political Consciousness in the West of Ireland, 1876–79: The Case of the Ballinasloe Tenant Defence Association. New hibernia review, 20(1), 55-76.
Returning the English “Mystics” to their Medieval Milieu: Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe and Bridget of Sweden (2016)
Journal Article
Temple, L. P. (2016). Returning the English “Mystics” to their Medieval Milieu: Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe and Bridget of Sweden. Women's Writing, 23(2), 141-158.
Review of Unconventional Wisdom. By June Boyce-Tillman. Pp. 224. London: Equinox. 2007. £18.99/$24.95 (pbk). (2016)
Journal Article
Freyhauf, M. S. (2016). Review of Unconventional Wisdom. By June Boyce-Tillman. Pp. 224. London: Equinox. 2007. £18.99/$24.95 (pbk). Theology & Sexuality, 18(1), 98-100.
Language, Voice, and the Poetics of Trauma in Modern Levantine Literatures: A Yiddish-Arabic Dialogue (2016)
Journal Article
Biggs, V. (2016). Language, Voice, and the Poetics of Trauma in Modern Levantine Literatures: A Yiddish-Arabic Dialogue. Journal of literature and trauma studies, 5(1),
Going beyond the How and Why of Science-Religion? Senior Christian Leaders on Science and Personal Faith (2016)
Journal Article
Bouveng, R., & Wilkinson, D. (2016). Going beyond the How and Why of Science-Religion? Senior Christian Leaders on Science and Personal Faith
Contemplation, Attention, and the Distinctive Nature of Catholic Education (2016)
Journal Article
Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2016). Contemplation, Attention, and the Distinctive Nature of Catholic Education. Journal of Catholic higher education, 35, 193-209Catholic education should be primarily understood in terms of the contemplative disposition it fosters among students, i.e., a theocentric focus of knowing and loving God, rather than in terms of values. This argument will be developed by drawing on... Read More about Contemplation, Attention, and the Distinctive Nature of Catholic Education.
The decline and fall of the Clancarty estate, east Galway, 1891–1923 (2016)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (2016). The decline and fall of the Clancarty estate, east Galway, 1891–1923
Lectures de religieuses de la Contre-Révolution. La bibliothèque parisienne des Filles du Cœur de Marie (2016)
Journal Article
Barthelemy, S. (2016). Lectures de religieuses de la Contre-Révolution. La bibliothèque parisienne des Filles du Cœur de Marie. Études sur le XVIIIe siècle, 44(Femmes des anti-Lumières, femmes apologistes),
Unbelief, the Senses and the Body in Nicholas Bownde'sThe vnbeleefe of S. Thomas(1608) (2016)
Journal Article
McGhee, P. S. (2016). Unbelief, the Senses and the Body in Nicholas Bownde'sThe vnbeleefe of S. Thomas(1608). Studies in Church History, 52,
Aquinas on Contemplation: a Neglected Topic (2016)
Journal Article
Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2016). Aquinas on Contemplation: a Neglected Topic.
Receptive Ecumenism; Eine Einfuhrung (2016)
Journal Article
Murray, P. D. (2016). Receptive Ecumenism; Eine Einfuhrung. Theologische Quartalschrift (München), 196, 235-247. Beitrag zeigt, dass das rezeptive ökumenische Lernen – die Erneuerung und Befähigung durch den getrennten Anderen – der einzige Weg ist, wie sich die gegenwärtig getrennten christlichen Traditionen auf eine volle Einheit hin bewegen können. In di... Read More about Receptive Ecumenism; Eine Einfuhrung.
Searching for Another Earth: The Recent History of the Discovery of Exoplanets (2016)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, D. (2016). Searching for Another Earth: The Recent History of the Discovery of Exoplanets. Zygon, 51(2), 414-430
Review of Theology, Aesthetics, and Culture: Responses to the Work of David Brown, edited by Robert MacSwain and Taylor Worley (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012) (2016)
Journal Article
Loughlin, G. (2016). Review of Theology, Aesthetics, and Culture: Responses to the Work of David Brown, edited by Robert MacSwain and Taylor Worley (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). The Journal of Theological Studies, 67(1), 410-416.
Keynes's liquidity preference and the usury doctrine: their connection and continuing policy relevance (2016)
Journal Article
Hayes, M. (2017). Keynes's liquidity preference and the usury doctrine: their connection and continuing policy relevance. Review of Social Economy, 75(4), 400-416. purpose of this paper is to support the spirit of the early medieval prohibition of payment for the use of money, with arguments based on the economics of Keynes. At the heart of the usury doctrine is the idea that a creditor cannot expect both t... Read More about Keynes's liquidity preference and the usury doctrine: their connection and continuing policy relevance.
Teachings of Tara: Sacred place and human wellbeing in the Shimla hills (2016)
Journal Article
Miles-Watson, J. (2016). Teachings of Tara: Sacred place and human wellbeing in the Shimla hills. Anthropology in Action: Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice, 23(3), 30-42. article presents the case for a rethinking of the academy’s approach to sacred space through a demonstration of the way that a focus on unskilled actors reconfigures established approaches and interpretations. The article opens with an auto-ethn... Read More about Teachings of Tara: Sacred place and human wellbeing in the Shimla hills.
Experiences of Faith Group Members Using New Reproductive and Genetic Technologies: A Qualitative Interview Study (2016)
Journal Article
Scully, J. L., Banks, S., Song, R., & Haq, J. (2017). Experiences of Faith Group Members Using New Reproductive and Genetic Technologies: A Qualitative Interview Study. Human Fertility, 20(1), 22-29. paper explores the experiences of members of faith groups deciding whether or not to use new reproductive or genetic technologies (NRGTs). It is based on 16 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with people with direct experience of NRGTs. Partic... Read More about Experiences of Faith Group Members Using New Reproductive and Genetic Technologies: A Qualitative Interview Study.