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‘Resacralising’ secular space: new churches in a northern city, 1980–2012 (2017)
Journal Article
Cooper, A., & Goodhew, D. (2017). ‘Resacralising’ secular space: new churches in a northern city, 1980–2012. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 32(3), 495-511.

This article explores the way new church congregations in a city in northern England, the city of York, are using religious and non-religious spaces in which to meet. These new congregations show a diverse approach to the material realm and especiall... Read More about ‘Resacralising’ secular space: new churches in a northern city, 1980–2012.

An Identity Received from God: The Theological Configuration of Paul's Kinship Discourse (2017)
Journal Article
Barclay, J. M. (2017). An Identity Received from God: The Theological Configuration of Paul's Kinship Discourse. Early Christianity, 8(3), 354-372.

Im Gegensatz zu jüngeren Paulusdeutungen, die den Standpunkt vertreten, dass der Apostel die Ethnizität der ,,Heiden" neu bestimme, zeigt eine Untersuchung zweier paulinischer Motive (,,Nachkommen Abrahams" und ,,Annahme als Söhne") die Vorstellung e... Read More about An Identity Received from God: The Theological Configuration of Paul's Kinship Discourse.

The eclipse of Daniel's narrative: The limits of historical knowledge in the theological reading of Daniel (2017)
Journal Article
Briggs, R. S. (2017). The eclipse of Daniel's narrative: The limits of historical knowledge in the theological reading of Daniel. Scottish Journal of Theology, 70(03), 264-277.

This article uses Hans Frei's famous image of the ‘eclipse’ of biblical narrative to explore the link between situating the book of Daniel historically and grasping its theological point(s). The critical/conservative stand-off over the book of Daniel... Read More about The eclipse of Daniel's narrative: The limits of historical knowledge in the theological reading of Daniel.

Liberation Theology and Zombies: Paralysis and Praxis (2017)
Journal Article
Pemberton, C. S. C. (2017). Liberation Theology and Zombies: Paralysis and Praxis. Political Theology, 18(8), 730-749.

In Fredric Jameson's formulation it may now be “easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism.” What Jameson suggests is that our current preoccupation with the drama of the apocalyptic belies a deeper paralysis of the... Read More about Liberation Theology and Zombies: Paralysis and Praxis.

Measuring mental health in the clinical setting: what is important to service users? The Mini-Service user Recovery Evaluation Scale, (Mini-SeRvE) (2017)
Journal Article
Barber, J. M., Parsons, H., Wilson, C. A., & Cook, C. C. (2017). Measuring mental health in the clinical setting: what is important to service users? The Mini-Service user Recovery Evaluation Scale, (Mini-SeRvE). Journal of Mental Health, 26(6), 530-537.

Background: Since 2001, a policy of positive mental health recovery has been promoted in the UK, with service user involvement. This has not been easy to implement in the clinical setting. Aims: To develop and validate a brief self-report, service us... Read More about Measuring mental health in the clinical setting: what is important to service users? The Mini-Service user Recovery Evaluation Scale, (Mini-SeRvE).

Attempting Cultural Change (2017)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, D. (2017). Attempting Cultural Change. Crucible: The Journal of Christian Social Ethics, July, 6-15

The Christian Hermeneutics of Cranmer’s Homilies (2017)
Journal Article
Briggs, R. S. (2017). The Christian Hermeneutics of Cranmer’s Homilies. Journal of Anglican Studies, 15(02), 167-187.

This article explores some of the hermeneutical resources of the two official books of homilies, authorized to be preached in the BCP communion service. The historical contexts and successive editions of the books are explained, and a focused reading... Read More about The Christian Hermeneutics of Cranmer’s Homilies.

Flanders and Helmand: chaplaincy, faith and religious change in the British Army, 1914-2014 (2017)
Journal Article
Snape, M., & Henshaw, V. (2017). Flanders and Helmand: chaplaincy, faith and religious change in the British Army, 1914-2014. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 38(2), 199-214.

The year 2014 marked the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War and the end of eight years of major British combat operations in Afghanistan. Against the background of profound religious changes in British society over the course of the int... Read More about Flanders and Helmand: chaplaincy, faith and religious change in the British Army, 1914-2014.

Scriptural Echoes and Gospel Interpretation: Some Questions (2017)
Journal Article
Moberly, R. (2017). Scriptural Echoes and Gospel Interpretation: Some Questions. Journal of Theological Interpretation, 11(1), 5-20

This essay raises questions about Richard Hays’s book in three main areas. First, there is a discussion of the possible limits to metalepsis, and when it may be appropriate to decline to find metalepsis in a biblical citation. Second, there are quest... Read More about Scriptural Echoes and Gospel Interpretation: Some Questions.

Contemplation, Intellectus, and Simplex Intuitus in Aquinas: Recovering a Neoplatonic Theme (2017)
Journal Article
Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2017). Contemplation, Intellectus, and Simplex Intuitus in Aquinas: Recovering a Neoplatonic Theme. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 91(2), 199-225.

This contribution examines two related points in relation to Aquinas’s understanding of contemplation, which is a sorely neglected topic in scholarship. First, after having outlined that the final act of contemplation culminates in an intellective, s... Read More about Contemplation, Intellectus, and Simplex Intuitus in Aquinas: Recovering a Neoplatonic Theme.

The Emerging Church in Transatlantic Perspective (2017)
Journal Article
Guest, M. (2017). The Emerging Church in Transatlantic Perspective. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 56(1), 41-51.

Is the Emerging Church movement (ECM) a single transnational movement? Or is it a series of parallel religious orientations framed by nationally specific contexts? Cross-national comparisons of the many manifestations of the ECM remain scarce, especi... Read More about The Emerging Church in Transatlantic Perspective.

The Ascent of the Soul and the Pachomians: Interpreting the Exegesis on the Soul (nhc ii,6) within a Fourth-Century Monastic Context (2017)
Journal Article
Fowler, K. A. (2017). The Ascent of the Soul and the Pachomians: Interpreting the Exegesis on the Soul (nhc ii,6) within a Fourth-Century Monastic Context. Gnosis (Leiden. Print), 2(1), 63-93.

The Exegesis on the Soul (nhc ii,6) allegorizes the degradation and re-ascent of the soul. Recently, scholars have reconsidered whether Pachomian monks produced and read the Nag Hammadi Codices, largely based upon codicological evidence. For Pachomia... Read More about The Ascent of the Soul and the Pachomians: Interpreting the Exegesis on the Soul (nhc ii,6) within a Fourth-Century Monastic Context.

Anglicanism and Interventionism: Bishop Brent, the United States, and The British Empire in the First World War (2017)
Journal Article
Snape, M. (2018). Anglicanism and Interventionism: Bishop Brent, the United States, and The British Empire in the First World War. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69(2), 300-325.

Although largely overlooked by historians, the worldwide Anglican Communion proved to be a major force in mobilising support for the Allied cause throughout the First World War. This article examines the wartime career of Bishop Charles Henry Brent,... Read More about Anglicanism and Interventionism: Bishop Brent, the United States, and The British Empire in the First World War.

Students' Constructions of a Christian Future: Faith, Class and Aspiration in University Contexts (2017)
Journal Article
Guest, M., & Aune, K. (2017). Students' Constructions of a Christian Future: Faith, Class and Aspiration in University Contexts. Sociological Research Online, 22(1), 200-212.

Economic uncertainties have unsettled the status of higher education as an assured means to social mobility, raising questions of how students orient themselves to life after graduation. In this context, how does religion (a neglected aspect of stude... Read More about Students' Constructions of a Christian Future: Faith, Class and Aspiration in University Contexts.