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All Outputs (767)

Bishops, Baby-Killers and Broken Teeth: Psalm 58 and the Air War (2018)
Journal Article
Mein, A. (2018). Bishops, Baby-Killers and Broken Teeth: Psalm 58 and the Air War. Journal of the Bible and its Reception, 4(2), 207-223.

Do the imprecatory psalms authorize reprisal attacks against civilian targets? This question was at the heart of a controversy that arose in Britain during July 1917, which brought together the unlikely combination of the German bombing campaign and... Read More about Bishops, Baby-Killers and Broken Teeth: Psalm 58 and the Air War.

Science and theology in human sexuality (2018)
Journal Article
Cook, C. C. (2018). Science and theology in human sexuality. Theology & Sexuality, 24(3), 183-199.

Christian debates about human sexuality are often presented as being concerned primarily with differences regarding authority of scripture. It is proposed here that they might more constructively be understood as debates about science and theology. J... Read More about Science and theology in human sexuality.

'Gods, Wights and Ancestors': The Varieties of Pagan Religious Experience at Ancient Sacred Sites (2018)
Journal Article
Uzzell, J. S. (2018). 'Gods, Wights and Ancestors': The Varieties of Pagan Religious Experience at Ancient Sacred Sites. Journal for the study of religious experience, 4(1), 64-80

This article explores anomalous experiences reported by people identifying as Pagan, whilst visiting places of ancient religious significance in the UK and the US. It is the result of research conducted through an online survey and through informal i... Read More about 'Gods, Wights and Ancestors': The Varieties of Pagan Religious Experience at Ancient Sacred Sites.

English Evangelical Historians on the Origins of “the Reformation” (2017)
Journal Article
Royal, S. (2017). English Evangelical Historians on the Origins of “the Reformation”. Etudes épistémè,

Although Luther’s protest of indulgences in 1517 is often considered to be the point of origin for “the Reformation”, first- and second-generation English evangelicals understood that origin differently. Knowing their fledgling movement needed to be... Read More about English Evangelical Historians on the Origins of “the Reformation”.

Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatry: The Impact of Policy (2017)
Journal Article
Cook, C. C. (2017). Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatry: The Impact of Policy. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 20(6), 589-594.

Research and debate on the importance of spirituality and religion in psychiatry has led to a number of national and international policy initiatives, intended to clarify the boundaries of good practice and improve the way in which such matters are m... Read More about Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatry: The Impact of Policy.

Yahwistic Appropriation of Achaemenid Ideology and the Function of Nehemiah 9 in Ezra-Nehemiah (2017)
Journal Article
Janzen, D. (2017). Yahwistic Appropriation of Achaemenid Ideology and the Function of Nehemiah 9 in Ezra-Nehemiah. Journal of Biblical Literature, 136(4), 839-856.

The prayer of Neh 9:6–37, and particularly its final two verses, presents the imperial monarchy in a very negative light. This portrayal is far different from the depictions of the Achaemenids found everywhere else in Ezra-Nehemiah, where the Persian... Read More about Yahwistic Appropriation of Achaemenid Ideology and the Function of Nehemiah 9 in Ezra-Nehemiah.

Counties without Borders? Religious Politics, Kinship Networks and the Formation of Catholic Communities (2017)
Journal Article
Kelly, J. E. (2018). Counties without Borders? Religious Politics, Kinship Networks and the Formation of Catholic Communities. Historical Research, 91(251), 22-38.

This article examines the formation of Catholic communities and the roles played by religious politics and kinship networks within that process. It contributes to historiographical debates about early modern English Catholics' self-identification in... Read More about Counties without Borders? Religious Politics, Kinship Networks and the Formation of Catholic Communities.

Theological Interpretation, Second Naiveté, and the Rediscovery of the Old Testament (2017)
Journal Article
Moberly, R. (2017). Theological Interpretation, Second Naiveté, and the Rediscovery of the Old Testament. Anglican Theological Review, 99(4), 651-670

This essay is in four parts. The first briefly sketches some of the problems for Christian understanding and use of the Old Testament posed by contemporary ecclesial and academic culture. The second part considers some of the extensive conceptual res... Read More about Theological Interpretation, Second Naiveté, and the Rediscovery of the Old Testament.