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Paul and Grace in Theological Perspective: A Grateful Response (2020)
Journal Article
Barclay, J. M. (2020). Paul and Grace in Theological Perspective: A Grateful Response. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 22(1), 113-126.

This response to the above seven articles engages with some of the significant ways in which each takes forward the theological discussion of grace. While some areas of disagreement arise, the overall sense is of a conversation that is moving beyond... Read More about Paul and Grace in Theological Perspective: A Grateful Response.

Pop science and pop theology: new ways of exploring an old dialogue (2020)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, D. A. (2020). Pop science and pop theology: new ways of exploring an old dialogue. Theology, 123(1), 20-27.

While the contemporary media scene often reinforces the conflict model of science and religion, it also may offer new opportunities in moving present discussions of science and religion forward. Looking at news reporting, the new priesthood of scient... Read More about Pop science and pop theology: new ways of exploring an old dialogue.

Heaven’s Revolving Door? Cosmology, Entrance, and Approach in Hebrews (2019)
Journal Article
Moore, N. J. (2019). Heaven’s Revolving Door? Cosmology, Entrance, and Approach in Hebrews. Bulletin for Biblical research, 29(2), 187-207.

The significance of “entering” and “approaching” terminology in Hebrews has been contested, with some scholars viewing these terms as clearly distinct and others arguing they are fully synonymous. This debate is often framed in eschatological terms:... Read More about Heaven’s Revolving Door? Cosmology, Entrance, and Approach in Hebrews.

The Virgin and the Whore – An Interreligious Challenge for Our Times (2019)
Journal Article
Parker, E. R. (2019). The Virgin and the Whore – An Interreligious Challenge for Our Times. The Ecumenical Review, 71(5), 693-705.

The boundaries of religious belonging are often based upon essentialist patriarchal conceptions of decency and morality that have been shaped into doctrine; those who are deemed indecent are marginalized to locations of struggle and often met with vi... Read More about The Virgin and the Whore – An Interreligious Challenge for Our Times.

Ecclesiology as Political Theology: On Delivering on a Transformative Strategic Orientation in Ecclesiology (2019)
Journal Article
Murray, P. D. (2019). Ecclesiology as Political Theology: On Delivering on a Transformative Strategic Orientation in Ecclesiology. Theological Studies, 80(4), 822-844.

This three-section article reappraises both Edward Schillebeeckx’s continuing significance and the relationship between ecclesiology and political theology. Having identified two differing sets of concerns within political theology, the first section... Read More about Ecclesiology as Political Theology: On Delivering on a Transformative Strategic Orientation in Ecclesiology.

The Only Creature God Willed For Its Own Sake: Anthropocentrism in Laudato Si and Gaudium et Spes (2019)
Journal Article
Grey, C. (2020). The Only Creature God Willed For Its Own Sake: Anthropocentrism in Laudato Si and Gaudium et Spes. Modern Theology, 36(4), 865-883.

The Second Vatican Council’s constitution Gaudium et Spes stated that man is ‘the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake’. Post-conciliar Catholic teaching on the environment largely reproduced this anthropocentric theology. Pope... Read More about The Only Creature God Willed For Its Own Sake: Anthropocentrism in Laudato Si and Gaudium et Spes.

Negative Theology and Meaningless Suffering (2019)
Journal Article
Kilby, K. (2020). Negative Theology and Meaningless Suffering. Modern Theology, 36(1), 92-104.

This article attempts an exploration of the limits of our capacity to weave suffering into patterns of meaning. I try to show that something like an apophatic moment in our response to some kinds of suffering is both necessary and difficult to sustai... Read More about Negative Theology and Meaningless Suffering.

Time and Measures of Success: Interpreting and Implementing Laudato Si (2019)
Journal Article
Grey, C. (2020). Time and Measures of Success: Interpreting and Implementing Laudato Si. New Blackfriars, 101(1091), 5-28.

Laudato Si’ contains a prophetic vision of what time is and is for. It challenges development organisations to think critically about the way they conceive ‘progress’, the way they measure their ‘success’. In doing so, it invites them to ask how they... Read More about Time and Measures of Success: Interpreting and Implementing Laudato Si.

Gift and Grace in Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, and Ephesians: a Response (2019)
Journal Article
Barclay, J. M. (2019). Gift and Grace in Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, and Ephesians: a Response. Horizons in Biblical Theology, 41(2), 224-237.

This response to Willis, Sumney, and MacDonald highlights and develops their key points. Reinforcing Willis’ reading of gift-reciprocity in Philippians, seen even in the self-giving (non-“taking”) of Christ (Phil 2.6-11), it is argued that Paul views... Read More about Gift and Grace in Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, and Ephesians: a Response.