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All Outputs (766)

Christ and Creation in the Synoptic Gospels (2025)
Journal Article
Barton, S. C. (2025). Christ and Creation in the Synoptic Gospels. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 47(3), 355-375.

Observing that most scholarly attention to the theme of Christ and creation has taken place in Pauline and Johannine studies, this essay addresses a relatively neglected factor in Synoptic studies. On the assumption that, scripturally speaking, ‘crea... Read More about Christ and Creation in the Synoptic Gospels.

Bede on Jude (2025)
Journal Article
Moore, N. J. (online). Bede on Jude. Expository Times,

The Venerable Bede is known today as the first English historian. Yet he considered himself to be an exegete above all else, and was received as such in the medieval church. Among his various works of biblical interpretation is the first extant Latin... Read More about Bede on Jude.

Psychological Temperament, Spirituality, and Augustinian Prayer: An Empirical Enquiry (2025)
Journal Article
Francis, L. J., Cook, C. C., & McKenna, U. (online). Psychological Temperament, Spirituality, and Augustinian Prayer: An Empirical Enquiry. Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care,

Drawing on data provided by 207 Anglican and Methodist ministry training candidates, who completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and an 80-item battery of type-related prayer preference items, this study tested the thesis advanced by Michael and No... Read More about Psychological Temperament, Spirituality, and Augustinian Prayer: An Empirical Enquiry.

Yoruba Girl Dancing: A Nigerian/British Women's Reading of Herodias’s Daughter in Mark 6:17-28 and Matthew 14:3-12 (2025)
Journal Article
Obamakin, O. (in press). Yoruba Girl Dancing: A Nigerian/British Women's Reading of Herodias’s Daughter in Mark 6:17-28 and Matthew 14:3-12. Horizons in Biblical Theology,

This paper seeks to offer a Nigerian/British women’s reading of Herodias’ daughter’s dance in Mark and Matthew by reading it alongside Simi Bedford’s Yoruba Girl Dancing. In this paper the dominant Western interpretation of Herodias’s daughter’s danc... Read More about Yoruba Girl Dancing: A Nigerian/British Women's Reading of Herodias’s Daughter in Mark 6:17-28 and Matthew 14:3-12.

Reformation religious identities and the fluidities of confessional allegiance: the world according to Sir William Monson (2025)
Journal Article
Questier, M. (online). Reformation religious identities and the fluidities of confessional allegiance: the world according to Sir William Monson. The Seventeenth Century,

At some point in the late 1620s or early 1630s, the long-serving naval officer, Sir William Monson, took the time to set down his thoughts about recent history, particularly of the Reformation in the English Church, the success (or lack of it) of the... Read More about Reformation religious identities and the fluidities of confessional allegiance: the world according to Sir William Monson.

“Assuming the Mask of Humanity.” Clement of Alexandria’s Dramatic Understanding of the Two Natures of Christ (2025)
Journal Article
Creedy, E. (online). “Assuming the Mask of Humanity.” Clement of Alexandria’s Dramatic Understanding of the Two Natures of Christ. The Journal of Theological Studies,

In the ninth century, Photios of Constantinople accused Clement of promoting a deficient ‘docetic’ christology in his now-fragmentary Hypotyposes. This provoked a debate that continues to dominate discussion of Clement’s theological understandings; w... Read More about “Assuming the Mask of Humanity.” Clement of Alexandria’s Dramatic Understanding of the Two Natures of Christ.

A Just and Green Recovery: Reflections on Catholic Social Teaching in Light of the Pandemic (2024)
Journal Article
Rowe, G. L. M. (2024). A Just and Green Recovery: Reflections on Catholic Social Teaching in Light of the Pandemic. Liberatio, 1, 123-128.

The paper poses the question: What would lead to a better and greener post-Covid world in terms of livelihoods and economics? Is this consistent with Catholic social teaching (CST) or a challenge to CST? The paper provides the first external report o... Read More about A Just and Green Recovery: Reflections on Catholic Social Teaching in Light of the Pandemic.

The Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood and the Provision of Healthcare in Provincial Ireland, 1942–1970 (2024)
Journal Article
Casey, B. (online). The Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood and the Provision of Healthcare in Provincial Ireland, 1942–1970. Historical Journal,

The Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood arrived to Ireland in 1942, to establish and run Portiuncula Hospital in Ballinasloe, county Galway. This was not without its challenges and this article explores... Read More about The Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood and the Provision of Healthcare in Provincial Ireland, 1942–1970.

Integrating the Papacy: Papal Infallibility and a Synodal Church (2024)
Journal Article
Stayne, J. (online). Integrating the Papacy: Papal Infallibility and a Synodal Church. New Blackfriars, 1-12.

One of the most enduring criticisms of papal infallibility is that it seems to set the pope apart from the Church. Much has already been done to correct this impression, but the current ‘synodal moment’ offers a unique opportunity to substantially fu... Read More about Integrating the Papacy: Papal Infallibility and a Synodal Church.

Plato, Locri and 'the Flower of Italy': Revaluating an 'Ancient' Epiphet (2024)
Journal Article
Creedy, E. (online). Plato, Locri and 'the Flower of Italy': Revaluating an 'Ancient' Epiphet. Mnemosyne: A Journal of Classical Studies, 1-10.

It is often claimed that Plato described Locri, the Greek settlement on Sicily, as ‘the flower of Italy.’ Yet this phrase nowhere appears in Plato’s work, and a concrete reference is never provided for this attribution. This short note provides a cor... Read More about Plato, Locri and 'the Flower of Italy': Revaluating an 'Ancient' Epiphet.

Pentecost: The Inside and the Outside of Faith (2024)
Journal Article
Astley, J. (2024). Pentecost: The Inside and the Outside of Faith. Rural Theology, 22(2), 146-148.

This study offers an example of ‘standing theology’ as distinguished from sitting theology or kneeling theology. It was prepared as a sermon on Pentecost Sunday at St Mary’s, Wycliffe-on-Tees, Co. Durham where the primary reading was Acts 2: 1–21. Read More about Pentecost: The Inside and the Outside of Faith.

Listening Practices in a Synodal Church: Interim Reflections from a Symposium in Rome (2024)
Journal Article
Rowlands, A. (2024). Listening Practices in a Synodal Church: Interim Reflections from a Symposium in Rome. Journal of moral theology, 13(SI2), 1-9.

Listening is at the heart of Pope Francis’s synodality project. Where does scholarship addressing themes of listening, encounter, and lived experience of Catholicism sit within this project as both a subject addressed by synodality and critical agent... Read More about Listening Practices in a Synodal Church: Interim Reflections from a Symposium in Rome.

Beyond Synodal Listening: Theological Action Research and Cultures of Conversation (2024)
Journal Article
Watkins, C. (2024). Beyond Synodal Listening: Theological Action Research and Cultures of Conversation. Journal of moral theology, 13(SI2), 36-57.

In the contemporary Catholic Church’s engagement with synodality listening has become the dominant emphasis; methods for “spiritual conversation” are designed to give priority to listening—to one another and, fundamentally, the Holy Spirit. This pape... Read More about Beyond Synodal Listening: Theological Action Research and Cultures of Conversation.

Motivation from Joseph Ratzinger’s Eschatological Realism for Protecting Humanity’s Future (2024)
Journal Article
Wygnanski, P. (online). Motivation from Joseph Ratzinger’s Eschatological Realism for Protecting Humanity’s Future. New Blackfriars, 1-14.

This article outlines one way in which Joseph Ratzinger’s eschatology could contribute to reducing the risk humanity now creates to its own survival. Studies of ‘Existential Risk’ warn that hazards arising from Artificial Intelligence, Nuclear Weapon... Read More about Motivation from Joseph Ratzinger’s Eschatological Realism for Protecting Humanity’s Future.