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Do the effects of interventions aimed at the prevention of childhood obesity reduce inequities? A re-analysis of randomized trial data from two Cochrane reviews (2025)
Journal Article
Palmer, J. C., Davies, A. L., Spiga, F., Heitmann, B. L., Jago, R., Summerbell, C. D., Higgins, J. P., Astrup, A., Barbosa Filho, V. C., Benden, M. E., Boddy, L., Bogart, L. M., Brown, B., Carlin, A., Pozuelo Carrascosa, D. P., Chai, L. K., Drummy, C., Duncan, S., Ebbeling, C., Martos, E., …Wolfenden, L. (2025). Do the effects of interventions aimed at the prevention of childhood obesity reduce inequities? A re-analysis of randomized trial data from two Cochrane reviews. EClinicalMedicine, 81, Article 103130.

Background: Public health attempts to prevent obesity in children and young people should aim to minimize health inequalities. Two Cochrane reviews examining interventions aiming to prevent childhood obesity found that interventions promoting (only)... Read More about Do the effects of interventions aimed at the prevention of childhood obesity reduce inequities? A re-analysis of randomized trial data from two Cochrane reviews.

Fatphobia as a form of gender-based violence: Fat women, public space and body belonging work (2025)
Journal Article
Mohr, E., Jamie, K., & Hockin-Boyers, H. (online). Fatphobia as a form of gender-based violence: Fat women, public space and body belonging work. Fat Studies,

In this article we propose bringing together theoretical frameworks from fat studies and research into street harassment, as a form of gendered violence, to provide a novel lens for thinking about fat women’s experiences of public space. By focusing... Read More about Fatphobia as a form of gender-based violence: Fat women, public space and body belonging work.

Arts-based research: Attending to methods (2025)
Journal Article
Phoenix, C., & Chamberlain, K. (online). Arts-based research: Attending to methods. Methods in Psychology, Article 100179.

Arts-based research covers a considerable diversity of approaches and uses in research and is not readily amenable to definition, although definitions have been offered. For instance, McNiff (2018, p. 24) has described arts-based research “as a proce... Read More about Arts-based research: Attending to methods.

Assessing the physical activity training needs and preferences of community health workers in South Africa (2025)
Journal Article
Stoutenberg, M., Esquives, B. S. N., St Fleur, R. G., Koen, S. S., Watson, E. D., Portacio, F. G., & Torres, G. (2025). Assessing the physical activity training needs and preferences of community health workers in South Africa. BMC Public Health, 25(1), Article 120.

Background: Emerging work highlights the potential of community health workers (CHWs) to promote physical activity (PA) as a part of their role in preventing and managing non-communicable diseases. However, little is known about CHW preferences and d... Read More about Assessing the physical activity training needs and preferences of community health workers in South Africa.

Implementing and evaluating the comprehensive integration of physical activity into a major health system: study design and protocol (2025)
Journal Article
Stoutenberg, M., Estabrooks, P. A., Brooks, J. M., Jindal, M., Wichman, C., Rosemeyer, J., Schumacher, L. M., McNulty, L. K., Ewing, A., Eskuri, S., Bennett, F., & Trilk, J. L. (2025). Implementing and evaluating the comprehensive integration of physical activity into a major health system: study design and protocol. BMJ Open, 15(1), Article e091556.

The healthcare sector has great potential for promoting physical activity (PA) for chronic disease prevention, treatment and management; however, multiple adoption and implementation barriers exist, ranging from practice integration t... Read More about Implementing and evaluating the comprehensive integration of physical activity into a major health system: study design and protocol.

School-based factors influencing physical activity participation in children and adolescents with disabilities: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis (2025)
Journal Article
Deng, Y., Li, X., Huang, J., Haegele, J. A., Smith, B., Williams, T. L., & Li, C. (2025). School-based factors influencing physical activity participation in children and adolescents with disabilities: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Disability and Health Journal, 18(1), Article 101707.

Background: Children and adolescents with disabilities (CAD) frequently encounter barriers to participation in physical activity (PA). Schools play a vital role in promoting PA, making it crucial to understand the school-based factors influencing CAD... Read More about School-based factors influencing physical activity participation in children and adolescents with disabilities: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis.

Implementing digital respiratory technologies for people with respiratory conditions: A protocol for a scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Hui, C. Y., Condon, K., Kolekar, S., Roberts, N., Sreter, K. B., Simons, S. O., Figueiredo, C., McKeough, Z., Salim, H., Gawlik-Lipinski, A., Gonsard, A., Aral, A. Ö., Vanoverschelde, A., Armstrong, M., Kohlbrenner, D., Paixão, C., Stafler, P., Papadopoulou, E., Rabe, A. P., Mohammad, M., …Chan, A. H. Y. (2024). Implementing digital respiratory technologies for people with respiratory conditions: A protocol for a scoping review. PLoS ONE, 19(12), Article e0314914.

The value of ‘data-enabled’, digital healthcare is evolving rapidly, as demonstrated in the COVID-19 pandemic, and its successful implementation remains complex and challenging. Harmonisation (within/between healthcare systems) of infrastructure and... Read More about Implementing digital respiratory technologies for people with respiratory conditions: A protocol for a scoping review.

Factors Influencing Patient Enrollment in a Community-based Physical Activity Program After Healthcare Provider Referral: A Mixed Methods Study (2024)
Journal Article
Schumacher, L. M., Trilk, J. L., McNulty, L. K., Ylitalo, K. R., Eskuri, S., Brooks, J. M., Estabrooks, P. A., Jindal, M., & Stoutenberg, M. (2024). Factors Influencing Patient Enrollment in a Community-based Physical Activity Program After Healthcare Provider Referral: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 15, 1-10.

Introduction and Objectives:
Structured physical activity (PA) programs help to prevent and manage chronic diseases, yet systematic approaches to identify and enroll patients in these programs are lacking. Exercise is Medicine Greenville (EIMG) is a... Read More about Factors Influencing Patient Enrollment in a Community-based Physical Activity Program After Healthcare Provider Referral: A Mixed Methods Study.

A pain research strategy for Europe: A European survey and position paper of the European Pain Federation EFIC (2024)
Journal Article
Pickering, G., O'Keeffe, M., Bannister, K., Becker, S., Cottom, S., Cox, F. J., Eisenberg, E., Finn, D. P., Forget, P., Graven‐Nielsen, T., Kalso, E., Kocot‐Kepska, M., Leite‐Almeida, H., Lopez‐Garcia, J. A., Meeus, M., Mouraux, A., Pereira, B., Puljak, L., Reneman, M. F., Rohde, I., …Fullen, B. M. (2025). A pain research strategy for Europe: A European survey and position paper of the European Pain Federation EFIC. European Journal of Pain, 29(1), Article e4767.

Pain is the leading cause of disability and reduced quality of life worldwide. Despite the increasing burden for patients and healthcare systems, pain research remains underfunded and under focused. Having stakeholders identify and priori... Read More about A pain research strategy for Europe: A European survey and position paper of the European Pain Federation EFIC.

Consensus-based recommendations for designing, delivering, evaluating, and reporting exercise-intervention research involving people living with spinal cord injury (2024)
Journal Article
Ponzano, M., Nash, M. S., Bilzon, J., Bochkezanian, V., Davis, G. M., Farkas, G. J., de Groot, S., Jin, J., Larsen, C. M., Laskin, J., Ma, J., Nightingale, T., Postma, K., Smith, B. M., Strøm, V., Berg-Emons, R. V. D., Wouda, M., & Ginis, K. A. M. (online). Consensus-based recommendations for designing, delivering, evaluating, and reporting exercise-intervention research involving people living with spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,

To establish recommendations for designing, delivering, evaluating, and reporting exercise-intervention research to improve fitness-related outcomes in people living with a spinal cord injury (PwSCI).
International consensus proc... Read More about Consensus-based recommendations for designing, delivering, evaluating, and reporting exercise-intervention research involving people living with spinal cord injury.

Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of implementing a 12-week home-based aerobic and resistance exercise program for breast cancer patients receiving endocrine treatment in Indonesia: A mixed methods study (2024)
Journal Article
Astari, Y. K., Hutajulu, S. H., Prabandari, Y. S., Bintoro, B. S., Wibowo, R. A., Hardianti, M. S., Hartopo, A. B., Sebastiano, K. M. D., Allsop, M. J., & Burke, S. (2024). Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of implementing a 12-week home-based aerobic and resistance exercise program for breast cancer patients receiving endocrine treatment in Indonesia: A mixed methods study. SAGE Open Medicine, 12,

Objectives:: To assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of implementing a home-based aerobic and resistance exercise for patients with breast cancer receiving endocrine treatment in Indonesia. Methods:: This is a mixed me... Read More about Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of implementing a 12-week home-based aerobic and resistance exercise program for breast cancer patients receiving endocrine treatment in Indonesia: A mixed methods study.

Assessing older adult physical activity levels in clinical settings: The modified PAVS for older adults. (2024)
Journal Article
Stoutenberg, M., Rogers, M., Denison, P., Schlicht, J., Weitzel, K., Ory, M., Kellar, G., Summers, L., & Wingood, M. (online). Assessing older adult physical activity levels in clinical settings: The modified PAVS for older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,

Participating in recommended levels of physical activity (PA) is critical for preventing functional decline, falls, and frailty, making it essential to identify older adults not meeting national PA guidelines. However, guidance on assessing older adu... Read More about Assessing older adult physical activity levels in clinical settings: The modified PAVS for older adults..

Personalised Health Behaviour Support Programme in Adults With Post‐COVID Syndrome: A Randomised, Controlled Pilot Feasibility Trial (2024)
Journal Article
Armstrong, M., Owen, R., Van Niekerk, K. S., & Saynor, Z. L. (2024). Personalised Health Behaviour Support Programme in Adults With Post‐COVID Syndrome: A Randomised, Controlled Pilot Feasibility Trial. Health Expectations, 27(5), Article e70079.

Background: We investigated whether a novel 8‐week personalised health behaviour support programme, focusing on the stability of symptoms and strategies to improve activities of daily living, was feasible and acceptable in adults with post‐COVID synd... Read More about Personalised Health Behaviour Support Programme in Adults With Post‐COVID Syndrome: A Randomised, Controlled Pilot Feasibility Trial.

S14-3: The adoption and implementation of a physical activity referral pathway integrated into a major U.S. health system (2024)
Journal Article
Stoutenberg, M. (2024). S14-3: The adoption and implementation of a physical activity referral pathway integrated into a major U.S. health system. European Journal of Public Health, 34(Supplement_2), Article ckae114.262.

Background: Regular physical activity (PA) is highly effective in improving mental, physical, and emotional health; yet, health systems experience challenges integrating PA referral pathways connecting eligible patients to health-enhancing PA resourc... Read More about S14-3: The adoption and implementation of a physical activity referral pathway integrated into a major U.S. health system.

204 Physical activity insecurity in children and young people at risk of marginalisation: navigating an equitable and safe research experience using co-production principles (2024)
Journal Article
Dodd-Reynolds, C., Hall, S., Crowder, M., Goodyear, V., Griffin, N., Fairbrother, H., Pope, S., & Scott, S. (2024). 204 Physical activity insecurity in children and young people at risk of marginalisation: navigating an equitable and safe research experience using co-production principles. European Journal of Public Health, 34(Supplement_2), ckae114.097.

Purpose: We recently proposed a new conceptualisation for physical activity (PA) insecurity as ‘a limited or restricted ability to be active, reinforced by worries and experiences of feeling uncomfortable, emotionally or physically unsafe’ (Dodd-Reyn... Read More about 204 Physical activity insecurity in children and young people at risk of marginalisation: navigating an equitable and safe research experience using co-production principles.

S14 Physical activity promotion in healthcare settings: Designing and implementing physical activity referral schemes (2024)
Journal Article
Geidl, W., & Stoutenberg, M. (2024). S14 Physical activity promotion in healthcare settings: Designing and implementing physical activity referral schemes. European Journal of Public Health, 34(Supplement_2), Article ckae114.259.

Purpose: This symposium will share findings, expertise and experiences from different countries on the design and implementation of physical activity referral schemes (PARS). Description: Physical activity promotion by healthcare professionals is a k... Read More about S14 Physical activity promotion in healthcare settings: Designing and implementing physical activity referral schemes.

Women’s football fandom and stadium attendance in Iran: a form of everyday resistance? (2024)
Journal Article
Phipps, C., Afrouzeh, A., Pope, S., Pourkiani, M., & Boroumand, M. R. (online). Women’s football fandom and stadium attendance in Iran: a form of everyday resistance?. World Leisure Journal,

To date, there is a scarcity of research examining women’s leisure lives in Iran, particularly their football fandom. In this study, we examine the development and negotiation of women’s fan identities, their experience of stadium attendance and alte... Read More about Women’s football fandom and stadium attendance in Iran: a form of everyday resistance?.

Negative and Positive Experiences During the COVID ‐19 Pandemic in Canadians With Developmental Disabilities: A One‐Year Ontario‐Based Survey (2024)
Journal Article
Kassee, C., Jachyra, P., Mahalingam, V., Tint, A., Lin, H., Ameis, S., Di Martino, A., Lunsky, Y., & Lai, M. (2024). Negative and Positive Experiences During the COVID ‐19 Pandemic in Canadians With Developmental Disabilities: A One‐Year Ontario‐Based Survey. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37(6), Article e13300.

Purpose: Understanding the experiences of people with developmental disabilities during the initial period of COVID‐19 pandemic. Methods: Individuals with developmental disabilities and their caregivers completed baseline and up to five follow‐up onl... Read More about Negative and Positive Experiences During the COVID ‐19 Pandemic in Canadians With Developmental Disabilities: A One‐Year Ontario‐Based Survey.

Skeletal Loading: Lean and Bone Mass Development in Young Elite Male Gymnasts, Swimmers, and Nonathletes Aged 6-24 Years. (2024)
Journal Article
Gannon, L., & Hind, K. (2024). Skeletal Loading: Lean and Bone Mass Development in Young Elite Male Gymnasts, Swimmers, and Nonathletes Aged 6-24 Years. Pediatric Exercise Science, 36(4), 224-232.

Exercise optimizes peak bone mass accrual, particularly if the loading is high magnitude and distributed in abnormal directions. Little is known about the influence of early intense training in sport during peak bone mass accrual, especially in boys.... Read More about Skeletal Loading: Lean and Bone Mass Development in Young Elite Male Gymnasts, Swimmers, and Nonathletes Aged 6-24 Years..

Exploring Conceptualizations of Disability Using Story-Completion Methods (2024)
Journal Article
Giouridis, N., Williams, T., McKenna, J., & Tomasone, J. (2024). Exploring Conceptualizations of Disability Using Story-Completion Methods. Disabilities, 4(3), 568-582.

This study explored conceptualizations of disability pertaining to peer relationships versus romantic relationships, as well as type of physical disability, using story-completion methods. Seventy-four graduate and undergraduate students from a Canad... Read More about Exploring Conceptualizations of Disability Using Story-Completion Methods.