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Semantic Structures of Timbre Emerging From Social and Acoustic Descriptions of Music (2011)
Journal Article
Ferrer, R., & Eerola, T. (2011). Semantic Structures of Timbre Emerging From Social and Acoustic Descriptions of Music. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2011, Article 11.

The perceptual attributes of timbre have inspired a considerable amount of multidisciplinary research, but because of the complexity of the phenomena, the approach has traditionally been confined to laboratory conditions, much to the detriment of its... Read More about Semantic Structures of Timbre Emerging From Social and Acoustic Descriptions of Music.

The Tale of the Three Young Brothers: an Analytical Study of Music and Communal Joy (hŭng) in Korean Folk Culture (2011)
Journal Article
Mills, S. R. (2011). The Tale of the Three Young Brothers: an Analytical Study of Music and Communal Joy (hŭng) in Korean Folk Culture. Music Analysis, 29(1-3), 276-305.

When discussing the essential characteristics of traditional Korean folk music, Korean musicians and scholars often refer to the emotional states of han and hŭng– forms of suffering and communally experienced joy, respectively. This article focusses... Read More about The Tale of the Three Young Brothers: an Analytical Study of Music and Communal Joy (hŭng) in Korean Folk Culture.

Alternatives to the ‘English a cappella heresy’: Performance Practice of Sacred Spanish Polyphony in Recusant Households Based on Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Sources (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sequera, H. (2011, July). Alternatives to the ‘English a cappella heresy’: Performance Practice of Sacred Spanish Polyphony in Recusant Households Based on Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Sources. Presented at MedRen Conference, Barcelona

Many of the wealthy Catholics in England during Elizabethan times and afterward remained very influential and in some cases held high posts at court by pledging alliance to the throne. Some of them, however, agreed to retire to the countryside where... Read More about Alternatives to the ‘English a cappella heresy’: Performance Practice of Sacred Spanish Polyphony in Recusant Households Based on Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Sources.

Adaptations - for electric violin and interactive computer (2011)
Hayden, S. (2011). Adaptations - for electric violin and interactive computer. [PORTFOLIO - Scores ('Adaptations' and 'schismatics II'), Audio CD and Data CD (including MaxMSP patches, ll~ Max external object, and two articles)]

Imagery, melody and gesture in cross-cultural perspective (2011)
Book Chapter
Fatone, G. A., Clayton, M., Leante, L., & Rahaim, M. (2011). Imagery, melody and gesture in cross-cultural perspective. In A. Gritten, & E. King (Eds.), New perspectives on music and gesture (203-220). Ashgate Publishing

Musical action is also physical action. This is obvious in cases such as moving the arm to direct a bow across a cello string, turning the hand to control the vibrations of a drumhead or inclining the cartilages of the larynx to raise the pitch of a... Read More about Imagery, melody and gesture in cross-cultural perspective.

Inter-group Entrainment in Afro-Brazilian Congado Ritual (2011)
Journal Article
Lucas, G., Clayton, M., & Leante, L. (2011). Inter-group Entrainment in Afro-Brazilian Congado Ritual. Empirical Musicology Review, 6(2), 75-102

This paper investigates the phenomenon of entrainment between independent groups of musicians in the context of Afro-Brazilian Congado performance. Based on audiovisual recordings made during a festival in May 2006, we present analyses of four differ... Read More about Inter-group Entrainment in Afro-Brazilian Congado Ritual.

Towards musical interaction: 'Schismatics' for e-violin and computer (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kanno, M., Hayden, S., Adkins, M., & Isaacs, B. (2011, December). Towards musical interaction: 'Schismatics' for e-violin and computer. Presented at Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2011, Huddersfield, England

This paper discusses the evolution of the Max/MSP patch used in schismatics (2007, rev. 2010) for electric violin (Violectra) and computer, by composer Sam Hayden in collaboration with violinist Mieko Kanno. schismatics involves a standard performanc... Read More about Towards musical interaction: 'Schismatics' for e-violin and computer.

Self-report measures and models. (2010)
Book Chapter
Zentner, M. R., & Eerola, T. (2010). Self-report measures and models. In P. Juslin, & J. Sloboda (Eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion (187-221). Oxford University Press.

Science strives for objectivity. However, by their very nature, experienced emotions are subjective phenomena. This could give the impression that the topic of the current chapter – subjectively felt or perceived musical emotions – is not suited for... Read More about Self-report measures and models..