Music and emotion: Themes and development
Journal Article
Lamont, A., & Eerola, T. (2011). Music and emotion: Themes and development. Musicae Scientiae, 15(2), 1-7.
All Outputs (973)
Design and evaluation of prosody-based non-speech audio feedback for physical training application (2011)
Journal Article
Tuuri, K., Eerola, T., & Pirhonen, A. (2011). Design and evaluation of prosody-based non-speech audio feedback for physical training application. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69, 741-757.
Are the Emotions Expressed in Music Genre-specific? An Audio-based Evaluation of Datasets Spanning Classical, Film, Pop and Mixed Genres (2011)
Journal Article
Eerola, T. (2011). Are the Emotions Expressed in Music Genre-specific? An Audio-based Evaluation of Datasets Spanning Classical, Film, Pop and Mixed Genres. Journal of New Music Research, 40(4), 349-366.
Measuring music-induced emotion: A comparison of emotion models, personality biases, and intensity of experiences (2011)
Journal Article
Vuoskoski, J., & Eerola, T. (2011). Measuring music-induced emotion: A comparison of emotion models, personality biases, and intensity of experiences. Musicae Scientiae, 15(2), 159-173.
The role of mood and personality in the perception of emotions represented by music (2011)
Journal Article
Vuoskoski, J., & Eerola, T. (2011). The role of mood and personality in the perception of emotions represented by music. Cortex, 47(9), 1099-1106.
Biased emotional recognition in depression: Perception of emotions in music by depressed patients (2011)
Journal Article
Punkanen, M., Eerola, T., & Erkkilä, J. (2011). Biased emotional recognition in depression: Perception of emotions in music by depressed patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 130, 118-126.
Biased emotional preferences in depression: Decreased liking of angry and energetic music by depressed patients (2011)
Journal Article
Punkanen, M., Eerola, T., & Erkkilä, J. (2011). Biased emotional preferences in depression: Decreased liking of angry and energetic music by depressed patients. Music and medicine, 3(2), 114-120.
Melodic analysis of the performance of Islamic hymns in Harar, Ethiopia (2011)
Journal Article
Tarsitani, S. (2011). Melodic analysis of the performance of Islamic hymns in Harar, Ethiopia
The world through an infant's eyes': Finzi's cantata 'Dies Natalis (2011)
Dibble, J. (2011). The world through an infant's eyes': Finzi's cantata 'Dies Natalis
The Church Music of John Ireland (2011)
Book Chapter
Dibble, J. (2011). The Church Music of John Ireland. In L. Foreman (Ed.), The John Ireland Companion (232-254). Boydell & Brewer
'Hail, gladdening light'' (anthem) Charles Wood (2011)
Dibble, J. (2011). 'Hail, gladdening light'' (anthem) Charles Wood. [Dataset]
Listen to Me Listening 1 (2011)
Egan, E. (2011). Listen to Me Listening 1. [Score]
Art and the Ideology of Nature: Sibelius, Hamsun, Adorno (2011)
Book Chapter
Paddison, M. (2011). Art and the Ideology of Nature: Sibelius, Hamsun, Adorno. In D. M. Grimley (Ed.), Jean Sibelius and his World (173-185). Princeton: Princeton University Press the Pause and not... (2011)
Egan, E. (2011). the Pause and not... [Score, Recording]
Oer the World (2011)
Egan, E. (2011). Oer the World. [Score]
Bedazzled by breakthrough: Music theology and the problem of composing music in words (2011)
Journal Article
Zon, B. (2011). Bedazzled by breakthrough: Music theology and the problem of composing music in words. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 136(2), 429-435
Generalizability and Simplicity as Criteria in Feature Selection: Application to Mood Classification in Music (2011)
Journal Article
Saari, P., Eerola, T., & Lartillot, O. (2011). Generalizability and Simplicity as Criteria in Feature Selection: Application to Mood Classification in Music. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 19(6), 1802-1812.
La postmodernidad y la supervivencia de la vanguardia (2011)
Journal Article
Paddison, M. (2011). La postmodernidad y la supervivencia de la vanguardia. Quodlibet (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid), 50((May-August)), 60-84
Practice and Dissemination of Music in the Recusant Network as Suggested by the Music Collection of Edward Paston (1550-1630) (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sequera, H. (2011, December). Practice and Dissemination of Music in the Recusant Network as Suggested by the Music Collection of Edward Paston (1550-1630). Presented at Musical, Cultural and Religious Networks Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland
Organised study day (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sequera, H. (2011, December). Organised study day. Paper presented at Domestic Music in Recusant Circles in Elizabethan and Jacobean Times, Cambridge