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All Outputs (219)

Improved Lieb-Thirring type inequalities for non-selfadjoint Schroedinger operators (2023)
Book Chapter
Boegli, S. (2023). Improved Lieb-Thirring type inequalities for non-selfadjoint Schroedinger operators. In M. Brown, F. Gesztesy, P. Kurasov, A. Laptev, B. Simon, G. Stolz, & I. Wood (Eds.), From Complex Analysis to Operator Theory: A Panorama In Memory of Sergey Naboko (151-161). (1). Birkhaeuser-Springer.

We improve the Lieb–Thirring type inequalities by Demuth, Hansmann and Katriel (J. Funct. Anal. 2009) for Schr¨odinger operators with complex-valued potentials. Our result involves a positive, integrable function. We show that in the one-dimensional... Read More about Improved Lieb-Thirring type inequalities for non-selfadjoint Schroedinger operators.

A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries (2023)
Journal Article
Etxebarria, I. G., & Iqbal, N. (2023). A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 145.

We study systems with an Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly in terms of non-invertible symmetry. We present a new kind of non-invertible charge defect where a key role is played by a local current operator localized on the defect. The charge defects are now l... Read More about A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries.

Near-Miss Bi-Homogenous Symmetric Polyhedral Cages (2023)
Journal Article
Piette, B., & Lukács, Á. (2023). Near-Miss Bi-Homogenous Symmetric Polyhedral Cages. Symmetry, 15(9), Article 1804.

Following the discovery of an artificial protein cage with a paradoxical geometry, we extend the concept of homogeneous symmetric congruent equivalent near-miss polyhedral cages, for which all the faces are equivalent, and define bi-homogeneous symme... Read More about Near-Miss Bi-Homogenous Symmetric Polyhedral Cages.

String Model Building on Quantum Annealers (2023)
Journal Article
Abel, S., Nutricati, L. A., & Rizos, J. (2023). String Model Building on Quantum Annealers. Fortschritte der Physik, 71(12), Article 2300167.

For the first time the direct construction of string models on quantum annealers has been explored and has been investigated their efficiency and effectiveness in the model discovery process. Through a thorough comparison with traditional methods suc... Read More about String Model Building on Quantum Annealers.

Accelerating black holes in 2 + 1 dimensions: holography revisited (2023)
Journal Article
Arenas-Henriquez, G., Cisterna, A., Diaz, F., & Gregory, R. (2023). Accelerating black holes in 2 + 1 dimensions: holography revisited. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 122.

This paper studies the holographic description of 2 + 1-dimensional accelerating black holes. We start by using an ADM decomposition of the coordinates suitable to identify boundary data. As a consequence, the holographic CFT lies in a fixed curved b... Read More about Accelerating black holes in 2 + 1 dimensions: holography revisited.

Multi-fractional instantons in SU( N ) Yang-Mills theory on the twisted T 4 (2023)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (in press). Multi-fractional instantons in SU( N ) Yang-Mills theory on the twisted T 4. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 95.

We construct analytical self-dual Yang-Mills fractional instanton solutions on a four-torus T4 with ’t Hooft twisted boundary conditions. These instantons possess topological charge Q=rN, where 1 ≤ r < N. To implement the twist, we employ SU(N) trans... Read More about Multi-fractional instantons in SU( N ) Yang-Mills theory on the twisted T 4.

Improving power calculations in educational trials (2023)
Singh, A., Uwimpuhwe, G., Vallis, D., Akhter, N., Coolen-Maturi, T., Einbeck, J., Higgins, S., Culliney, M., & Demack, S. (2023). Improving power calculations in educational trials. Education Endowment Foundation

The aim of this study was to investigate and empirically derive parameters commonly used for statistical power and sample size calculations to better inform future trial design. Towards achieving this aim, the research project leveraged the richness... Read More about Improving power calculations in educational trials.

Gauge independent kinematic algebra of self-dual Yang-Mills theory (2023)
Journal Article
Bonezzi, R., Díaz-Jaramillo, F., & Nagy, S. (2023). Gauge independent kinematic algebra of self-dual Yang-Mills theory. Physical Review D, 108, Article 065007

The double-copy program relies crucially on the so-called color-kinematics duality which, in turn, is widely believed to descend from a kinematic algebra possessed by gauge theories. In this paper we construct the kinematic algebra of gauge-invariant... Read More about Gauge independent kinematic algebra of self-dual Yang-Mills theory.

Beyond the Erdős discrepancy problem in function fields (2023)
Journal Article
Klurman, O., Mangerel, A. P., & Teräväinen, J. (2024). Beyond the Erdős discrepancy problem in function fields. Mathematische Annalen, 389(3), 2959-3008.

We characterize the limiting behavior of partial sums of multiplicative functions f:Fq[t]→S1. In contrast to the number field setting, the characterization depends crucially on whether the notion of discrepancy is defined using long intervals, short... Read More about Beyond the Erdős discrepancy problem in function fields.

Cosmetic operations and Khovanov multicurves (2023)
Journal Article
Kotelskiy, A., Lidman, T., Moore, A. H., Watson, L., & Zibrowius, C. (2024). Cosmetic operations and Khovanov multicurves. Mathematische Annalen, 389(3), 2903-2930.

We prove an equivariant version of the Cosmetic Surgery Conjecture for strongly invertible knots. Our proof combines a recent result of Hanselman with the Khovanov multicurve invariants Kh~ and BN~. We apply the same techniques to reprove a result of... Read More about Cosmetic operations and Khovanov multicurves.

Collisions of weakly-bound kinks in the Christ-Lee model (2023)
Journal Article
Dorey, P., Gorina, A., Romańczukiewicz, T., & Shnir, Y. (2023). Collisions of weakly-bound kinks in the Christ-Lee model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 45.

We investigate soliton collisions in a one-parameter family of scalar field theories in 1+1 dimensions which was first discussed by Christ and Lee. The models have a sextic potential with three local minima, and for suitably small values of the param... Read More about Collisions of weakly-bound kinks in the Christ-Lee model.

A mnemonic for the Lipshitz–Ozsváth–Thurstoncorrespondence (2023)
Journal Article
Kotelskiy, A., Watson, L., & Zibrowius, C. (2023). A mnemonic for the Lipshitz–Ozsváth–Thurstoncorrespondence. Algebraic & geometric topology, 23(6), 2519-2543.

When k is a field, type D structures over the algebra k[u,v]∕(uv) are equivalent to immersed curves decorated with local systems in the twice-punctured disk. Consequently, knot Floer homology, as a type D structure over k[u,v]∕(uv), can be viewed as... Read More about A mnemonic for the Lipshitz–Ozsváth–Thurstoncorrespondence.

Inclusion of frequency nadir constraint in the unit commitment problem of small power systems using machine learning (2023)
Journal Article
Rajabdorri, M., Kazemtabrizi, B., Troffaes, M., Sigrist, L., & Lubato, E. (2023). Inclusion of frequency nadir constraint in the unit commitment problem of small power systems using machine learning. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 36, Article 101161.

As the intention is to reduce the amount of thermal generation and to increase the share of clean energy, power systems are increasingly becoming susceptible to frequency instability after outages due to reduced levels of inertia. To address this iss... Read More about Inclusion of frequency nadir constraint in the unit commitment problem of small power systems using machine learning.

Branes and symmetries for N = 3 S-folds (2023)
Journal Article
Etheredge, M., Etxebarria, I. G., Heidenreich, B., & Rauch, S. (2023). Branes and symmetries for N = 3 S-folds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 5.

We describe the higher-form and non-invertible symmetries of 4d N = 3 S-folds using the brane dynamics of their holographic duals. In cases with enhancement to N = 4 supersymmetry, our analysis reproduces the known field theory results of Aharony, Se... Read More about Branes and symmetries for N = 3 S-folds.

Quantum Unique Ergodicity for Cayley graphs of quasirandom groups (2023)
Journal Article
Magee, M., Thomas, J., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Quantum Unique Ergodicity for Cayley graphs of quasirandom groups. Communications in Mathematical Physics,

A finite group G is called C-quasirandom (by Gowers) if all non-trivial irreducible complex representations of G have dimension at least C. For any unit ℓ2 function on a finite group we associate the quantum probability measure on the group given by... Read More about Quantum Unique Ergodicity for Cayley graphs of quasirandom groups.

Near optimal spectral gaps for hyperbolic surfaces (2023)
Journal Article
Hide, W., & Magee, M. (2023). Near optimal spectral gaps for hyperbolic surfaces. Annals of Mathematics, 198(2), 791-824.

We prove that if X is a finite area non-compact hyperbolic surface, then for any ϵ > 0, with probability tending to one as n → ∞, a uniformly random degree n Riemannian cover of X has no eigenvalues of the Laplacian in [0, 1 4 − ϵ) other than those o... Read More about Near optimal spectral gaps for hyperbolic surfaces.

Graviton trispectrum from gluons (2023)
Journal Article
Armstrong, C., Goodhew, H., Lipstein, A., & Mei, J. (2023). Graviton trispectrum from gluons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(8), Article 206.

The tree-level wavefunction coefficient for four gravitons in de Sitter space was recently bootstrapped using the Cosmological Optical Theorem, flat space limit, and Manifestly Local Test [1]. Inspired by the double copy for scattering amplitudes, we... Read More about Graviton trispectrum from gluons.

First observation of 28O (2023)
Journal Article
Kondo, Y., Achouri, N. L., Falou, H. A., Atar, L., Aumann, T., Baba, H., …Yoshida, S. (2023). First observation of 28O. Nature, 620(7976), 965-970.

Subjecting a physical system to extreme conditions is one of the means often used to obtain a better understanding and deeper insight into its organization and structure. In the case of the atomic nucleus, one such approach is to investigate isotopes... Read More about First observation of 28O.