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All Outputs (223)

Supersymmetric solitons in gauged N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 8 supergravity (2023)
Journal Article
Anabalón, A., Gallerati, A., Ross, S., & Trigiante, M. (2023). Supersymmetric solitons in gauged N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 8 supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(2), Article 55.

We consider soliton solutions in AdS4 with a flat slicing and Wilson loops around one cycle. We study the phase structure and find the ground state and identify supersymmetric solutions as a function of the Wilson loops. We work in the context of a s... Read More about Supersymmetric solitons in gauged N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 8 supergravity.

On two conjectures of Sun concerning Apéry-like series (2023)
Journal Article
Charlton, S., Gangl, H., Lai, L., Xu, C., & Zhao, J. (2023). On two conjectures of Sun concerning Apéry-like series. Forum Mathematicum, 35(6), 1533-1547.

We prove two conjectural identities of Z.-W. Sun concerning Apéry-like series. One of the series is alternating, whereas the other one is not. Our main strategy is to convert the series and the alternating series to log-sine-cosine and log-sinh-cosh... Read More about On two conjectures of Sun concerning Apéry-like series.

Constant primary operators and where to find them: the strange case of BPS defects in ABJ(M) theory (2023)
Journal Article
Gorini, N., Griguolo, L., Guerrini, L., Penati, S., Seminara, D., & Soresina, P. (2023). Constant primary operators and where to find them: the strange case of BPS defects in ABJ(M) theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(2), Article 13 (2023).

We investigate the one-dimensional defect SCFT defined on the 1/2 BPS Wilson line/loop in ABJ(M) theory. We show that the supermatrix structure of the defect imposes a covariant supermatrix representation of the supercharges. Exploiting this covarian... Read More about Constant primary operators and where to find them: the strange case of BPS defects in ABJ(M) theory.

Plasmoids, Flows, and Jets during Magnetic Reconnection in a Failed Solar Eruption (2023)
Journal Article
Kumar, P., T. Karpen, J., Antiochos, S. K., DeVore, C. R., Wyper, P. F., & Cho, K.-S. (2023). Plasmoids, Flows, and Jets during Magnetic Reconnection in a Failed Solar Eruption. Astrophysical Journal, 943(2), Article 156.

We report a detailed analysis of a failed eruption and flare in active region 12018 on 2014 April 3 using multiwavelength observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, IRIS, STEREO, and Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope.... Read More about Plasmoids, Flows, and Jets during Magnetic Reconnection in a Failed Solar Eruption.

Probing center vortices and deconfinement in SU(2) lattice gauge theory with persistent homology (2023)
Journal Article
Sale, N., Lucini, B., & Giansiracusa, J. (2023). Probing center vortices and deconfinement in SU(2) lattice gauge theory with persistent homology. Physical Review D, 107(3), Article 034501.

We investigate the use of persistent homology, a tool from topological data analysis, as a means to detect and quantitatively describe center vortices in SU(2) lattice gauge theory in a gaugeinvariant manner. We provide evidence for the sensitivity o... Read More about Probing center vortices and deconfinement in SU(2) lattice gauge theory with persistent homology.

ARTop: an open-source tool for measuring active region topology at the solar photosphere (2023)
Journal Article
Alielden, K., MacTaggart, D., Ming, Q., Prior, C., & Raphaldini, B. (2023). ARTop: an open-source tool for measuring active region topology at the solar photosphere. RAS Techniques and Instruments, 2(1), 398-407.

The importance of measuring topological quantities, such as magnetic helicity, in solar observations has long been recognized. In particular, topological quantities play an important role in both understanding and predicting solar eruptions. In this... Read More about ARTop: an open-source tool for measuring active region topology at the solar photosphere.

Smoothed Bootstrap for Right-Censored Data (2023)
Journal Article
Luhayb, A. S. M. A., Coolen, F. P., & Coolen-Maturi, T. (2024). Smoothed Bootstrap for Right-Censored Data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 53(11), 4037-4061.

A smoothed bootstrap method is introduced for right-censored data based on the right-censoring-A(n) assumption introduced by Coolen and Yan, which is a generalization of Hill’s A(n) assumption for right-censored data. The smoothed bootstrap method is... Read More about Smoothed Bootstrap for Right-Censored Data.

Regularity and Continuity properties of the sub-Riemannian exponential map (2023)
Journal Article
Borza, S., & Klingenberg, W. (2023). Regularity and Continuity properties of the sub-Riemannian exponential map. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 29(4), 1385-1407.

We prove a version of Warner’s regularity and continuity properties for the sub-Riemannian exponential map. The regularity property is established by considering sub-Riemannian Jacobi fields while the continuity property follows from studying the Mas... Read More about Regularity and Continuity properties of the sub-Riemannian exponential map.

Asymptotics of Hankel determinants with a multi-cut regular potential and Fisher-Hartwig singularities (2023)
Journal Article
Charlier, C., Fahs, B., Webb, C., & Wong, M. D. (in press). Asymptotics of Hankel determinants with a multi-cut regular potential and Fisher-Hartwig singularities. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,

We obtain large $N$ asymptotics for $N \times N$ Hankel determinants corresponding to non-negative symbols with Fisher-Hartwig (FH) singularities in the multi-cut regime. Our result includes the explicit computation of the multiplicative constant. Mo... Read More about Asymptotics of Hankel determinants with a multi-cut regular potential and Fisher-Hartwig singularities.

Model‐free portfolio theory: A rough path approach (2023)
Journal Article
Allan, A. L., Cuchiero, C., Liu, C., & Prömel, D. J. (2023). Model‐free portfolio theory: A rough path approach. Mathematical Finance, 33(3), 709-765.

Based on a rough path foundation, we develop a model-free approach to stochastic portfolio theory (SPT). Our approach allows to handle significantly more general portfolios compared to previous model-free approaches based on Föllmer integration. With... Read More about Model‐free portfolio theory: A rough path approach.

Well-posedness of mean field games master equations involving non-separable local Hamiltonians (2023)
Journal Article
Ambrose, D. M., & Mészáros, A. R. (2023). Well-posedness of mean field games master equations involving non-separable local Hamiltonians. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 376(4), 2481-2523.

In this paper we construct short time classical solutions to a class of master equations in the presence of non-degenerate individual noise arising in the theory of mean field games. The considered Hamiltonians are non-separable and local functions o... Read More about Well-posedness of mean field games master equations involving non-separable local Hamiltonians.

Non-equilibrium early-warning signals for critical transitions in ecological systems (2023)
Journal Article
Xu, L., Patterson, D., Levin, S. A., & Wang, J. (2023). Non-equilibrium early-warning signals for critical transitions in ecological systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(5), Article e2218663120.

Complex systems can exhibit sudden transitions or regime shifts from one stable state to another, typically referred to as critical transitions. It becomes a great challenge to identify a robust warning sufficiently early that action can be taken to... Read More about Non-equilibrium early-warning signals for critical transitions in ecological systems.

Thermal convection in a higher-gradient Navier–Stokes fluid (2023)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2023). Thermal convection in a higher-gradient Navier–Stokes fluid. European Physical Journal Plus, 138(60),

We discuss models for flow in a class of generalized Navier–Stokes equations. The work concentrates on producing models for thermal convection, analysing these in detail, and deriving critical Rayleigh and wave numbers for the onset of convective flu... Read More about Thermal convection in a higher-gradient Navier–Stokes fluid.

Searches for QCD instantons with forward proton tagging (2023)
Journal Article
Tasevsky, M., Khoze, V., Milne, D., & Ryskin, M. (2023). Searches for QCD instantons with forward proton tagging. The European Physical Journal C, 83, Article 35.

We study the possibility to observe heavy (Minst>60 GeV) QCD instantons at the LHC in events with one or two tagged leading protons including fast simulation of detector and pile-up effects. We show that the expected instanton signal in a single-tagg... Read More about Searches for QCD instantons with forward proton tagging.

Concentration-Dependent Domain Evolution in Reaction–Diffusion Systems (2023)
Journal Article
Krause, A. L., Gaffney, E. A., & Walker, B. J. (2023). Concentration-Dependent Domain Evolution in Reaction–Diffusion Systems. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85(14),

Pattern formation has been extensively studied in the context of evolving (time-dependent) domains in recent years, with domain growth implicated in ameliorating problems of pattern robustness and selection, in addition to more realistic modelling in... Read More about Concentration-Dependent Domain Evolution in Reaction–Diffusion Systems.

Prehabilitation in elective patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a randomised control trial (THE PrEPS TRIAL) – a study protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Akowuah, E., Mathias, A., Bardgett, M., Harrison, S., Kasim, A. S., Loughran, K., Ogundimu, E., Trevis, J., Wagnild, J., Witharana, P., Hancock, H. C., & Maier, R. H. (2023). Prehabilitation in elective patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a randomised control trial (THE PrEPS TRIAL) – a study protocol. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e065992.

Introduction: Prehabilitation prior to surgery has been shown to reduce postoperative complications, reduce length of hospital stay and improve quality of life after cancer and limb reconstruction surgery. However, there are minimal data on the impac... Read More about Prehabilitation in elective patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a randomised control trial (THE PrEPS TRIAL) – a study protocol.

Effect of constitutive law on the erythrocyte membrane response to large strains (2023)
Journal Article
Pepona, M., Gounley, J., & Randles, A. (2023). Effect of constitutive law on the erythrocyte membrane response to large strains. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 132, 145-160.

Three constitutive laws, that is the Skalak, neo-Hookean and Yeoh laws, commonly employed for describing the erythrocyte membrane mechanics are theoretically analyzed and numerically investigated to assess their accuracy for capturing erythrocyte def... Read More about Effect of constitutive law on the erythrocyte membrane response to large strains.