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All Outputs (223)

Application of evidence-based methods to construct mechanism-driven chemical assessment frameworks (2022)
Journal Article
Hoffmann, S., Aiassa, E., Angrish, M., Beausoleil, C., Bois, F., Ciccolallo, L., Craig, P., de Vries, R., Dorne, J., Druwe, I., Edwards, S., Eskes, C., Georgiadis, M., Hartung, T., Kienzler, A., Kristjansson, E., Lam, J., Martino, L., Meek, B., Morgan, R., …Tsaioun, K. (2022). Application of evidence-based methods to construct mechanism-driven chemical assessment frameworks. ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 39(3), 499-518.

The workshop titled “Application of evidence-based methods to construct mechanism-driven chemical assessment frameworks” was co-organized by the Evidence-based Toxicology Collaboration and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and hosted by EFSA... Read More about Application of evidence-based methods to construct mechanism-driven chemical assessment frameworks.

Refinement of anomalous dispersion correction parameters in single-crystal structure determinations (2022)
Journal Article
Meurer, F., Dolomanov, O. V., Hennig, C., Peyerimhoff, N., Kleemiss, F., Puschmann, H., & Bodensteiner, M. (2022). Refinement of anomalous dispersion correction parameters in single-crystal structure determinations. IUCrJ, 9(5),

Correcting for anomalous dispersion is part of any refinement of an X-ray dif­fraction crystal structure determination. The procedure takes the inelastic scattering in the diffraction experiment into account. This X-ray absorption effect is specific... Read More about Refinement of anomalous dispersion correction parameters in single-crystal structure determinations.

Ice Model Calibration using Semi-continuous Spatial Data (2022)
Journal Article
Chang, W., Konomi, B., Karagiannis, G., Guan, Y., & Haran, M. (2022). Ice Model Calibration using Semi-continuous Spatial Data. Annals of Applied Statistics, 16(3), 1937-1961.

Rapid changes in Earth’s cryosphere caused by human activity can lead to significant environmental impacts. Computer models provide a useful tool for understanding the behavior and projecting the future of Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. However, th... Read More about Ice Model Calibration using Semi-continuous Spatial Data.

Iterative importance sampling with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling in robust Bayesian analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Raices Cruz, I., Lindström, J., Troffaes, M. C., & Sahlin, U. (2022). Iterative importance sampling with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling in robust Bayesian analysis. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 176, Article 107558.

Bayesian inference under a set of priors, called robust Bayesian analysis, allows for estimation of parameters within a model and quantification of epistemic uncertainty in quantities of interest by bounded (or imprecise) probability. Iterative impor... Read More about Iterative importance sampling with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling in robust Bayesian analysis.

Numerical simulation of self-dual U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anosova, M., Gattringer, C., Iqbal, N., & Sulejmanpasic, T. (2022, December). Numerical simulation of self-dual U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter. Presented at Proceedings of The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2021)

We study a recently proposed formulation of U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter based on the Villain formulation. This discretization allows for a duality that gives rise to relations between weak and strong gauge coupling. Th... Read More about Numerical simulation of self-dual U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter.

Spin systems with hyperbolic symmetry: a survey (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bauerschmidt, R., & Helmuth, T. (2022, July). Spin systems with hyperbolic symmetry: a survey. Paper presented at International Congress of Mathematicians, 2022

Cosmological scattering equations at tree-level and one-loop (2022)
Journal Article
Gomez, H., Jusinskas, R. L., & Lipstein, A. (2022). Cosmological scattering equations at tree-level and one-loop. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(7), Article 4.

We recently proposed a formula for tree-level n-point correlators of massive phi^4 theory in de Sitter momentum space which consists of an integral over n punctures on the Riemann sphere and differential operators in the future boundary dubbed the co... Read More about Cosmological scattering equations at tree-level and one-loop.

G-invariant spin structures on spheres (2022)
Journal Article
Daura Serrano, J., Kohn, M., & Lawn, M.-A. (2022). G-invariant spin structures on spheres. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 62(2), 437-455.

We examine which of the compact connected Lie groups that act transitively on spheres of different dimensions leave the unique spin structure of the sphere invariant. We study the notion of invariance of a spin structure and prove this classification... Read More about G-invariant spin structures on spheres.

A characterisation of the continuum Gaussian free field in arbitrary dimensions (2022)
Journal Article
Aru, J., & Powell, E. (2022). A characterisation of the continuum Gaussian free field in arbitrary dimensions. Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques, 9, 1101-1120.

e prove that under certain mild moment and continuity assumptions, the d-dimensional continuum Gaussian free field is the only stochastic process satisfying the usual domain Markov property and a scaling assumption. Our proof is based on a decomposit... Read More about A characterisation of the continuum Gaussian free field in arbitrary dimensions.

Delocalisation of eigenfunctions on large genus random surfaces (2022)
Journal Article
Thomas, J. (2022). Delocalisation of eigenfunctions on large genus random surfaces. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 250(1), 53 -83.

We prove that eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a compact hyperbolic surface delocalise in terms of a geometric parameter dependent upon the number of short closed geodesics on the surface. In particular, we show that an L2 normalised eigenfunction... Read More about Delocalisation of eigenfunctions on large genus random surfaces.

Exact Bayesian inference for discretely observed Markov Jump Processes using finite rate matrices (2022)
Journal Article
Sherlock, C., & Golightly, A. (2023). Exact Bayesian inference for discretely observed Markov Jump Processes using finite rate matrices. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32(1), 36-48.

We present new methodologies for Bayesian inference on the rate parameters of a discretely observed continuous-time Markov jump process with a countably infinite statespace. The usual method of choice for inference, particle Markov chain Monte Carlo... Read More about Exact Bayesian inference for discretely observed Markov Jump Processes using finite rate matrices.

On the critical-subcritical moments of moments of random characteristic polynomials: a GMC perspective (2022)
Journal Article
Keating, J. P., & Wong, M. D. (2022). On the critical-subcritical moments of moments of random characteristic polynomials: a GMC perspective. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 394(3), 1247-1301.

We study the ‘critical moments’ of subcritical Gaussian multiplicative chaos (GMCs) in dimensions d≤2. In particular, we establish a fully explicit formula for the leading order asymptotics, which is closely related to large deviation results for GMC... Read More about On the critical-subcritical moments of moments of random characteristic polynomials: a GMC perspective.

The complexity of temporal vertex cover in small-degree graphs (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hamm, T., Klobas, N., Mertzios, G., & Spirakis, P. (2023, February). The complexity of temporal vertex cover in small-degree graphs. Presented at 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022), Vancouver, BC

Temporal graphs naturally model graphs whose underlying topology changes over time. Recently, the problems Temporal Vertex Cover (or TVC) and Sliding-Window Temporal Vertex Cover (or ∆- TVC for time-windows of a fixed-length ∆) have been established... Read More about The complexity of temporal vertex cover in small-degree graphs.

Phase structure of self-dual lattice gauge theories in 4d (2022)
Journal Article
Anosova, M., Gattringer, C., Iqbal, N., & Sulejmanpasic, T. (2022). Phase structure of self-dual lattice gauge theories in 4d. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(6), Article 149.

We discuss U(1) lattice gauge theory models based on a modified Villain formulation of the gauge action, which allows coupling to bosonic electric and magnetic matter. The formulation enjoys a duality which maps electric and magnetic sectors into eac... Read More about Phase structure of self-dual lattice gauge theories in 4d.

Enforcing Stationarity through the Prior in Vector Autoregressions (2022)
Journal Article
Heaps, S. E. (2023). Enforcing Stationarity through the Prior in Vector Autoregressions. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32(1), 74-83.

Stationarity is a very common assumption in time series analysis. A vector autoregressive process is stable if and only if the roots of its characteristic equation lie outside the unit circle, constraining the autoregressive coefficient matrices to l... Read More about Enforcing Stationarity through the Prior in Vector Autoregressions.

Regularity and stability of invariant measures for diffusion processes under synthetic lower Ricci curvature bounds (2022)
Journal Article
Suzuki, K. (2022). Regularity and stability of invariant measures for diffusion processes under synthetic lower Ricci curvature bounds. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, XXIII(2), 745-808.

The Sobolev regularity of invariant measures for diffusion processes is proved on non-smooth metric measure spaces with synthetic lower Ricci curvature bounds. As an application, the symmetrizability of semigroups is characterized, and the stability... Read More about Regularity and stability of invariant measures for diffusion processes under synthetic lower Ricci curvature bounds.

An exact threshold for separator bifurcation (2022)
Journal Article
Prior, C., & Wyper, P. (2022). An exact threshold for separator bifurcation. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 116(4), 321-349.

Reconnection involving magnetic separators is known to lead to the spontaneous generation of new separator pairs. In this work, we explore the bifurcation process for a system composed of a pair of null points with a joining separator. We begin with... Read More about An exact threshold for separator bifurcation.

The association between ambient UVB dose and ANCA-associated vasculitis relapse and onset (2022)
Journal Article
Scott, J., Havyarimana, E., Navarro-Gallinad, A., White, A., Wyse, J., van Geffen, J., van Weele, M., Buettner, A., Wanigasekera, T., Walsh, C., Aslett, L., Kelleher, J., Power, J., Ng, J., O’Sullivan, D., Hederman, L., Basu, N., Little, M., Zgaga, L., & and UKIVAS groups, R. (2022). The association between ambient UVB dose and ANCA-associated vasculitis relapse and onset. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 24(1), Article 147.

Background: The aetiology of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) and triggers of relapse are poorly understood. Vitamin D (vitD) is an important immunomodulator, potentially responsible for the observed latitudinal differences between granulomatous and... Read More about The association between ambient UVB dose and ANCA-associated vasculitis relapse and onset.

Core surfaces (2022)
Journal Article
Magee, M., & Puder, D. (2022). Core surfaces. Geometriae Dedicata, 216(4), Article 46.

Let Γg be the fundamental group of a closed connected orientable surface of genus g≥2. We introduce a combinatorial structure of core surfaces, that represent subgroups of Γg. These structures are (usually) 2-dimensional complexes, made up of vertice... Read More about Core surfaces.