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All Outputs (101)

Nonparametric predictive inference and interval probability (2004)
Journal Article
Augustin, T., & Coolen, F. (2004). Nonparametric predictive inference and interval probability. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 124(2), 251-272.

The assumption A(n), proposed by Hill (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 63 (1968) 677), provides a natural basis for low structure non-parametric predictive inference, and has been justified in the Bayesian framework. This paper embeds A(n)-based inference i... Read More about Nonparametric predictive inference and interval probability.

On Gauss-Bonnet black hole entropy (2004)
Journal Article
Clunan, T., Ross, S. F., & Smith, D. J. (2004). On Gauss-Bonnet black hole entropy. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21(14), 3447-3458.

We investigate the entropy of black holes in Gauss-Bonnet and Lovelock gravity using the Noether charge approach, in which the entropy is given as the integral of a suitable (n - 2) form charge over the event horizon. We compare the results to those... Read More about On Gauss-Bonnet black hole entropy.

Bayes linear kinematics and Bayes linear Bayes Graphical Models (2004)
Journal Article
Goldstein, M., & Shaw, S. (2004). Bayes linear kinematics and Bayes linear Bayes Graphical Models. Biometrika, 91(2), 425-446.

Probability kinematics (Jeffrey, 1965, 1983) furnishes a method for revising a prior probability specification based upon new probabilities over a partition.We develop a corresponding Bayes linear kinematic for a Bayes linear analysis given informati... Read More about Bayes linear kinematics and Bayes linear Bayes Graphical Models.

Uncertainties of predictions from parton distributions II: theoretical errors (2004)
Journal Article
Martin, A., Roberts, R., Stirling, W., & Thorne, R. (2004). Uncertainties of predictions from parton distributions II: theoretical errors. The European Physical Journal C, 35(3), 325-348.

We study the uncertainties in parton distributions, determined in global fits to deep inelastic and related hard scattering data, due to so-called theoretical errors. Amongst these, we include potential errors due to the change of perturbative order... Read More about Uncertainties of predictions from parton distributions II: theoretical errors.

Double-diffractive χ meson production at the hadron colliders (2004)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Stirling, W. (2004). Double-diffractive χ meson production at the hadron colliders. The European Physical Journal C, 35(2), 211-220.

The double-diffractive production of χcχc and χbχb mesons, with a rapidity gap on either side, is studied, using both the Regge formalism and the perturbative QCD approach. Due to the rather low scale, the exclusive double-diffractive process pp→p+χ+... Read More about Double-diffractive χ meson production at the hadron colliders.

Unbalanced star-factorisations of complete bipartite graphs (2004)
Journal Article
Martin, N. (2004). Unbalanced star-factorisations of complete bipartite graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 283(1-3), 159-165.

There are simple arithmetic conditions necessary for the complete bipartite graph Km;n to have a complete factorisation by subgraphs which are made up of disjoint copies of Kp;q. It is conjectured that these conditions are also su0cient (something al... Read More about Unbalanced star-factorisations of complete bipartite graphs.

Classically integrable field theories with defects. (2004)
Journal Article
Bowcock, P., Corrigan, E., & Zambon, C. (2004). Classically integrable field theories with defects. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 19(supp02), 82-91.

Some ideas and remarks are presented concerning a possible Lagrangian approach to the study of internal boundary conditions relating integrable fields at the junction of two domains. The main example given in the article concerns single real scalar f... Read More about Classically integrable field theories with defects..

Texture Analysis Using Probabilistic Models of the Unimodal and Multimodal Statistics of Adaptive Wavelet Packet Coefficients (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cossu, R., Jermyn, I., & Zerubia, J. (2004, May). Texture Analysis Using Probabilistic Models of the Unimodal and Multimodal Statistics of Adaptive Wavelet Packet Coefficients. Presented at 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Montreal, Canada

Although subband histograms of the wavelet coefficients of natural images possess a characteristic leptokurtotic form, this is no longer true for wavelet packet bases adapted to a given texture. Instead, three types of subband statistics are observed... Read More about Texture Analysis Using Probabilistic Models of the Unimodal and Multimodal Statistics of Adaptive Wavelet Packet Coefficients.

Integrated density of states for random metrics on manifolds (2004)
Journal Article
Lenz, D., Peyerimhoff, N., & Veselic, I. (2004). Integrated density of states for random metrics on manifolds. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 88(3), 733-752.

This paper carries over the fundamental properties of random Schroedinger operators to random Laplace-Beltrami operators, that is, Laplacians with random metrics. Namely, we (A) discuss a framework for ergodic, random operators on covering manifolds... Read More about Integrated density of states for random metrics on manifolds.

A note on string interaction on the pp-wave background (2004)
Journal Article
Chu, C., Khoze, V., Petrini, M., Russo, R., & Tanzini, A. (2004). A note on string interaction on the pp-wave background. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21(8), 1999-2009.

We consider type IIB string interaction on the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave background and discuss how the bosonic symmetries of the background are realized. This analysis shows that there are some interesting differences with respect to the flat... Read More about A note on string interaction on the pp-wave background.

A Simple Unifying Formula for Taylor's Theorem and Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem (2004)
Journal Article
Einbeck, J. (2004). A Simple Unifying Formula for Taylor's Theorem and Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 14(1), 69-74

We introduce a formula which generalizes Taylor's theorem from powers of linear terms z-x to functional terms \phi(z)-\phi(x), leading to a formula which reduces in a special case to Cauchy's generalized mean value theorem. In other words, regarding... Read More about A Simple Unifying Formula for Taylor's Theorem and Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem.

Solving the functional Schrödinger equation: Yang-Mills string tension and surface critical scaling (2004)
Journal Article
Mansfield, P. (2004). Solving the functional Schrödinger equation: Yang-Mills string tension and surface critical scaling. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004(04),

Motivated by a heuristic model of the Yang-Mills vacuum that accurately describes the string-tension in three dimensions we develop a systematic method for solving the functional Schrödinger equation in a derivative expansion. This is applied to the... Read More about Solving the functional Schrödinger equation: Yang-Mills string tension and surface critical scaling.

Generators and Relations for K_2 O_F (2004)
Journal Article
Belabas, K., & Gangl, H. (2004). Generators and Relations for K_2 O_F. K-Theory, 31(3), 195 - 231.

Tate's algorithm for computing K_2 O_F for rings of integers in a number field has been adapted for the computer and gives explicit generators for the group and sharp bounds on their order---the latter, together with some structural results on the p-... Read More about Generators and Relations for K_2 O_F.

Notes on space-time thermodynamics and the observer-dependence of entropy (2004)
Journal Article
Marolf, D., Minic, D., & Ross, S. F. (2004). Notes on space-time thermodynamics and the observer-dependence of entropy. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 69(6),

Because of the Unruh effect, accelerated and inertial observers differ in their description of a given quantum state. The implications of this effect are explored for the entropy assigned by such observers to localized objects that may cross the asso... Read More about Notes on space-time thermodynamics and the observer-dependence of entropy.