Adaptive (opportunity-based) age replacement strategies
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Coolen, F., Coolen-Schrijner, P., & Shaw, S. (2004, December). Adaptive (opportunity-based) age replacement strategies. Presented at 5th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability, Salford
All Outputs (101)
Aspects of N=4 SYM (2004)
Journal Article
Heslop, P., & Howe, P. (2004). Aspects of N=4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0401,
Adaptive age replacement strategies based on nonparametric predictive inference (2004)
Journal Article
Coolen-Schrijner, P., & Coolen, F. (2004). Adaptive age replacement strategies based on nonparametric predictive inference. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(12), 1281-1297. consider an age replacement problem using nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) for the lifetime of a future unit. Based on n observed failure times, NPI provides lower and upper bounds for the survival function for a future lifetime Xn+1, whic... Read More about Adaptive age replacement strategies based on nonparametric predictive inference.
Aspects of the ODE / IM correspondence (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dorey, P., Dunning, C., & Tateo, R. (2004, December). Aspects of the ODE / IM correspondence
Discontinuity waves in type III thermoelasticity (2004)
Journal Article
Quintanilla, R., & Straughan, B. (2004). Discontinuity waves in type III thermoelasticity. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 460, 1169-1175
Solitons in alpha-helical proteins (2004)
Journal Article
Brizhik, L., Eremko, A., Piette, B., & Zakrzewski, W. (2004). Solitons in alpha-helical proteins. Physical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, E(70),
N-point amplitudes in intersecting brane models. (2004)
Journal Article
Abel, S., & Owen, A. (2004). N-point amplitudes in intersecting brane models. Nuclear Physics B, 682, 183-216.
Aspects of superconformal field theories in six dimensions (2004)
Journal Article
Heslop, P. (2004). Aspects of superconformal field theories in six dimensions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0407,
The Cheeger constant of simply connected, solvable Lie groups (2004)
Journal Article
Peyerimhoff, N., & Samiou, E. (2004). The Cheeger constant of simply connected, solvable Lie groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 132(5), 1525-1529We show that the Cheeger isoperimetric constant of a solvable simply connected Lie group G with Lie algebra g is h(G) = max tr(ad(H)), where the maximum is taken over all vectors H in g with norm one.
Heavy-quark production at large rapidities at hadron colliders (2004)
Journal Article
Andersen, J., DelDuca, V., Frixione, S., Maltoni, F., Stirling, ,., & J., W. (2004). Heavy-quark production at large rapidities at hadron colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11, 61-
Zeta functions for gradients of closed 1-forms (2004)
Journal Article
Schuetz, D. (2004). Zeta functions for gradients of closed 1-forms. Topology and its Applications, 144(1-3), 147-160.
Decision Making with Imprecise Probabilities: A Short Review (2004)
Troffaes, M. C. (2004). Decision Making with Imprecise Probabilities: A Short Review
Global stability for convection when the viscosity\r\nhas a maximum (2004)
Journal Article
Diaz, J., & Straughan, B. (2004). Global stability for convection when the viscosity\r\nhas a maximum. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 16, 347-352
Towards complete string effective actions beyond leading order (2004)
Journal Article
Peeters, K., Vanhove, P., & Westerberg, A. (2004). Towards complete string effective actions beyond leading order. Fortschritte der Physik, 52, 630-635.
The Ramond-Ramond sector of string theory beyond leading order (2004)
Journal Article
Peeters, K., & Westerberg, A. (2004). The Ramond-Ramond sector of string theory beyond leading order. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21, 1643-1666.
Hunting a light CP-violating Higgs boson via diffraction at the LHC (2004)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2004). Hunting a light CP-violating Higgs boson via diffraction at the LHC. The European Physical Journal C, 34, 327-334
Cubic interactions in the BMN limit of AdS(3) x S**3 (2004)
Journal Article
Cremonini, S., & Donos, A. (2004). Cubic interactions in the BMN limit of AdS(3) x S**3. Physical Review D, D70,
Penetrative convection in a superposed porous-medium-fluid layer via internal heating (2004)
Journal Article
Carr, M. (2004). Penetrative convection in a superposed porous-medium-fluid layer via internal heating. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 509, 305-329
Sparse-Graph Codes for Quantum Error Correction (2004)
Journal Article
MacKay, D. J. C., Mitchison, G., & McFadden, P. L. (2004). Sparse-Graph Codes for Quantum Error Correction. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 50, 2315-2330.
Morphic heights and periodic points (2004)
Book Chapter
Einsiedler, M., Everest, G., & Ward, T. (2004). Morphic heights and periodic points. In D. Chudnovsky, G. Chudnovsky, & M. Nathanson (Eds.), Number theory : New York seminar 2003 (167-177). Springer VerlagAn approach to the calculation of local canonical morphic heights is described, motivated by the analogy between the classical height in Diophantine geometry and entropy in algebraic dynamics. We consider cases where the local morphic height is expre... Read More about Morphic heights and periodic points.