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All Outputs (4)

Deflated in shame and puffed up in pride: How affective practices matter for entrepreneuring (2024)
Journal Article
Marsh, D., Eccleston, H., & Śliwa, M. (in press). Deflated in shame and puffed up in pride: How affective practices matter for entrepreneuring. Human Relations,

At the heart of the processual term ‘entrepreneuring’, lies something inherently optimistic: a belief that a better world could be reached beyond the actual. Embracing this perspective, we move away from a focus on entrepreneurial mastery and seek co... Read More about Deflated in shame and puffed up in pride: How affective practices matter for entrepreneuring.

How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal (2024)
Journal Article
Aguzzoli, R., Śliwa, M., Lengler, J., Brewster, C., & Quatrin, D. (online). How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal. Journal of International Business Studies,

The literature on expatriation typically assumes that cultural and institutional familiarity facilitates expatriate adjustment. This assumption underplays the role of the historical context, especially the influence of painful colonial pasts that oft... Read More about How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal.

Antecedents of Customer Participation on Sharing Platforms: A Meta‐analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Blut, M., & Wang, C. (online). Antecedents of Customer Participation on Sharing Platforms: A Meta‐analysis. British Journal of Management,

Given the substantive influence of the digital revolution on the sharing economy, it is timely and relevant to ask why some sharing platforms (e.g. Airbnb and Uber) achieve significant success while others fail. To determine which factors encourage c... Read More about Antecedents of Customer Participation on Sharing Platforms: A Meta‐analysis.

Natural Resource Extraction - Sustainable Development Relationship and Energy Productivity Moderation in Resource-Rich Countries: A Panel Bayesian Regression Analysis (2024)
Journal Article
De Sisto, M., Ul-Durar, S., Arshed, N., Iqbal, M., & Nazarian, A. (2024). Natural Resource Extraction - Sustainable Development Relationship and Energy Productivity Moderation in Resource-Rich Countries: A Panel Bayesian Regression Analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 477, Article 143775.

Social development is essential for improving quality of life, fostering stability, driving economic growth, achieving sustainable goals, enhancing human capital, encouraging civic engagement, building resilience, and fostering inno... Read More about Natural Resource Extraction - Sustainable Development Relationship and Energy Productivity Moderation in Resource-Rich Countries: A Panel Bayesian Regression Analysis.