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Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul (2024)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., Vasiljevic, M., Greenwell, H. C., & Stevenson, E. G. J. (2024). Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul. Water Security, 22, Article 100177.

Approximately 50% of the global population currently experiences severe water scarcity, a situation likely to intensify due to climate change. At the same time, the poorest population segments bear the greatest burden of water insecurity. This inters... Read More about Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul.

Evidence for the formation of silicic lava by pyroclast sintering (2024)
Journal Article
Foster, A., Wadsworth, F. B., Tuffen, H., Unwin, H. E., & Humphreys, M. C. S. (2024). Evidence for the formation of silicic lava by pyroclast sintering. Nature Communications, 15(1), 5347.

Silicic lavas can be produced by the sintering of pyroclasts in the volcanic sub-surface, and then advected out of the vent. Here, we provide evidence for this mechanism preserved in the exposed post-glacial remnants of a silicic volcanic conduit at... Read More about Evidence for the formation of silicic lava by pyroclast sintering.

Aged carbon mineralisation from headwater peatland floodplains in the Peak District, UK (2024)
Journal Article
Alderson, D. M., Evans, M. G., Garnett, M. H., & Worrall, F. (2024). Aged carbon mineralisation from headwater peatland floodplains in the Peak District, UK. Geomorphology, 461, Article 109271.

Floodplains are dynamic ecosystems that cycle carbon, which is both delivered from upstream catchment sources and produced in-situ. These systems are being increasingly recognised as key environments of carbon processing, with the capacity for substa... Read More about Aged carbon mineralisation from headwater peatland floodplains in the Peak District, UK.

The Dynamics of CO 2 ‐Driven Granular Flows in Gullies on Mars (2024)
Journal Article
Roelofs, L., Conway, S. J., van Dam, B., van Eijk, A., Merrison, J. P., Iversen, J. J., …de Haas, T. (2024). The Dynamics of CO 2 ‐Driven Granular Flows in Gullies on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129(6), Article e2024JE008319.

Martian gullies are landforms consisting of an erosional alcove, a channel, and a depositional apron. A significant proportion of Martian gullies at the mid‐latitudes is active today. The seasonal sublimation of CO2 ice has been suggested as a driver... Read More about The Dynamics of CO 2 ‐Driven Granular Flows in Gullies on Mars.

The impact of adsorption–desorption reactions on the chemistry of Himalayan rivers and the quantification of silicate weathering rates (2024)
Journal Article
Knight, A. C., Stevenson, E. I., Bridgestock, L., Jotautas Baronas, J., Knapp, W. J., Adhikari, B. R., Andermann, C., & Tipper, E. T. (2024). The impact of adsorption–desorption reactions on the chemistry of Himalayan rivers and the quantification of silicate weathering rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 641, Article 118814.

Globally significant mass of terrestrial organic carbon efficiently transported by canyon-flushing turbidity currents (2024)
Journal Article
Baker, M. L., Hage, S., Talling, P. J., Acikalin, S., Hilton, R. G., Haghipour, N., Ruffell, S. C., Pope, E. L., Jacinto, R. S., Clare, M. A., & Sahin, S. (2024). Globally significant mass of terrestrial organic carbon efficiently transported by canyon-flushing turbidity currents. Geology, 52(8), 631-636.

Burial of organic carbon in marine sediments is a long-term sink of atmospheric CO2, and submarine turbidity currents are volumetrically the most important sediment transport process on Earth. Yet the processes, amounts, and efficiency of organic car... Read More about Globally significant mass of terrestrial organic carbon efficiently transported by canyon-flushing turbidity currents.

Microdroplets initiate organic-inorganic interactions and mass transfer in thermal hydrous geosystems (2024)
Journal Article
Yuan, G., Jin, Z., Cao, Y., Schulz, H.-M., Gluyas, J., Liu, K., …Wang, Y. (2024). Microdroplets initiate organic-inorganic interactions and mass transfer in thermal hydrous geosystems. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 4960.

Organic-inorganic interactions regulate the dynamics of hydrocarbons, water, minerals, CO2, and H2 in thermal rocks, yet their initiation remains debated. To address this, we conducted isotope-tagged and in-situ visual thermal experiments. Isotope-ta... Read More about Microdroplets initiate organic-inorganic interactions and mass transfer in thermal hydrous geosystems.

A new interpretation of Pikaia reveals the origins of the chordate body plan. (2024)
Journal Article
Mussini, G., Smith, M. P., Vinther, J., Rahman, I. A., Murdock, D. J. E., Harper, D. A. T., & Dunn, F. S. (2024). A new interpretation of Pikaia reveals the origins of the chordate body plan. Current Biology, 34(13), 2980-2989.

Our understanding of the evolutionary origin of Chordata, one of the most disparate and ecologically significant animal phyla, is hindered by a lack of unambiguous stem-group relatives. Problematic Cambrian fossils that have been considered as candid... Read More about A new interpretation of Pikaia reveals the origins of the chordate body plan..

Probabilistic Determination of the Role of Faults and Intrusions in Helium‐Rich Gas Fields Formation (2024)
Journal Article
Halford, D. T., Karolytė, R., Andreason, M. W., Cathey, B., Cathey, M., Dellenbach, J. T., …Ballentine, C. J. (2024). Probabilistic Determination of the Role of Faults and Intrusions in Helium‐Rich Gas Fields Formation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6), Article e2024GC011522.

Natural gas fields with economic helium (>0.3 He %) require the radioactive decay of crustal uranium (U) and thorium (Th) to generate He and tectonic/structural regimes favorable to releasing and concentrating He. An unknown is determining the role o... Read More about Probabilistic Determination of the Role of Faults and Intrusions in Helium‐Rich Gas Fields Formation.

Morphometric fingerprints and downslope evolution in bathymetric surveys: insights into morphodynamics of the Congo canyon-channel (2024)
Journal Article
Hasenhündl, M., Talling, P. J., Pope, E. L., Baker, M. L., Heijnen, M. S., Ruffell, S. C., …Cartigny, M. J. B. (2024). Morphometric fingerprints and downslope evolution in bathymetric surveys: insights into morphodynamics of the Congo canyon-channel. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, Article 1381019.

Submarine canyons and channels are globally important pathways for sediment, organic carbon, nutrients and pollutants to the deep sea, and they form the largest sediment accumulations on Earth. However, studying these remote submarine systems compreh... Read More about Morphometric fingerprints and downslope evolution in bathymetric surveys: insights into morphodynamics of the Congo canyon-channel.

An InSAR‐GNSS Velocity Field for Iran (2024)
Journal Article
Watson, A. R., Elliott, J. R., Lazecký, M., Maghsoudi, Y., McGrath, J. D., & Walters, R. J. (2024). An InSAR‐GNSS Velocity Field for Iran. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(10), Article e2024GL108440.

We present average ground‐surface velocities and strain rates for the 1.7 million km2 area of Iran, from the joint inversion of InSAR‐derived displacements and GNSS data. We generate interferograms from 7 years of Sentinel‐1 radar acquisitions, corre... Read More about An InSAR‐GNSS Velocity Field for Iran.

Tracing the Scale of Fluid Flow in Subduction Zone Forearcs: Implications from Fluid-Mobile elements (2024)
Journal Article
Rajič, K., Raimbourg, H., Gion, A. M., Lerouge, C., & Erdmann, S. (2024). Tracing the Scale of Fluid Flow in Subduction Zone Forearcs: Implications from Fluid-Mobile elements. Chemical Geology, 659, Article 122141.

Despite the importance of fluids in subduction zone processes, the extent of mass transfer and fluid circulation from the subducting plate through the forearc region remain unclear. To estimate the fluid budget and scale of fluid circulation in subdu... Read More about Tracing the Scale of Fluid Flow in Subduction Zone Forearcs: Implications from Fluid-Mobile elements.

Volatile budgets and evolution in porphyry-related magma systems, determined using apatite (2024)
Journal Article
Lormand, C., Humphreys, M. C., Colby, D. J., Coumans, J. P., Chelle-Michou, C., & Li, W. (2024). Volatile budgets and evolution in porphyry-related magma systems, determined using apatite. Lithos, 480-481, Article 107623.

Volatile-bearing minerals, such as apatite, Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl), can record changes in dissolved magmatic volatile species during differentiation and, unlike melt inclusions, are sensitive to the presence of an exsolved fluid phase. Populations of apa... Read More about Volatile budgets and evolution in porphyry-related magma systems, determined using apatite.

A multi-methodological approach to record dynamics and timescales of the plumbing system of Zaro (Ischia Island, Italy) (2024)
Journal Article
Pelullo, C., Chakraborty, S., Montagna, C. P., Arienzo, I., Brown, R. J., D’Antonio, M., …Petrosino, P. (2024). A multi-methodological approach to record dynamics and timescales of the plumbing system of Zaro (Ischia Island, Italy). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179(5), Article 54.

Determining the time spans of processes related to the assembly of eruptible magma at active volcanoes is fundamental to understand magma chamber dynamics and assess volcanic hazard. This information can be recorded in the chemical zoning of crystals... Read More about A multi-methodological approach to record dynamics and timescales of the plumbing system of Zaro (Ischia Island, Italy).

Nitrogen isotopes in herbaria document historical nitrogen sewage pollution in the Mersey Estuary, England (2024)
Journal Article
Alldred, F. C., Gröcke, D. R., Jackson, S. E., & Reid, G. (2024). Nitrogen isotopes in herbaria document historical nitrogen sewage pollution in the Mersey Estuary, England. Environmental Science: Advances, 3(5), 676-685.

A macroalgae (seaweed) herbarium nitrogen isotope (δ15N) record is produced for the River Mersey and Liverpool South Docks (England) between 1821 and 2018. A modern macroalgae δ15N record was also produced from September 2022. The herbaria δ15N recor... Read More about Nitrogen isotopes in herbaria document historical nitrogen sewage pollution in the Mersey Estuary, England.

Multi-year time series of daily solute and isotope measurements from three Swiss pre-Alpine catchments (2024)
Journal Article
Knapp, J. L. A., Napitupulu, T., von Freyberg, J., Rücker, A., Studer, B., Zappa, M., & Kirchner, J. W. (2024). Multi-year time series of daily solute and isotope measurements from three Swiss pre-Alpine catchments. Scientific Data, 11(1), 393.

Time series analyses of solute concentrations in streamwater and precipitation are powerful tools for unraveling the interplay of hydrological and biogeochemical processes at the catchment scale. While such datasets are available for many sites aroun... Read More about Multi-year time series of daily solute and isotope measurements from three Swiss pre-Alpine catchments.

Utilising a multi-proxy to model comparison to constrain the season and regionally heterogeneous impacts of the Mt Samalas 1257 eruption (2024)
Journal Article
Wainman, L., Marshall, L. R., & Schmidt, A. (2024). Utilising a multi-proxy to model comparison to constrain the season and regionally heterogeneous impacts of the Mt Samalas 1257 eruption. Climate of the Past, 20(4), 951-968.

The Mt Samalas eruption, thought to have occurred in summer 1257, ranks as one of the most explosive sulfur-rich eruptions of the Common Era. Despite recent convergence, several dates have been proposed for the eruption ranging between 1256–1258, wit... Read More about Utilising a multi-proxy to model comparison to constrain the season and regionally heterogeneous impacts of the Mt Samalas 1257 eruption.

Revealing crucial effects of reservoir environment and hydrocarbon fractions on fluid behaviour in kaolinite pores (2024)
Journal Article
Zhao, R., Xue, H., Lu, S., Greenwell, H. C., & Erastova, V. (2024). Revealing crucial effects of reservoir environment and hydrocarbon fractions on fluid behaviour in kaolinite pores. Chemical Engineering Journal, 489, Article 151362.

The adsorption interactions of hydrocarbons and clay surfaces are crucial to understanding fluid behaviour within shale reservoirs and to mediating organic pollutants in soils. These interactions are affected by the diversity of complex hydrocarbon c... Read More about Revealing crucial effects of reservoir environment and hydrocarbon fractions on fluid behaviour in kaolinite pores.