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All Outputs (198)

Use of respiratory protection in Yogyakarta during the 2014 eruption of Kelud, Indonesia: Community and agency perspectives (2017)
Journal Article
Horwell, C., Ferdiwijaya, D., Wahyudi, T., & Dominelli, L. (2019). Use of respiratory protection in Yogyakarta during the 2014 eruption of Kelud, Indonesia: Community and agency perspectives. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 382, 92-102.

The 2014 explosive eruption of Kelud volcano, Indonesia ejected fine-grained volcanic ash in a plume which travelled westwards across the island of Java. In Yogyakarta, without warning, up to 5 cm of ash was deposited within a few hours. This paper i... Read More about Use of respiratory protection in Yogyakarta during the 2014 eruption of Kelud, Indonesia: Community and agency perspectives.

Overlapped Phased Array Antenna for Avalanche Radar (2017)
Journal Article
Ardeshir Tanha, M., Brennan, P. V., Ash, M., Kohler, A., & McElwaine, J. (2017). Overlapped Phased Array Antenna for Avalanche Radar. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65(8), 4017-4026.

Snow avalanche is a natural phenomenon, which annually causes infrastructure damage and leads to human casualties in many countries all over the world. As a result, a detailed hazard mapping is required to be able to understand the avalanche risk lev... Read More about Overlapped Phased Array Antenna for Avalanche Radar.

Magma mush chemistry at subduction zones, revealed by new melt major element inversion from calcic amphiboles (2017)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Humphreys, M., Cooper, G., Davidson, J., & Macpherson, C. (2017). Magma mush chemistry at subduction zones, revealed by new melt major element inversion from calcic amphiboles. American Mineralogist, 102(6), 1353-1367.

We have used multiple-regression methods to calibrate new, pressure-independent empirical chemometric equations to calculate the major element composition of basanitic to rhyolitic melts in equilibrium with calcic amphibole. The equations are based o... Read More about Magma mush chemistry at subduction zones, revealed by new melt major element inversion from calcic amphiboles.

A viscous-to-brittle transition in eruptions through clay suspensions (2017)
Journal Article
Schmid, D., Scheu, B., Wadsworth, F. B., Kennedy, B. M., Jolly, A., & Dingwell, D. B. (2017). A viscous-to-brittle transition in eruptions through clay suspensions. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(10), 4806-4813.

Volcanic lakes are often associated with active geothermal circulation, mineral alteration, and precipitation, each of which can complicate the analysis of shallow magma physics, geophysical signals, and chemical signals. The rheology of the lake and... Read More about A viscous-to-brittle transition in eruptions through clay suspensions.

The hottest hot Jupiters may host Atmospheric Dynamos (2017)
Journal Article
Rogers, T., & McElwaine, J. (2017). The hottest hot Jupiters may host Atmospheric Dynamos. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 841(2), Article L26.

Hot Jupiters have proven themselves to be a rich class of exoplanets that test our theories of planetary evolution and atmospheric dynamics under extreme conditions. Here, we present three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations and analytic resu... Read More about The hottest hot Jupiters may host Atmospheric Dynamos.

Insights into ferric leaching of low grade metal sulfide-containing ores in an unsaturated ore bed using X-ray computed tomography (2017)
Journal Article
Dobson, K. J., Harrison, S. T., Lin, Q., Ní Bhreasail, A., Fagan-Endres, M. A., Neethling, S. J., …Cilliers, J. J. (2017). Insights into ferric leaching of low grade metal sulfide-containing ores in an unsaturated ore bed using X-ray computed tomography. Minerals, 7(5), Article 85.

The distribution of the metal-bearing mineral grains within a particulate ore prepared for leaching, and the impact of this spatial heterogeneity on overall extraction efficiency is of key importance to a mining industry that must continuously target... Read More about Insights into ferric leaching of low grade metal sulfide-containing ores in an unsaturated ore bed using X-ray computed tomography.

Modeling rates of DOC degradation using DOM composition and hydroclimatic variables (2017)
Journal Article
Moody, C., & Worrall, F. (2017). Modeling rates of DOC degradation using DOM composition and hydroclimatic variables. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122(5), 1175-1191.

The fluvial fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from peatlands form an important part of that ecosystem's carbon cycle, contributing approximately 35% of the overall peatland carbon budget. The in-stream processes acting on the DOC, such as phot... Read More about Modeling rates of DOC degradation using DOM composition and hydroclimatic variables.

Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault (2017)
Journal Article
Sutherland, R., Townend, J., Toy, V., Upton, P., Coussens, J., Allen, M., …Zimmer, M. (2017). Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault. Nature, 546(7656), 137-140.

Temperature and fluid pressure conditions control rock deformation and mineralization on geological faults, and hence the distribution of earthquakes1. Typical intraplate continental crust has hydrostatic fluid pressure and a near-surface thermal gra... Read More about Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault.

Volcanic Initiation of the Eocene Heart Mountain Slide, Wyoming, USA (2017)
Journal Article
Malone, D. H., Craddock, J. P., Schmitz, M. D., Kenderes, S., Kraushaar, B., Murphey, C. J., …Mitchell, T. M. (2017). Volcanic Initiation of the Eocene Heart Mountain Slide, Wyoming, USA. The Journal of Geology, 125(4), 439-457.

The Eocene Heart Mountain slide of northwest Wyoming covers an area of as much as 5000 km2 and includes allochthonous Paleozoic carbonate and Eocene volcanic rocks with a run-out distance of as much as 85 km. Recent geochronologic data indicated that... Read More about Volcanic Initiation of the Eocene Heart Mountain Slide, Wyoming, USA.

The role played by carbonate cementation in controlling reservoir quality of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation, Norway (2017)
Journal Article
Cui, Y., Jones, S. J., Saville, C., Stricker, S., Wang, G., Tang, L., …Chen, J. (2017). The role played by carbonate cementation in controlling reservoir quality of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation, Norway. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 85, 316-331.

Anomalously high porosities up to 30% at burial depth of >3000 m along with varying amounts and types of carbonate cements occur in the fluvial channel sandstone facies of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation, Central Graben, Norway. However, porosities... Read More about The role played by carbonate cementation in controlling reservoir quality of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation, Norway.

Late Ordovician deep-water brachiopod fauna from Raheen, Waterford Harbour, Ireland (2017)
Journal Article
Harper, D. A., Parkes, M. A., & Ren-Bin, Z. (2017). Late Ordovician deep-water brachiopod fauna from Raheen, Waterford Harbour, Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 1-18.

The Raheen Formation at Newtown Head in Waterford Harbour is a small isolated section of Ordovician rocks, dominated by volcanics of the Duncannon Group, but with interbedded fossiliferous shales. Although a brachiopod and trilobite dominated fauna h... Read More about Late Ordovician deep-water brachiopod fauna from Raheen, Waterford Harbour, Ireland.

Geometric scaling of tabular igneous intrusions: implications for emplacement and growth (2017)
Book Chapter
Cruden, A., McCaffrey, K., & Bunger, A. (2018). Geometric scaling of tabular igneous intrusions: implications for emplacement and growth. In C. Breitkreuz, & S. Rocchi (Eds.), Physical geology of shallow magmatic systems : dykes, sills and laccoliths (11-38). Springer Verlag.

The horizontal (L) and vertical (T) dimensions of broadly tabular, sub-horizontal intrusions of mafic to felsic composition emplaced into shallow to mid-crustal levels of continental crust reveal two well-defined and continuous curves in log L vs. lo... Read More about Geometric scaling of tabular igneous intrusions: implications for emplacement and growth.

Echinoids as hard substrates: varied examples from the Oligocene of Antigua, Lesser Antilles (2017)
Journal Article
Donovan, S. K., Harper, D. A., Portell, R. W., & Toomey, J. K. (2017). Echinoids as hard substrates: varied examples from the Oligocene of Antigua, Lesser Antilles. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 128(3), 326-331.

A collection of unremarkably preserved fossil irregular echinoids from the Upper Oligocene (Chattian) Antigua Formation of Antigua, Lesser Antilles, nonetheless provides evidence of a range of palaeoecological interactions. A dead test of the heart u... Read More about Echinoids as hard substrates: varied examples from the Oligocene of Antigua, Lesser Antilles.

Time-dependent permeability evolution in compacting volcanic fracture systems and implications for gas overpressure (2017)
Journal Article
Farquharson, J. I., Wadsworth, F. B., Heap, M. J., & Baud, P. (2017). Time-dependent permeability evolution in compacting volcanic fracture systems and implications for gas overpressure. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 339, 81-97.

Volcanic eruptions are driven by the ascent of volatile-laden magma. The capacity of a volcano system to outgas these volatiles—its permeability—controls the explosive potential, and fractures at volcanic conduit margins play a crucial role in temper... Read More about Time-dependent permeability evolution in compacting volcanic fracture systems and implications for gas overpressure.

Basement controls on deformation during oblique convergence: Transpressive structures in the western Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau (2017)
Journal Article
Liu, R., Allen, M., Zhang, Q., Du, W., Cheng, X., Holdsworth, R., & Guo, Z. (2017). Basement controls on deformation during oblique convergence: Transpressive structures in the western Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau. Lithosphere, 9(4), 583-594.

The Qaidam Basin, especially its western part, is characterized by numerous northwest-trending folds and faults. Understanding the style and formation mechanism of these structures is crucial for unravelling the deformation of the Qaidam Basin and th... Read More about Basement controls on deformation during oblique convergence: Transpressive structures in the western Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau.

Characterization of Lubricant Degeneration and Component Deterioration on Diesel Engine Fueling with Straight Plant Oil (2017)
Journal Article
Almutairi, A., Wu, D., Guo, B., Roskilly, A. P., & Ottley, C. (2017). Characterization of Lubricant Degeneration and Component Deterioration on Diesel Engine Fueling with Straight Plant Oil. Energy Procedia, 105, 636-641.

Straight Plant Oils (SPOs) are promising alternatives to diesel fuel in some particular applications, e.g. electrification in remote areas and sustainable modernization of artisan fishing vessels. Moderate commercialization of SPOs is yet to be reali... Read More about Characterization of Lubricant Degeneration and Component Deterioration on Diesel Engine Fueling with Straight Plant Oil.

Thallium isotopes as tracers of recycled materials in subduction zones: Review and new data for lavas from Tonga-Kermadec and Central America (2017)
Journal Article
Nielsen, S., Prytulak, J., Blusztajn, J., Shu, Y., Auro, M., Regelous, M., & Walker, J. (2017). Thallium isotopes as tracers of recycled materials in subduction zones: Review and new data for lavas from Tonga-Kermadec and Central America. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 339, 23-40.

Sediment is actively being subducted in every convergent margin worldwide. Yet, geochemical data for arc lavas from several subduction zones, such as Northern Tonga and Costa Rica have revealed either attenuated or limited evidence for sediment in th... Read More about Thallium isotopes as tracers of recycled materials in subduction zones: Review and new data for lavas from Tonga-Kermadec and Central America.

Strength evolution of simulated carbonate-bearing faults: The role of normal stress and slip velocity (2017)
Journal Article
Mercuri, M., Scuderi, M. M., Tesei, T., Carminati, E., & Collettini, C. (2017). Strength evolution of simulated carbonate-bearing faults: The role of normal stress and slip velocity. Journal of Structural Geology, 109, 1-9.

A great number of earthquakes occur within thick carbonate sequences in the shallow crust. At the same time, carbonate fault rocks exhumed from a depth < 6 km (i.e., from seismogenic depths) exhibit the coexistence of structures related to brittle (i... Read More about Strength evolution of simulated carbonate-bearing faults: The role of normal stress and slip velocity.

3-D cross-gradient joint inversion of seismic refraction and DC resistivity data (2017)
Journal Article
Shi, Z., Hobbs, R. W., Moorkamp, M., Tian, G., & Jiang, L. (2017). 3-D cross-gradient joint inversion of seismic refraction and DC resistivity data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 141, 54-67.

We present a 3-D cross-gradient joint inversion algorithm for seismic refraction and DC resistivity data. The structural similarity between seismic slowness and resistivity models is enforced by a cross-gradient term in the objective function that al... Read More about 3-D cross-gradient joint inversion of seismic refraction and DC resistivity data.