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All Outputs (79)

Rapid early Miocene exhumation of the Ladakh batholith, western Himalaya (2006)
Journal Article
Kirstein, L., Sinclair, H., Stuart, F., & Dobson, K. (2006). Rapid early Miocene exhumation of the Ladakh batholith, western Himalaya. Geology, 34(12), 1049-1052.

Zircon, apatite (U-Th)/He, and apatite fission-track age data record a rapid cooling event in the Ladakh batholith of northwest India ca. 22 Ma. A combination of inverse and forward modeling of the data confirms this qualitative interpretation. Combi... Read More about Rapid early Miocene exhumation of the Ladakh batholith, western Himalaya.

Mineral-scale Sr isotope variation in plutonic rocks – a tool for unraveling the evolution of magma systems (2006)
Journal Article
Davidson, J., Font, L., Charlier, B., & Tepley, F. I. (2006). Mineral-scale Sr isotope variation in plutonic rocks – a tool for unraveling the evolution of magma systems. Transactions. Earth sciences, 97(4), 357-367.

Isotope ratios of elements such as Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf can be used as tracers of magmatic sources and processes. Analytical capabilities have evolved so that isotope ratios can now be analysed in situ, and isotopic tracers can therefore be used within... Read More about Mineral-scale Sr isotope variation in plutonic rocks – a tool for unraveling the evolution of magma systems.

Contamination of water supplies by volcanic ashfall: A literature review and simple impact modelling. (2006)
Journal Article
Stewart, C., Johnston, D., Leonard, G., Horwell, C., Thordarsson, T., & Cronin, S. (2006). Contamination of water supplies by volcanic ashfall: A literature review and simple impact modelling. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 158(3-4), 296-306.

Volcanic ash is the most widely-distributed product of explosive volcanic eruptions, and can disrupt vital infrastructure on a large scale. Previous studies of effects of ashfall on natural waters and water supplies have focused mainly on the consequ... Read More about Contamination of water supplies by volcanic ashfall: A literature review and simple impact modelling..

Stability of Lava Lakes (2006)
Journal Article
Witham, F., & Llewellin, E. (2006). Stability of Lava Lakes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 158(3-4), 321-332.

A physical model of a generic lava lake system is developed. We derive the requisite conditions for the existence of an ‘equilibrium lava lake’ in which magmastatic pressure at the base of the conduit balances the pressure in the underlying magmatic... Read More about Stability of Lava Lakes.

Early orogenic normal faults and their reactivation during thrust belt evolution: the Gubbio Fault case study, Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy) (2006)
Journal Article
De Paola, N., Mirabella, F., Barchi, M., & Burchielli, F. (2006). Early orogenic normal faults and their reactivation during thrust belt evolution: the Gubbio Fault case study, Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy). Journal of Structural Geology, 28(11), 1948-1957.

Foreland (early-orogenic) and hinterland (late-orogenic) extensional domains have been widely documented in the Northern Apennines, where they are synchronous with contraction in the active part of the fold and thrust belt. The progressive eastward m... Read More about Early orogenic normal faults and their reactivation during thrust belt evolution: the Gubbio Fault case study, Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy).

20th Century sea-level change along the eastern US: unravelling the contributions from steric changes, Greenland ice sheet mass balance and Late Pleistocene glacial loading (2006)
Journal Article
Wake, L., Milne, G., & Leuliette, E. (2006). 20th Century sea-level change along the eastern US: unravelling the contributions from steric changes, Greenland ice sheet mass balance and Late Pleistocene glacial loading. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 250(3-4), 572-580.

We have considered the influence of ocean temperature and salinity changes, mass changes of the Greenland ice sheet (GIS) and the isostatic response of the solid earth to the most recent glacial cycle on 20th century sea-level change along the US eas... Read More about 20th Century sea-level change along the eastern US: unravelling the contributions from steric changes, Greenland ice sheet mass balance and Late Pleistocene glacial loading.

New insights into the development of brittle shear fractures from a 3-D numerical model of microcrack interaction (2006)
Journal Article
Healy, D., Jones, R., & Holdsworth, R. (2006). New insights into the development of brittle shear fractures from a 3-D numerical model of microcrack interaction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 249(1-2), 14-28.

Existing models of brittle shear failure are unable to account for three-dimensional deformation involving the development of polymodal sets of fractures. Motivated by field observations of contemporaneous arrays of quadrimodal faults and deformation... Read More about New insights into the development of brittle shear fractures from a 3-D numerical model of microcrack interaction.

Numerical analysis of fold curvature using data acquired by high-precision GPS (2006)
Journal Article
Pearce, M., Jones, R., Smith, S., McCaffrey, K., & Clegg, P. (2006). Numerical analysis of fold curvature using data acquired by high-precision GPS. Journal of Structural Geology, 28(9), 1640-1646.

The maximum, minimum, Gaussian, and mean curvatures of a folded bedding surface are calculated from a high resolution data set. These data were collected using real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS and processed using commercially available software. The cur... Read More about Numerical analysis of fold curvature using data acquired by high-precision GPS.

Complex fault patterns, transtension and structural segmentation of the Lofoten Ridge, Norwegian Margin: using digital mapping to link onshore and offshore geology (2006)
Journal Article
Wilson, R., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., Jones, R., Welbon, A., & Roberts, D. (2006). Complex fault patterns, transtension and structural segmentation of the Lofoten Ridge, Norwegian Margin: using digital mapping to link onshore and offshore geology. Tectonics, 25(4),

An integrated onshore-offshore study involving regional to outcrop-scale fault analysis is used to develop a self-consistent structural model for transtension along the Lofoten Ridge. The Lofoten-Vesterålen archipelago (LVA) is a segmented basement h... Read More about Complex fault patterns, transtension and structural segmentation of the Lofoten Ridge, Norwegian Margin: using digital mapping to link onshore and offshore geology.

Influence of rheology on realignment of mantle convective structure with plate motion after a plate reorganization (2006)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., & Zhong, S. (2006). Influence of rheology on realignment of mantle convective structure with plate motion after a plate reorganization. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7(8),

Small-scale convection (SSC) rolls below the oceanic lithosphere have the tendency to align with the large-scale shearing direction and thus with the plate motion direction relative to the deep mantle. Understanding the timescales of and processes re... Read More about Influence of rheology on realignment of mantle convective structure with plate motion after a plate reorganization.

Do nitrogen inputs stimulate dissolved organic carbon production in upland peat bogs? (2006)
Journal Article
Worrall, F., Burt, T., & Adamson, J. (2006). Do nitrogen inputs stimulate dissolved organic carbon production in upland peat bogs?. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20(3),

This study uses a 10-year record of precipitation, soil, and stream concentration of nutrient and carbon species from an upland peat catchment to examine whether or not changes in nutrient inputs can explain long-term increases in DOC flux from peat.... Read More about Do nitrogen inputs stimulate dissolved organic carbon production in upland peat bogs?.

Stable hydrogen-isotope ratios in beetle chitin: preliminary European data and re-interpretation of North American data (2006)
Journal Article
Gröcke, D., Schimmelmann, A., Elias, S., & Miller, R. (2006). Stable hydrogen-isotope ratios in beetle chitin: preliminary European data and re-interpretation of North American data. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(15-16), 1850-1864.

Beetle exoskeletons contain chitin, a poly amino-sugar that is biosynthesized incorporating hydrogen isotopes from diet and water. As the stable isotope ratios D/H (or 2H/1H, expressed as δD values) of precipitation and diet are jointly influenced by... Read More about Stable hydrogen-isotope ratios in beetle chitin: preliminary European data and re-interpretation of North American data.

The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation. (2006)
Journal Article
Horwell, C., & Baxter, P. (2006). The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation. Bulletin of Volcanology, 69(1), 1-24.

Studies of the respiratory health effects of different types of volcanic ash have been undertaken only in the last 40 years, and mostly since the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980. This review of all published clinical, epidemiological and toxicolog... Read More about The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation..

Seismic reflection images of the Moho underlying melt sills at the East Pacific Rise (2006)
Journal Article
melt sills at the East Pacific Rise. Nature, 442, 287-290.

The determination of melt distribution in the crust and the nature of the crust–mantle boundary (the ‘Moho’) is fundamental to the understanding of crustal accretion processes at oceanic spreading centres. Upper-crustal magma chambers have been image... Read More about Seismic reflection images of the Moho underlying melt sills at the East Pacific Rise.

Impact of 3-D Earth structure on Fennoscandian glacial isostatic adjustment: Implications for space-geodetic estimates of present-day crustal deformations (2006)
Journal Article
Whitehouse, P., Latychev, K., Milne, G. A., Mitrovica, J. X., & Kendall, R. (2006). Impact of 3-D Earth structure on Fennoscandian glacial isostatic adjustment: Implications for space-geodetic estimates of present-day crustal deformations. Geophysical Research Letters, 33,

The importance of including lateral Earth structure in the analysis of Fennoscandian glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) is investigated using a finite volume numerical formulation. Comparing output from radially-varying 1-D Earth models and models wh... Read More about Impact of 3-D Earth structure on Fennoscandian glacial isostatic adjustment: Implications for space-geodetic estimates of present-day crustal deformations.

Garnets from the Camafuca-Camazambo kimberlite (Angola) (2006)
Journal Article
Correia, E., & Laiginhas, F. (2006). Garnets from the Camafuca-Camazambo kimberlite (Angola). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 78(2), 309-315.

This work presents a geochemical study of a set of garnets, selected by their colors, from the CamafucaCamazambo kimberlite, located on northeast Angola. Mantle-derived garnets were classified according to the scheme proposed by Grütter et al. (2004)... Read More about Garnets from the Camafuca-Camazambo kimberlite (Angola).

Switches in the minimum compressive stress direction induced by overpressure beneath a low-permeability fault zone (2006)
Journal Article
Collettini, C., De Paola, N., & Goulty, N. (2006). Switches in the minimum compressive stress direction induced by overpressure beneath a low-permeability fault zone. Terra Nova, 18(3), 224-231.

The Zuccale fault is a gently east-dipping normal fault exposed on Elba. Its displacement of 7—8 km occurred from the mid-Miocene to the early Pliocene and the fault has been exhumed from 3—6 km depth. A complex hydrofracture system exposed in the fo... Read More about Switches in the minimum compressive stress direction induced by overpressure beneath a low-permeability fault zone.