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All Outputs (55)

Introduction (2018)
Book Chapter
Andújar, R., Coward, T. R., & Hadjimichael, T. A. (2018). Introduction. In R. Andújar, T. R. Coward, & T. A. Hadjimichael (Eds.), Paths of Song: The Lyric Dimension of Greek Tragedy (1-15). De Gruyter.

Latin inscriptions and the eighteenth-century art-market (2018)
Book Chapter
Barron, C. (2018). Latin inscriptions and the eighteenth-century art-market. In A. Guzmán, & J. Martinez (Eds.), Animo Decipiendi: Rethinking fakes and authorship in Classical, Late Antique, & Early Christian Works (265-285). Barkhuis

Knowledge Exchange and Classical Outreach (2018)
Book Chapter
Jackson, L. C. (2018). Knowledge Exchange and Classical Outreach. In M. Musié, A. Holmes-Henderson, S. Hunt, & E. Searle (Eds.), Forward with Classics Classical Languages in Schools and Communities (33-36). Bloomsbury

Platone, Teeteto (2018)
Capra, A., & Trabattoni, F. (2018). Platone, Teeteto

Voices of the dead: Hades narratives in the Odyssey and Bacchylides’ Ode 5 (2018)
Journal Article
Gazis, G. (2018). Voices of the dead: Hades narratives in the Odyssey and Bacchylides’ Ode 5. Trends in Classics, 10(2), 285-305.

This article identifies the influence of the Homeric ‘Poetics of Hades’ in Greek Lyric and argues for an aetiological relationship between the persistent presentation of the lyric poet’s subjective voice and the freedom of speech introduced in Homer’... Read More about Voices of the dead: Hades narratives in the Odyssey and Bacchylides’ Ode 5.