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All Outputs (14)

Plato's Lysis (2005)
Penner, T., & Rowe, C. (2005). Plato's Lysis. Cambridge University Press

The Lysis is one of Plato's most engaging but also puzzling dialogues; it has often been regarded, in the modern period, as a philosophical failure. The full philosophical and literary exploration of the dialogue illustrates how it in fact provides a... Read More about Plato's Lysis.

The Transvestite Achilles: Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid (2005)
Heslin, P. (2005). The Transvestite Achilles: Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid. Cambridge University Press.

Statius' Achilleid is a playful, witty, and open-ended epic in the manner of Ovid. As we follow Achilles' metamorphosis from wild boy to demure girl to lover to hero, the poet brilliantly illustrates a series of contrasting codes of behavior: male an... Read More about The Transvestite Achilles: Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid.

Homer: The Resonance of Epic (2005)
Graziosi, B., & Haubold, J. (2005). Homer: The Resonance of Epic. Duckworth

This book offers a new approach to the study of Homeric epic by combining ancient Greek perceptions of Homer with up-to-date scholarship on traditional poetry. Part I argues that, in the archaic period, the Greeks saw the lliad and Odyssey neither as... Read More about Homer: The Resonance of Epic.

Feuding or the Rule of Law? The Nature of Litigation in Classical Athens. An Essay in Legal Sociology (2005)
Book Chapter
Harris, E. (2005). Feuding or the Rule of Law? The Nature of Litigation in Classical Athens. An Essay in Legal Sociology. In M. Gargarin, & R. Wallace (Eds.), Symposion 2001 : Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Evanston, Illinois, 5.- 8. September 2001) = Papers on Greek and Hellenistic legal history (Evanston, Illinois, September 5-8, 2001) (125-142). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Alcinous, Didaskalikos 4: In Defence of Dogmatism (2005)
Book Chapter
Boys-Stones, G. (2005). Alcinous, Didaskalikos 4: In Defence of Dogmatism. In M. Bonazzi, & V. Celluprica (Eds.), L'eredità platonica : Studi sul platonismo da Arcesilao a Proclo (201-234). Bibliopolis