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All Outputs (387)

Voices of the dead: Hades narratives in the Odyssey and Bacchylides’ Ode 5 (2018)
Journal Article
Gazis, G. (2018). Voices of the dead: Hades narratives in the Odyssey and Bacchylides’ Ode 5. Trends in Classics, 10(2), 285-305.

This article identifies the influence of the Homeric ‘Poetics of Hades’ in Greek Lyric and argues for an aetiological relationship between the persistent presentation of the lyric poet’s subjective voice and the freedom of speech introduced in Homer’... Read More about Voices of the dead: Hades narratives in the Odyssey and Bacchylides’ Ode 5.

Hellenistic Pythagorean Epistemology (2018)
Journal Article
De Cesaris, G., & Horky, P. S. (2018). Hellenistic Pythagorean Epistemology. Lexicon philosophicum, 2018(Special issue : Hellenistic theories of knowledge), 221-262

The paper offers a running commentary on ps-Archytas’ On Intellect and Sense Perception, with the aim to provide a clear description of Hellenistic/post-Hellenistic Pythagorean epistemology. Through an analysis of the process of knowledge and of the... Read More about Hellenistic Pythagorean Epistemology.

Panhellenism without Imperialism? Athens and the Greeks before and after Chaeronea (2018)
Journal Article
Low, P. (2018). Panhellenism without Imperialism? Athens and the Greeks before and after Chaeronea. Historia, 67(4), 454-471.

This article explores the shifting definition(s) of Panhellenism in fourth century Athenian political discourse, and argues that the flexibility of the concept can help to explain how the Athenians are able to continue to utilise this idea in their p... Read More about Panhellenism without Imperialism? Athens and the Greeks before and after Chaeronea.

"Die Etymologiae des Isidor von Sevilla als Fachtext" (2018)
Journal Article
Fögen, T. (2018). "Die Etymologiae des Isidor von Sevilla als Fachtext". Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 28(1), 1-31

For a long time, Isidore of Seville’s Etymologiae have been not been read for their own sake; instead, they have for the most part been exploited for details on linguistic issues and Realia. This article deals with the Etymologiae as a technical text... Read More about "Die Etymologiae des Isidor von Sevilla als Fachtext".

Making Sense of the Soul’s Numbers. Middle Platonist Readings of Plato’s Divisio Animae (2018)
Journal Article
Petrucci, F. (2019). Making Sense of the Soul’s Numbers. Middle Platonist Readings of Plato’s Divisio Animae. Apeiron, 52(1), 65-92.

The aim of this paper is to show that a new approach to Middle Platonist technical exegesis is both necessary and profitable, for it can shed light on the deep philosophical and methodological background of Middle Platonist exegesis as a whole. Throu... Read More about Making Sense of the Soul’s Numbers. Middle Platonist Readings of Plato’s Divisio Animae.

Menschen und Tiere in den Kaiserviten Suetons (2018)
Journal Article
Fögen, T. (2018). Menschen und Tiere in den Kaiserviten Suetons. Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft (Internet), 41, 93-124

The ancient biographical tradition, mainly represented by writers such as Nepos, Suetonius, Plutarch and the authors of the Historia Augusta, has been the subject of classical studies for a long time. Most investigations have focused on the analysis... Read More about Menschen und Tiere in den Kaiserviten Suetons.

Eveno di Paro fra Protagora, Gorgia e Platone. (2018)
Journal Article
Capra, A. (2018). Eveno di Paro fra Protagora, Gorgia e Platone. Méthexis, 30(1), 25-35.

Evenus of Parus plays a surprisingly important role in Plato’s account of the life and death of Socrates: in both the Apology and the Phaedo he works as a negative foil for the philosopher at two key moments, namely when he converts, respectively, to... Read More about Eveno di Paro fra Protagora, Gorgia e Platone..

Iamblichus’ Investiture of Pythagoras (2018)
Journal Article
De Cesaris, G. (2018). Iamblichus’ Investiture of Pythagoras. Méthexis, 30(1), 175-196.

The paper draws a parallel between Iamblichus’ presentation of Pythagoras in the first lines of On the Pythagorean Way of Life, and Aristotle’s presentation of Thales in Metaphysics A. Although the texts present two different accounts of the origins... Read More about Iamblichus’ Investiture of Pythagoras.

Hippodamus of Miletus and the Character of the Athenian Dikastic Oath (Arist. Pol. 2.8) (2018)
Journal Article
Dahl Sørensen, A. (2018). Hippodamus of Miletus and the Character of the Athenian Dikastic Oath (Arist. Pol. 2.8). Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies, 58(3), 324-348

Aristotle’s discussion of Hippodamus’ proposal of a reformed legal procedure implies that the Athenian dikasts’ oath to vote “in accordance with justice” was not understood to be restricted to exceptional cases.