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Empire, community, and culture on the Middle Euphrates: Durenes, Palmyrenes, villagers, and soldiers (2017)
Journal Article
Kaizer, T. (2017). Empire, community, and culture on the Middle Euphrates: Durenes, Palmyrenes, villagers, and soldiers. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 60.1, 63-95.

The focus of this paper is on the Middle Euphrates: Dura-Europos as its best-known urban settlement; a series of villages known mostly from two papyrological dossiers situated along the river; and the military stations on the Euphrates. The paper ask... Read More about Empire, community, and culture on the Middle Euphrates: Durenes, Palmyrenes, villagers, and soldiers.

Review of Jean-Pierre Aygon, Ut scaena, sic vita: mise en scène et dévoilement dans les oeuvres philosophiques et dramatiques de Sénèque. Chorégie: études, 1. Paris: Éditions de Boccard, 2016. Pp. 395. ISBN 9782701804255. €59.00 (pb) (2017)
Journal Article
Bexley, E. (2017). Review of Jean-Pierre Aygon, Ut scaena, sic vita: mise en scène et dévoilement dans les oeuvres philosophiques et dramatiques de Sénèque. Chorégie: études, 1. Paris: Éditions de Boccard, 2016. Pp. 395. ISBN 9782701804255. €59.00 (pb). Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Article 2017.04.49

THE EROTIC FRAGMENTS OF ANACREON. (G.M.) Leo (ed., trans.) Anacreonte: i frammenti erotici. Testo, commento e traduzione. (Quaderni 18.) Pp. viii + 239. Rome: Edizioni Quasar, 2015. Paper, €31. ISBN: 978-88-7140-603-9. (2017)
Journal Article
Capra, A. (2017). THE EROTIC FRAGMENTS OF ANACREON. (G.M.) Leo (ed., trans.) Anacreonte: i frammenti erotici. Testo, commento e traduzione. (Quaderni 18.) Pp. viii + 239. Rome: Edizioni Quasar, 2015. Paper, €31. ISBN: 978-88-7140-603-9. Classical Review, 67(2), 327-328.

The Early Reception of Pliny the Younger in Tertullian of Carthage and Eusebius of Caesarea (2017)
Journal Article
Corke-Webster, J. (2017). The Early Reception of Pliny the Younger in Tertullian of Carthage and Eusebius of Caesarea. Classical Quarterly, 67(1), 247-262.

In 1967 Alan Cameron published a landmark article in this journal, ‘The fate of Pliny's Letters in the late Empire’. Opposing the traditional thesis that the letters of Pliny the Younger were only rediscovered in the mid to late fifth century by Sido... Read More about The Early Reception of Pliny the Younger in Tertullian of Carthage and Eusebius of Caesarea.

The Afterlife of Greek Comedy in Roman Times - Marshall (C.W.), Hawkins (T.) (edd.) Athenian Comedy in the Roman Empire. Pp. vi + 295. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. Paper, £25.99 (Cased, £90). ISBN: 978-1-4725-8883-8 (978-1-4725-8884-5 hbk) (2017)
Journal Article
Miles, S. (2017). The Afterlife of Greek Comedy in Roman Times - Marshall (C.W.), Hawkins (T.) (edd.) Athenian Comedy in the Roman Empire. Pp. vi + 295. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. Paper, £25.99 (Cased, £90). ISBN: 978-1-4725-8883-8 (978-1-4725-8884-5 hbk). Classical Review, 67(2), 1-3.

Gattungsvielfalt in den Briefen des Jüngeren Plinius: Episteln im Spannungsfeld von ethischer Unter­weisung und literarischer Pluridimensionalität (2017)
Journal Article
Fögen, T. (2017). Gattungsvielfalt in den Briefen des Jüngeren Plinius: Episteln im Spannungsfeld von ethischer Unter­weisung und literarischer Pluridimensionalität. Gymnasium (Heidelberg), 124(1), 21-60

Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet anhand einiger ausgewählter Beispiele, in welcher Weise Plinius sich die flexible Natur der Epistolographie zunutze macht, um verschiedene etablierte literarische Gattungen in die von ihm gewählte Briefform umzugießen. Beson... Read More about Gattungsvielfalt in den Briefen des Jüngeren Plinius: Episteln im Spannungsfeld von ethischer Unter­weisung und literarischer Pluridimensionalität.

A new inscription from Liverpool and its afterlife: World Museum Liverpool (2016)
Journal Article
Liddel, P., & Low, P. (2016). A new inscription from Liverpool and its afterlife: World Museum Liverpool Hermathena, 200-201,

We publish here the first edition of a fragmentary Greek inscription on marble which has been held in the museum storerooms of Liverpool since 1885. It is interpreted as a decree of an unknown body honouring an individual, Mnasarchos, for his assista... Read More about A new inscription from Liverpool and its afterlife: World Museum Liverpool

Thought as Internal Speech in Plato and Aristotle (2016)
Journal Article
Duncombe, M. (2016). Thought as Internal Speech in Plato and Aristotle. Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse, 19,

Scholars often assert that Plato and Aristotle share the view that discursive thought (dianoia) is internal speech (TIS). However, there has been little work to clarify or substantiate this reading. In this paper I show Plato and Aristotle share some... Read More about Thought as Internal Speech in Plato and Aristotle.

The Spectrum of Animal Rationality in Plutarch (2016)
Journal Article
Horky, P. S. (2017). The Spectrum of Animal Rationality in Plutarch. Apeiron, 50(1), 103-133.

Thanks to the work of Stephen Newmyer, Plutarch’s importance for modern philosophical debates concerning animal rationality and rights has been brought to the forefront. But Newmyer’s important scholarship overlooks Plutarch’s commitment to a range o... Read More about The Spectrum of Animal Rationality in Plutarch.

Review of Oedipus in Seneca - Braund (S.) Seneca: Oedipus. Pp. viii + 163. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. Paper, £16.99 (Cased, £50). ISBN: 978-1-4742-3478-8 (978-1-4722-3479-5 hbk) (2016)
Journal Article
Bexley, E. (2017). Review of Oedipus in Seneca - Braund (S.) Seneca: Oedipus. Pp. viii + 163. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. Paper, £16.99 (Cased, £50). ISBN: 978-1-4742-3478-8 (978-1-4722-3479-5 hbk). Classical Review, 67(1), 105-106.

The future of Palmyrene studies (2016)
Journal Article
Kaizer, T. (2016). The future of Palmyrene studies. Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series, 29, 924-931

Recognition and the Character of Seneca's Medea (2016)
Journal Article
Bexley, E. (2016). Recognition and the Character of Seneca's Medea. The Cambridge Classical Journal, 62, 31-51.

This article examines the character and identity of Seneca's Medea. Focusing on the recognition scene at the end of the play, I investigate how Medea constructs herself both as a literary figure and as an implied human personality. The concluding sce... Read More about Recognition and the Character of Seneca's Medea.

“Giocare alla città”: discorsi e pedine nella «Repubblica» (2016)
Journal Article
Capra, A. (2016). “Giocare alla città”: discorsi e pedine nella «Repubblica». Annali della Facoltà di Studi Umanistici dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, 69, 41-45.

Fra i giochi praticati dagli antichi Greci la pesseia, ossia gioco/giochi da tavolo con ciottoli-pedine (pessoi), presenta a mio avviso uno statuto del tutto particolare. Se le fonti erudite ne trattano insieme a una serie di altri giochi e quindi ne... Read More about “Giocare alla città”: discorsi e pedine nella «Repubblica».