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All Outputs (134)

The Khandaq Shapur: Defense, Irrigation, Boundary, Frontier (2021)
Journal Article
de Gruchy, M., Jotheri, J., Alqaragholi, H., Al-Janabi, J., Alabdan, R., Al-Talaqani, H., …Al-Rubaye, H. (2021). The Khandaq Shapur: Defense, Irrigation, Boundary, Frontier. Land, 10(10), Article 1017.

Khandaq Shapur has been named one of the great barriers of the ancient world, but very little is known about the monumental-scale linear feature. This interdisciplinary paper brings together archaeologists and historians to present (1) an updated his... Read More about The Khandaq Shapur: Defense, Irrigation, Boundary, Frontier.

The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect (2021)
Journal Article
Posth, C., Zaro, V., Spyrou, M. A., Vai, S., Gnecchi-Ruscone, G. A., Modi, A., …Krause, J. (2021). The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect. Science Advances, 7(39),

The origin, development, and legacy of the enigmatic Etruscan civilization from the central region of the Italian peninsula known as Etruria have been debated for centuries. Here we report a genomic time transect of 82 individuals spanning almost two... Read More about The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect.

Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal (2021)
Journal Article
Feuerborn, T. R., Carmagnini, A., Losey, R. J., Nomokonova, T., Askeyev, A., Askeyev, I., …Frantz, L. (2021). Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(39), Article e2100338118.

Dogs have been essential to life in the Siberian Arctic for over 9,500 y, and this tight link between people and dogs continues in Siberian communities. Although Arctic Siberian groups such as the Nenets received limited gene flow from neighboring gr... Read More about Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal.

Multiple hominin dispersals into Southwest Asia over the past 400,000 years (2021)
Journal Article
Groucutt, H. S., White, T. S., Scerri, E. M., Andrieux, E., Clark-Wilson, R., Breeze, P. S., …Petraglia, M. D. (2021). Multiple hominin dispersals into Southwest Asia over the past 400,000 years. Nature, 597(7876),

Pleistocene hominin dispersals out of, and back into, Africa necessarily involved traversing the diverse and often challenging environments of Southwest Asia1,2,3,4. Archaeological and palaeontological records from the Levantine woodland zone documen... Read More about Multiple hominin dispersals into Southwest Asia over the past 400,000 years.

The Temporality of Stone: Late Prehistoric Sculpture in Iberia (2021)
Book Chapter
Díaz-Guardamino, M. (2021). The Temporality of Stone: Late Prehistoric Sculpture in Iberia. In S. Hüglin, A. Gramsch, & L. Seppänen (Eds.), Petrification Processes in Matter and Society (99-113). Springer Verlag.

Late prehistoric standing stones, decorated stelae and statue-menhirs in Iberia could be linked to processes of consolidation, such as boundary formation or the creation of collective identities. Nonetheless, the materiality and temporality of stone... Read More about The Temporality of Stone: Late Prehistoric Sculpture in Iberia.

Cultural Heritage Destruction during the Islamic State's Genocide against the Yazidis (2021)
Book Chapter
Fobbe, S., Navrouzov, N., Hopper, K., Khudida Burjus, A., Philip, G., Nawaf, M. G., …Mishko, F. (2021). Cultural Heritage Destruction during the Islamic State's Genocide against the Yazidis. In J. Rehman, A. Shahid, & S. Foster (Eds.), The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (111-114). Brill Academic Publishers.

Discussions of the 2014 genocide committed by the Islámic Státe ágáinst the E zidî s (álso known ás 'Yázidis' or 'Yezidis') háve generálly focused on murder, slávery ánd sexuál exploitátion. In this páper we ánályze the destruction of E zidî tángible... Read More about Cultural Heritage Destruction during the Islamic State's Genocide against the Yazidis.

Assessing How Representation of the Roman Past Impacts Public Perceptions of the Province of Britain (2021)
Journal Article
Hingley, R. (2021). Assessing How Representation of the Roman Past Impacts Public Perceptions of the Province of Britain. Public Archaeology, 18(4), 241-260.

There is a lack of detailed research into the attitudes of the public in Britain to the Roman past. Information and views about the Roman period are communicated to people in the UK through education at school and also by the media (TV, films, the In... Read More about Assessing How Representation of the Roman Past Impacts Public Perceptions of the Province of Britain.

Illness and inclusion: Mobility histories of adolescents with leprosy from Anglo‐Scandinavian Norwich (Eastern England) (2021)
Journal Article
Filipek, K. L., Roberts, C. A., Gowland, R. L., Montgomery, J., & Evans, J. A. (2021). Illness and inclusion: Mobility histories of adolescents with leprosy from Anglo‐Scandinavian Norwich (Eastern England). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 31(6), 1180-1191.

Leprosy is one of the most notorious diseases in history, widely associated with social stigma and exclusion. This study builds on previous work to reevaluate the medicohistorical evidence for social stigma in relation to leprosy. This is achieved by... Read More about Illness and inclusion: Mobility histories of adolescents with leprosy from Anglo‐Scandinavian Norwich (Eastern England).

Archaeological discoveries and research of the Shang Period in Shandong Province (山东地区商时期考古发现与研究) (2021)
Book Chapter
方辉, H. F., & 宋晓航, X. S. (2021). Archaeological discoveries and research of the Shang Period in Shandong Province (山东地区商时期考古发现与研究). In W. W. 王伟光, & W. W. 王巍 (Eds.), One Hundred Years of Chinese Archaeology 1921-2021 中国考古学百年史(1921-2021) (1564-1578). China Social Sciences Press 中国社会科学出版社

Human mobility in a Bronze Age Vatya ‘urnfield’ and the life history of a high-status woman (2021)
Journal Article
Cavazzuti, C., Hajdu, T., Lugli, F., Sperduti, A., Vicze, M., Horváth, A., …Kiss, V. (2021). Human mobility in a Bronze Age Vatya ‘urnfield’ and the life history of a high-status woman. PLoS ONE, 16(7),

In this study, we present osteological and strontium isotope data of 29 individuals (26 cremations and 3 inhumations) from Szigetszentmiklós-Ürgehegy, one of the largest Middle Bronze Age cemeteries in Hungary. The site is located in the northern par... Read More about Human mobility in a Bronze Age Vatya ‘urnfield’ and the life history of a high-status woman.

The value of English geoconservation sites in understanding historical collections of lower and middle palaeolithic artefacts (2021)
Journal Article
Dale, L., Rawlinson, A., Bridgland, D., & White, M. (online). The value of English geoconservation sites in understanding historical collections of lower and middle palaeolithic artefacts. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association,

Lower and Middle Paleolithic archaeological sites in England risk falling through the cracks between different types of heritage conservation, since they lack recognisable structures; these sites have often benefitted from protection under geoconserv... Read More about The value of English geoconservation sites in understanding historical collections of lower and middle palaeolithic artefacts.

Time to be nosy: Evaluating the impact of environmental and sociocultural changes on maxillary sinusitis in the Middle Nile Valley (Neolithic to Medieval periods) (2021)
Journal Article
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Roberts, C. A., & Antoine, D. (2021). Time to be nosy: Evaluating the impact of environmental and sociocultural changes on maxillary sinusitis in the Middle Nile Valley (Neolithic to Medieval periods). International Journal of Paleopathology, 34, 182-196.

Taphonomy of an excavated striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) den in Arabia: implications for paleoecology and prehistory (2021)
Journal Article
Stewart, M., Andrieux, E., Clark-Wilson, R., Vanwezer, N., Blinkhorn, J., Armitage, S. J., …Groucutt, H. S. (2021). Taphonomy of an excavated striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) den in Arabia: implications for paleoecology and prehistory. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13(8), Article 139.

Studies of modern carnivore accumulations of bone (i.e., neo-taphonomy) are crucial for interpreting fossil accumulations in the archaeological and paleontological records. Yet, studies in arid regions have been limited in both number and detailed ta... Read More about Taphonomy of an excavated striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) den in Arabia: implications for paleoecology and prehistory.

The earliest Chinese ceramics in Europe? (2021)
Journal Article
Gutiérrez, A., Gerrard, C., Zhang, R., & Wang, G. (2021). The earliest Chinese ceramics in Europe?. Antiquity, 95(383), 1213-1230.

The importation of Chinese porcelain and celadon into Europe has long been thought to have first begun around the thirteenth century AD. A unique group of Chinese ceramic sherds from archaeological contexts in Spain dated to between the ninth and ele... Read More about The earliest Chinese ceramics in Europe?.

The pot, knife and the ring: an archaeology of later medieval material culture (2021)
Book Chapter
Gerrard, C., & O'Donnell, R. (2021). The pot, knife and the ring: an archaeology of later medieval material culture. In M. Müller (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Medieval Rural Life. London: Routledge.

During the Middle Ages most people lived in the countryside. The residents of towns and elite sites and consumers of high-culture and high-art remained a minority, though they grew in numbers throughout the period. The mass of rural people features o... Read More about The pot, knife and the ring: an archaeology of later medieval material culture.