Tatiana R. Feuerborn
Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal
Feuerborn, Tatiana R.; Carmagnini, Alberto; Losey, Robert J.; Nomokonova, Tatiana; Askeyev, Arthur; Askeyev, Igor; Askeyev, Oleg; Antipina, Ekaterina E.; Appelt, Martin; Bachura, Olga P.; Beglane, Fiona; Bradley, Daniel G.; Daly, Kevin G.; Gopalakrishnan, Shyam; Murphy Gregersen, Kristian; Guo, Chunxue; Gusev, Andrei V.; Jones, Carleton; Kosintsev, Pavel A.; Kuzmin, Yaroslav V.; Mattiangeli, Valeria; Perri, Angela R.; Plekhanov, Andrei V.; Ramos-Madrigal, Jazmín; Schmidt, Anne Lisbeth; Shaymuratova, Dilyara; Smith, Oliver; Yavorskaya, Lilia V.; Zhang, Guojie; Willerslev, Eske; Meldgaard, Morten; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.; Larson, Greger; Dalén, Love; Hansen, Anders J.; Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S.; Frantz, Laurent
Alberto Carmagnini
Robert J. Losey
Tatiana Nomokonova
Arthur Askeyev
Igor Askeyev
Oleg Askeyev
Ekaterina E. Antipina
Martin Appelt
Olga P. Bachura
Fiona Beglane
Daniel G. Bradley
Kevin G. Daly
Shyam Gopalakrishnan
Kristian Murphy Gregersen
Chunxue Guo
Andrei V. Gusev
Carleton Jones
Pavel A. Kosintsev
Yaroslav V. Kuzmin
Valeria Mattiangeli
Angela R. Perri
Andrei V. Plekhanov
Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal
Anne Lisbeth Schmidt
Dilyara Shaymuratova
Oliver Smith
Lilia V. Yavorskaya
Guojie Zhang
Eske Willerslev
Morten Meldgaard
M. Thomas P. Gilbert
Greger Larson
Love Dalén
Anders J. Hansen
Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding
Laurent Frantz
Dogs have been essential to life in the Siberian Arctic for over 9,500 y, and this tight link between people and dogs continues in Siberian communities. Although Arctic Siberian groups such as the Nenets received limited gene flow from neighboring groups, archaeological evidence suggests that metallurgy and new subsistence strategies emerged in Northwest Siberia around 2,000 y ago. It is unclear if the Siberian Arctic dog population was as continuous as the people of the region or if instead admixture occurred, possibly in relation to the influx of material culture from other parts of Eurasia. To address this question, we sequenced and analyzed the genomes of 20 ancient and historical Siberian and Eurasian Steppe dogs. Our analyses indicate that while Siberian dogs were genetically homogenous between 9,500 to 7,000 y ago, later introduction of dogs from the Eurasian Steppe and Europe led to substantial admixture. This is clearly the case in the Iamal-Nenets region (Northwestern Siberia) where dogs from the Iron Age period (∼2,000 y ago) possess substantially less ancestry related to European and Steppe dogs than dogs from the medieval period (∼1,000 y ago). Combined with findings of nonlocal materials recovered from these archaeological sites, including glass beads and metal items, these results indicate that Northwest Siberian communities were connected to a larger trade network through which they acquired genetically distinctive dogs from other regions. These exchanges were part of a series of major societal changes, including the rise of large-scale reindeer pastoralism ∼800 y ago.
Feuerborn, T. R., Carmagnini, A., Losey, R. J., Nomokonova, T., Askeyev, A., Askeyev, I., Askeyev, O., Antipina, E. E., Appelt, M., Bachura, O. P., Beglane, F., Bradley, D. G., Daly, K. G., Gopalakrishnan, S., Murphy Gregersen, K., Guo, C., Gusev, A. V., Jones, C., Kosintsev, P. A., Kuzmin, Y. V., …Frantz, L. (2021). Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(39), Article e2100338118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2100338118
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Jul 30, 2021 |
Online Publication Date | Sep 20, 2021 |
Publication Date | 2021-09 |
Deposit Date | Nov 17, 2021 |
Publicly Available Date | Nov 18, 2021 |
Journal | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
Print ISSN | 0027-8424 |
Electronic ISSN | 1091-6490 |
Publisher | National Academy of Sciences |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 118 |
Issue | 39 |
Article Number | e2100338118 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2100338118 |
Public URL | https://durham-repository.worktribe.com/output/1224162 |
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