The Development of Corporate Web-Sites and implications for Ethical, Social and Environmental Reporting through these Media.
Adams, C., & Frost, G. (2004). The Development of Corporate Web-Sites and implications for Ethical, Social and Environmental Reporting through these Media. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
All Outputs (13)
Accounting and Liberation Theology: Some Insights for the Project of Emancipatory Accounting (2004)
Journal Article
Haslam, J., & Gallhofer, S. (2004). Accounting and Liberation Theology: Some Insights for the Project of Emancipatory Accounting. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 17(3), 382 - 407
Reply to Critique of Accounting and Emancipation: Some Good Questions, Some Inappropriate Targets? (2004)
Journal Article
Haslam, J., & Gallhofer, S. (2004). Reply to Critique of Accounting and Emancipation: Some Good Questions, Some Inappropriate Targets?
Accountability, completeness, credibility and the audit expectations gap. (2004)
Journal Article
Adams, C., & Evans, R. (2004). Accountability, completeness, credibility and the audit expectations gap
The ethical, social and environmental reporting - performance portrayal gap. (2004)
Journal Article
Adams, C. (2004). The ethical, social and environmental reporting - performance portrayal gap. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 17(5), 731-757.
Corporate Internet Reporting by Bombai SE Sensex Companies. (2004)
Journal Article
Abdelsalam, O., Street, D., & Bryant, S. (2004). Corporate Internet Reporting by Bombai SE Sensex Companies. Indian Accounting Review, 8(2), 1-18
Triple bottom line reporting. (2004)
Adams, C. (2004). Triple bottom line reporting
Measurement in UK accounting standards: a case of increasing disharmony in relation to US GAAP and IASs. (2004)
Book Chapter
Weetman, P., Jones, E., Adams, C., & Gray, S. (2004). Measurement in UK accounting standards: a case of increasing disharmony in relation to US GAAP and IASs. In C. Nobes (Ed.), Developments in International Accounting: International Harmonization of Accounting. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham
Voluntary guidelines: are they enough to sustain the environment? (2004)
Zutshi, A., & Adams, C. (2004). Voluntary guidelines: are they enough to sustain the environment?
Reducing the burden of US GAAP reconciliations by foreign companies listed in the US: the key question of materiality. (2004)
Book Chapter
Adams, C., Weetman, P., Jones, E., & Fray, S. (2004). Reducing the burden of US GAAP reconciliations by foreign companies listed in the US: the key question of materiality. In C. Nobes (Ed.), Developments in International Accounting: General Issues and Classification. Edward Elgar Publishing
Triple bottom line reporting: a review of the literature. (2004)
Book Chapter
Adams, C., Frost, G., & Webber, W. (2004). Triple bottom line reporting: a review of the literature. In A. Henriques, & J. Richardson (Eds.), The Triple Bottom Line: Does it all Add Up? (17-25). Earthscan
Reporting and the politics of difference: (non)disclosure on ethnic minorities. (2004)
Journal Article
Adams, C., & McPhail, K. (2004). Reporting and the politics of difference: (non)disclosure on ethnic minorities. Abacus: A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies, 40(3), 405-435. article is based on two related research questions. First, what is the level of disclosure on ethnic minorities in the two sectors of the U.K. economy that historically have employed the most ethnic minorities: the banking and retail sectors? An... Read More about Reporting and the politics of difference: (non)disclosure on ethnic minorities..
The necessary characteristics of environmental auditors: A review of the contribution of the financial auditing profession (2004)
Journal Article
Dixon, R., Mousa, G., & Woodhead, A. (2004). The necessary characteristics of environmental auditors: A review of the contribution of the financial auditing profession. Accounting Forum, 28(2), 119-138. business community faces many pressures from the green consumer, environmental groups, employees and investors to accept its environmental accountabilities and to provide information about its environmental performance. This information is becomi... Read More about The necessary characteristics of environmental auditors: A review of the contribution of the financial auditing profession.